good flash-based (or durable HD) player with mp3 encoding?
Jan 31, 2005 at 7:37 AM Post #16 of 16

Originally Posted by Jmmmmm
Are you saying that you want to take an mp3 (or whatever), load it from the computer to the iriver, and then later put the file back onto the computer? if this is what youre asking, then as far as I know, you can do that. I don't know of any reason why you wouldn't be able to do this with any player, as long as the file is not protected, which i have no experience with. As long as the computer has the iriver software on it, I think you can do whatever you want.

My Pogo won't let me upload my OWN recordings from the recorder back to the computer. I can upload them when they're first recorded, of course, but once they've BEEN on the computer and I put them BACK on the player, I can't upload it to the computer again.

(source) ---> [PLAYER] -----> [COMPUTER] = ok

[COMPUTER] ----> [PLAYER] .... then...
[PLAYER] ---(/)----> [COMPUTER] doesn't work

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