got my go-vibe v4!!!
Jan 19, 2006 at 9:44 PM Post #16 of 26

Originally Posted by socrates63
Except for the positions of the knob and jacks, it looks exactly like my Portaphile v2^2. Anyone know if they are using the same off the shelf casing?

Jan 20, 2006 at 1:39 AM Post #17 of 26

Originally Posted by socrates63
The changs you mentioned.. are you comparing the v4 to the v3 Go-Vibe?

I believe it's between stock output of the 5G iPod and the output of the iPod+GoVibe4 combo.
Jan 20, 2006 at 2:10 AM Post #18 of 26
Can anyone post some internal (circuit board) pictures of Go-Vibe V4, if it does not violate Norm's policy? I want to see what makes it tick and how easy (or hard) changing the op-amp.
Jan 20, 2006 at 2:13 AM Post #19 of 26

Originally Posted by vo328
I believe it's between stock output of the 5G iPod and the output of the iPod+GoVibe4 combo.



Originally Posted by SK138
Can anyone post some internal (circuit board) pictures of Go-Vibe V4, if it does not violate Norm's policy? I want to see what makes it tick and how easy (or hard) changing the op-amp.

on the go-vibe website - there used to be pictures of the internals (i think) but there is a guide to rolling op-amps although there's only a picture of different opamps
Jan 20, 2006 at 2:16 AM Post #20 of 26
Should be close to the V2, which is *very* easy to change opamps... nothing much in the way of fingers. This is in stark contrast to the Home-Vibe, which was a major PITA as far as swapping opamps.
Jan 20, 2006 at 2:26 AM Post #21 of 26
The previous model, the V3, had gallery section but there are no internal shots other than just pictures of the op-amps for the current V4 model.


Originally Posted by kukrisna
on the go-vibe website - there used to be pictures of the internals (i think) but there is a guide to rolling op-amps although there's only a picture of different opamps

Jan 20, 2006 at 11:40 AM Post #22 of 26
I've a Go-Vibe 4 coming, too. With AD8397, obviously.
Jan 20, 2006 at 5:02 PM Post #23 of 26
Good Day Good Sir's.

Which OP-amp do you think I should get, I have the Beyerdynamic DT531 and planning to buy Shure E4C. I have a much varied taste of music, stretches from classical to rap to jazz, almost everything except heavy metal. Do you think I will notice much difference If I choose a more expensive OP-amp than the original ?
Maybe someone have got both the Dt531 and the Go-vibe ?

Appreciate any help !

/ Anders
Jan 20, 2006 at 5:47 PM Post #24 of 26

Originally Posted by kukrisna
Hey All,

Got my Go-Vibe v4 today (w/AD8620 op-amp installed). Obviously it's not burned in yet but I'm doing initial listening tests now anyway (first headphone amp..heh) with ALAC files on a 5g ipod > sik ram din > go-vibe v4 > shure e4 system.

The first major changes I noticed is that the sound is a bit more "alive" (forward i guess?), the bass is a lot more present, the sound is generally fuller, the highs still have their detail but are a bit smoother, and there's a bit more space and resolution to the sound.

But yeah - I'm loving it!

did your go vibe come in your mail box or did you have to go to the post office?
Jan 21, 2006 at 4:40 AM Post #25 of 26
Anyone having problems with the power switch on the bottom? I'm a bit concerned about that, since if I get a V4, it's going to be in my pocket most of the time, and the power switch could be a bit vulnerable.
Jan 21, 2006 at 5:20 AM Post #26 of 26

Originally Posted by familyman
did your go vibe come in your mail box or did you have to go to the post office?

mail - i wasnt home though (my parents took it) - it was a cube shaped box


Originally Posted by azncookiecutter
Anyone having problems with the power switch on the bottom? I'm a bit concerned about that, since if I get a V4, it's going to be in my pocket most of the time, and the power switch could be a bit vulnerable.

yeah im not so sure about it's sturdiness - it's been in my vest pocket the past few days without a problem - it seems pretty solid - but it's also sideways - i dont know how it'd be in my jeans for example where it'd be straight down or up, etc.

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