Gleam Audio / NiceHCK DZ9 (1 + 8) Discussion Thread
Dec 14, 2016 at 11:51 PM Post #25 of 81
I've been listening to the DZ8's a lot and they are very, very nice. 2 BA drivers that deliver amazingly textured and slamless, fatigue free bass that is tight like
your average 2 BA like ATH-02 or Rockit Sounds R50 etc. There is no mid bass bloat and mid-bass and sub-bass levels sound really even. Sub bass extension dosn't go as low as SW3
or push any air but does great for BA bass. Say if SW3 sub bass goes down to 30HZ then it sounds like the DZ8'S bass goes down to 70 or 80HZ if I were to guess.
2 Mid drivers that at this stage does not make the mids forward or recessed to my ears. Not slightly forward like the DZ9. 
Sibilance is nowhere to be heard with these or the DZ9's. 2 BA for highs and 2 BA's for ultra highs, the highs, like the mids don't sound enhanced or recessed and extend well.
Never sounding harsh, they are polite but not lacking. Detail levels are off the charts from bass to highs and soundstage is very large with separation and imaging killer as well.
Definately soundstage size is amongst the biggest I've heard, especially height.
This iem is another winner like the DZ9, very similar technical levels and the main difference is the mids not as forward as DZ9 and the BA bass of DZ8 has no slam which makes 
listening for hours easy as warm American pie. DZ8 is not warm and smooth and not cool or clinical sounding. Just clean and transparent, so much so that you could test DAC's with them.
No dips or peaks that I can hear. I'm cooking up a review of the DZ8's but I am very impressed with Gleam Handwork Design. Its 2/2 so far.
Jan 10, 2017 at 11:50 PM Post #26 of 81
Just a small psa for anyone that orders these through HCK: my DZ9's sounded awful when they first arrived. Congested and terrible. BUT!! It wasn't the iem's fault. It was the supplied CABLE. 
Immediately after changing the cable to another one I had...WOW, the real sound came through.
So I tore the cable down to figure out what was wrong, and it looked like the Left and Right were soldered together at the plug, which meant the cable was passing a mono signal instead of a stereo. I listened to some solely "left" clips and verified that the sound through the original cable was mono. 
It's a simple fix if you have a soldering iron. Just take off the leads and solder them to a new plug. I read about some people hating the supplied cable, and mentioning being disappointed in their DZ7's because it had a congested sound. Well, they most definitely have an issue with their cable like I did.
The supplied cable is really nice once fixed.
Also, HCK sent me a replacement cable before I realized what was wrong. so good on them.
And thanks for the review! I wouldn't have reached audio Nirvana at a steal of a price without it. 
Jan 22, 2017 at 10:17 PM Post #28 of 81
Guys could you inform us more about the IEMs and preferably tell us what IEMs you've heard before that bests them? I have a preference for hybrid IEMs in general such as UM Maverick, XBA Z5 etc and these, along with some others such as IT03 have me interested. 
Jan 23, 2017 at 12:10 AM Post #29 of 81
  Guys could you inform us more about the IEMs and preferably tell us what IEMs you've heard before that bests them? I have a preference for hybrid IEMs in general such as UM Maverick, XBA Z5 etc and these, along with some others such as IT03 have me interested. 

They are technically better than anything I've heard, (see my profile), all of those have little problems with the sound. Too much or too little of this and that or a treble spike etc.
The Gleam 8 + 1 is a clinical iem which is like a midcentric and bigger etymotic. I try to stay objective and my tastes aside the 8 + 1 does no wrong. Like an Ety it adds very little to no warmth to the sound so it stays cool and clinical. Its treble extension is good but rolls of high enough to satisfy but not fatigue. Same with the lows, just enough sub bass to stop it from sounding anaemic.
Some of the tightest hybrid bass I've ever heard. This is a mid centric reference iem. I am now using them with Aune M1S and to my ears the M1S dosnt add warmth which leaves these DZ9's very cool and clean, they sound most like the Audio Technica CK100 from memory. I enjoyed the CK100 for a long time but eventually sold it because it was a bit intimate. The midrange of the DZ9 is stelllar like the CK100 but the DZ9 does not feel closed in. This is going from memory of course so take it as so.
Having said that, I cannot imagine someone that likes mid-centric sound or someone that likes iems with neutral / balanced sound not loving these.

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