Dec 1, 2002 at 8:15 AM Post #62 of 137
Thanks Lou, I plan to start listening to them as soon as I get back home. I will be leaving right after that for four more days, so they will be running all that time to break-in even more. After the return from that trip they will ahve totally settled in, and should provide for some serious istening at that point in time!!

Keep on enjoying and keep the posts coming!! Your enthusiasm is infectious, as are your spending habits!!!
Dec 1, 2002 at 8:17 AM Post #63 of 137

Keep on enjoying and keep the posts coming!! Your enthusiasm is infectious, as are your spending habits!!!

I'll second that! But of course, if you do find something that doesn't make you think that they are the best headphones in the world, please do post on it. As far as I know there are no truly perfect headphones.


I'm definitely looking forward to your impressions of the W1000 as well. Seeing that they aren't a lot more expensive than the A1000, I'm considering them too.
Dec 1, 2002 at 8:25 AM Post #65 of 137

I believe that your listening/musical tastes will determine which of these cans are for you. The wooden series is more laid back with sweeter mids, while the A series are more forward and aggressive sounding. Neither is probably "better", just trying to do something the other one doesn't a little better. Great marketing idea that was!!!!!
Dec 1, 2002 at 8:26 AM Post #66 of 137

Could this be why I fell in love with every girl I ever meet?

Probably, yes.

How are they comfort-wise? Do the pads get hot?


I believe that your listening/musical tastes will determine which of these cans are for you. The wooden series is more laid back with sweeter mids, while the A series are more forward and aggressive sounding.

I think you are right about that, and my music tastes tend towards rock, so I'm thinking that the A1000 would be better for me, but still, I like hearing impressions of new headphones.
Dec 1, 2002 at 8:40 AM Post #67 of 137

Originally posted by radrd
I like hearing impressions of new headphones.

Hence the empty wallet!!!!!
Dec 1, 2002 at 8:56 AM Post #69 of 137

Originally posted by radrd
Damn, you could be my shrink!

Maybe we should start a new section of the forum called Head-Fi Therapy.

The only question would be: who frequents this site AND would be qualified to give out advice to other spend happy head-fi folks??????
Dec 1, 2002 at 9:07 AM Post #70 of 137

The only question would be: who frequents this site AND would be qualified to give out advice to other spend happy head-fi folks??????

I guess instead of "Head-Fi Therapy", Jude would have to rename it "Head-Fi Hippocritical Words of Wisdom."
Dec 1, 2002 at 9:11 AM Post #71 of 137
Yeah, the only time someone would reco that you not buy something is when THEY wanted to buy it instead!!!! Kinda like, thanks for letting me know about the good deal, but be strong and let this go. Excuse me, I gotta make a phone call!!!!!
Dec 1, 2002 at 9:17 AM Post #72 of 137
LOL. You and I are having virtually the same discussion in two different threads in two different sections of the forum!
Dec 1, 2002 at 9:59 AM Post #73 of 137

Originally posted by wallijonn
heck, Darkwolf I can do that right now without hearing them:

bass doesn't extend as far down as the Senn, but it is more impactful, slight lower midrange prescence, forward articulate midrange, not flat, a slight hump at about 800 Hz, soundstage is great, grado like highs, sharp transients. vocals don't sound veiled. overall sweet sound. sounds a lot like beyer dt831's with a slight more midrange forward projection, and smoother highs. slight blurring of high frequency instruments. acoustic guitars sound great. slight sound decay issue.

how's that?

Just reading this, on the first page... has put me off of the idea of getting the ATs... one thing I HATE about Grados... is their treble

Sorry folks

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