Giveaway for head-fi noobs: Your first set-up! (Minibox-CL and Portapro)
Feb 11, 2007 at 9:20 PM Post #49 of 168
Very generous of you to give away your stuff.

I feel this would be better off going to someone else, so please dont include me in the draw. Not sure about some of the people who have entered this though....
Feb 11, 2007 at 10:30 PM Post #51 of 168

Originally Posted by Graphicism /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Awesome Giveaway jdimitri, very nice of you!

Shame to the following head-fi'ers who are just trying to get something for nothing, you cheap skates!

jinp6301 -

SoundGoon -

stewtheking -

MaZa -

xenithon -


beetle-juice -

Aflac -

yea i definately dont need this, but my brother defintely does. Hes still using stock ipod/sony earbuds

also, i dont think I have as much gear/disposable income as some of the others here (poor college kid who cant afford pizza due to head-fi).
*cough* morph201 went through like every piece of high end gear in 6 months *cough*

not to flame you, morph, I just chose a random person who wasnt on the
Feb 11, 2007 at 10:59 PM Post #53 of 168

I'm still a portable noob...
That sounded better in my head.
Feb 12, 2007 at 12:49 AM Post #54 of 168



3 for good luck am I right?

I need any type of amp I can get. (Well maybe not those crappy radio shack boostaroos.)

I have a pair of ksc75's, but i don't really like the clip-on style, so the portapro's headband style would suit me much better.

edit: oh yes, if I do win, i'll pay you back somehow. maybe through an oink invite. if you don't know what it is, then use google for it. I think you'll like OiNK for what it offers...
Feb 12, 2007 at 1:26 AM Post #58 of 168

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