grado 225 transformation

Sep 22, 2005 at 11:19 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 39


Headphoneus Supremus
Apr 13, 2005
I have had sr225s for about 4 months. I alternate btwn the 225s and senn
hd 595s with a portable source most of the time. All of the sudden, the
Grados have mellowed, smoothed out and have lost their "shrillness". This
is after about 200 hrs. After the 100 hr breakin they sounded nothing, and I mean nothing, like this. They have moved a little toward the 595s with more
sparkle and punch. I am shocked!
Sep 22, 2005 at 11:23 PM Post #2 of 39
And is that a good or a bad thing?

Btw, how you guys can put the 225's for more than an hour straight on your head? my ears are so sore after 30 minutes, that I almost cried once
Sep 22, 2005 at 11:58 PM Post #8 of 39
you can't be too new if you are into Grado headphones. Todd's flats are
replacements for the bowls that come with your 225s and many feel add the
bass they are looking for. they do take away some soundstage. The cost is
Sep 23, 2005 at 12:14 AM Post #10 of 39
Interristing. So "bowls" is the term used to describe the foam around the cans?

Weird that it said: "The original Grado pads! Yes, these are the original flat pads from Grado Labs.". It means to imply that the pads that ship with the new grados are not "original"?

Sorry if I am not making any sens.
Sep 23, 2005 at 12:18 AM Post #11 of 39
original on the older grados, the new signature series, 225s, 325s etc all have
bowls with the manufacturer feels are superior to the older flats that used to come with grados. even todd has stated that he feels the bowls are better but many and i mean many in these forums prefer flats for the reasons stated above. i am not one of them
Sep 23, 2005 at 12:19 AM Post #12 of 39

Originally Posted by dw6928
you can't be too new if you are into Grado headphones.

Hey be careful about saying stuff like that, some of us started with Grado cans (and never turned back
). I have also had some of my freinds compare my SR80's to a set of triports that were nearby (unfair, I know, but they were the only other non-iBud headphones around) and they are going strait to the Grado brand.
Sep 23, 2005 at 12:19 AM Post #13 of 39

Originally Posted by A3ntar
Interristing. So "bowls" is the term used to describe the foam around the cans?

Weird that it said: "The original Grado pads! Yes, these are the original flat pads from Grado Labs.". It means to imply that the pads that ship with the new grados are not "original"?

Sorry if I am not making any sens.

Yeah, the "original" grados used to ship with flat pads long time ago! John Grado then changed all the flat pads to bowl pads which are the ones that come as stock on most grado's these days. TTVJ is the only place you can still find the "original" flat pads.
Sep 23, 2005 at 12:22 AM Post #14 of 39
LOL, the truth is that I am really a wannabe guitar player. I bought the 225's because I felt they were good for solo practice on the electric guitar. The only things i have to say is that the highs are too high ( almost hissy ),not enough bass and they are uncomftable. If these pads can fix these problems, i am more then happy.
Sep 23, 2005 at 12:29 AM Post #15 of 39

Originally Posted by A3ntar
LOL, the truth is that I am really a wannabe guitar player. I bought the 225's because I felt they were good for solo practice on the electric guitar. The only things i have to say is that the highs are too high ( almost hissy ),not enough bass and they are uncomftable. If these pads can fix these problems, i am more then happy.

Check out the Sennheiser HD 414 replacement pads also, as they are less than 1/3 the price. You can cut a hole in the center of them, and they will have a similar effect to the Todd Flats. (The 414 pads can be got from Sennheiser USA, or if you live in another country, from most Senn authorized dealers).

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