Gaming setup based on DT-880's?
Jul 8, 2006 at 11:02 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 28


1000+ Head-Fier
Sep 16, 2005
I'm planning on using my DT-880's with an X-fi > MG Head OTL for both games and music. How will this setup perform for gaming? I am slightly concerned about the ability of the DT-880's to seperate sounds, and also the size of the soundstage. My amp comes on Monday I think so I can't wait to try it out.
Jul 8, 2006 at 11:39 AM Post #2 of 28
The DT880s offer a very good gaming experience. That's all I can say.

They have a nice, wide soundstage, if that's what you're looking for, and to me, they are my primary gaming/music cans as they can sit on your head comfortably while gaming for hours and hours.
Jul 8, 2006 at 11:58 AM Post #3 of 28
I hate my DT 880 for gaming. Maybe due to their large soundstage they don't work at all with the X-Fi's CMSS-3D. In addition, they are a little bass shy, if you want some oomph in games. I'd rather recommend HD 595 or DT 770 for gaming. My 595s work perfectly with CMSS-3D.
Jul 8, 2006 at 1:22 PM Post #4 of 28

Originally Posted by Jbucla2005
I am slightly concerned about the ability of the DT-880's to seperate sounds, and also the size of the soundstage. My amp comes on Monday I think so I can't wait to try it out.

Ability to separate sounds? The sound separation of DT880's is excellent. I've used my DT880 for gaming since I got them, first without an amp and later with an amp. Some could say they sound airy and maybe they even do, but I've liked them so far.

Well, I already described something on the other thread here so you might want to check it out.
Jul 8, 2006 at 2:31 PM Post #5 of 28

Originally Posted by EvilDwarf
I hate my DT 880 for gaming. Maybe due to their large soundstage they don't work at all with the X-Fi's CMSS-3D. In addition, they are a little bass shy, if you want some oomph in games. I'd rather recommend HD 595 or DT 770 for gaming. My 595s work perfectly with CMSS-3D.


I love them for gaming. I used to use them out of an Extreme Musiic X-Fi, but now it's a Presonus Firebox. the important thing is thhey are comfortable and you forget they are on. CMSS is a terrible terrible thing. Also, if you are not already aware, the "Headphone" setting the X-Fi has is NOT something that should be used with good headphones. It lifts up the gain, and scoops the mids out to make low quality cans sound better, so just use the 2/2.1 setting and forget about the headphone thing.

EDIT: Realised I barely answered the question..

The DT880's greatest stregnths are seperation, detail and clarity, so you should be quite happy with the setup. If for some terrible reason you want lots of bass, then you will hate them. 880's have clean deep bass, but its certainly not prominent.
Jul 8, 2006 at 4:24 PM Post #6 of 28

Originally Posted by HypnoLobster

I love them for gaming. I used to use them out of an Extreme Musiic X-Fi, but now it's a Presonus Firebox. the important thing is thhey are comfortable and you forget they are on. CMSS is a terrible terrible thing. Also, if you are not already aware, the "Headphone" setting the X-Fi has is NOT something that should be used with good headphones. It lifts up the gain, and scoops the mids out to make low quality cans sound better, so just use the 2/2.1 setting and forget about the headphone thing.

EDIT: Realised I barely answered the question..

The DT880's greatest stregnths are seperation, detail and clarity, so you should be quite happy with the setup. If for some terrible reason you want lots of bass, then you will hate them. 880's have clean deep bass, but its certainly not prominent.

Thanks for the comments. Wasn't sure about the headphone vs. 2.1, thanks for clearing that up for me. I am looking forward to trying my DT-880's with gaming when my MG Head arrives.
Jul 8, 2006 at 4:35 PM Post #7 of 28
I've used the DT880's on my last lanparty, together with the corda aria. My friends were a bit surprised that that massive box was my soundcard, but I enjoyed it very much. Oh got slaughters like hell, but that happens most of the time
Jul 8, 2006 at 11:11 PM Post #8 of 28

Originally Posted by HypnoLobster

I love them for gaming. I used to use them out of an Extreme Musiic X-Fi, but now it's a Presonus Firebox. the important thing is thhey are comfortable and you forget they are on. CMSS is a terrible terrible thing. Also, if you are not already aware, the "Headphone" setting the X-Fi has is NOT something that should be used with good headphones. It lifts up the gain, and scoops the mids out to make low quality cans sound better, so just use the 2/2.1 setting and forget about the headphone thing.

EDIT: Realised I barely answered the question..

The DT880's greatest stregnths are seperation, detail and clarity, so you should be quite happy with the setup. If for some terrible reason you want lots of bass, then you will hate them. 880's have clean deep bass, but its certainly not prominent.

I'm not sure you know, what you are talking about. CMSS-3D is real multichannel surround simulation in games. Of course, I never use this for listening to music. In fact, I never use my X-Fi for music.

Also: What point is there for a headphone lover in buying an X-Fi, if you don't use CMSS-3D? You might as well get a $20 chaintech.
Jul 9, 2006 at 12:27 AM Post #9 of 28

Originally Posted by EvilDwarf
Also: What point is there for a headphone lover in buying an X-Fi, if you don't use CMSS-3D? You might as well get a $20 chaintech.

For starters, that $20 chaintech will not support anything higher than EAX 2.0. With EAX3.0/HD there is little need for that sound distorting CMSS-3D in games, even though it could be a little more difficult to pinpoint the sound if it's coming from front/behind.

Of course there are better soundcards for music only but there are zero cards capable of doing what X-Fi can do in games, with or without cmms-3d or EAX 3.0 or higher.
Jul 9, 2006 at 3:56 AM Post #10 of 28

Originally Posted by Jbucla2005
Thanks for the comments. Wasn't sure about the headphone vs. 2.1, thanks for clearing that up for me. I am looking forward to trying my DT-880's with gaming when my MG Head arrives.

hey, can u tell us ur experience(s)with the dt880s when u game?
Recently, that was my first choice for hardcore gaming+high quality music, but not much people say it's good for what I want them for:/ I'll be glad to hear more support for the dt880's for gaming

O btw, which dt880 u have, the old dt880? Or the dt880'05/e?




Originally Posted by HypnoLobster
880's have clean deep bass, but its certainly not prominent.

hey Hypnolobster

Have you tried the dt880's with bf2? That's definitely one game to see if the dt880's bass is adequate or not

Despite what most people are telling me to get for games+music(a900 or dt770), I find the dt880 for 200$( shipping inc.) a VERY attractive deal. Otherwise it's the a900, for 200$ shipping included. The dt880 should be better in every respect vs the a900s, maybe except how much bass I hear/feel in games. Hard decision:/ I'm going to reread your posts about the dt880s in my thread Renzo, just to make me lean more towards that can
Jul 9, 2006 at 4:03 AM Post #11 of 28
With all due respect and a lot of personal experience, there are many many headphones much better than the DT880 for gaming. The DT880 simply doesn't have the chops in the right places.
Jul 9, 2006 at 4:04 AM Post #12 of 28

Originally Posted by denl82
hey, can u tell us ur experience(s)with the dt880s when u game?
Recently, that was my first choice for hardcore gaming+high quality music, but not much people say it's good for what I want them for:/ I'll be glad to hear more support for the dt880's for gaming

O btw, which dt880 u have, the old dt880? Or the dt880'05/e?



hey Hypnolobster

Have you tried the dt880's with bf2? That's definitely one game to see if the dt880's bass is adequate or not


I have the old DT-880's. Didn't work too well with the LD2 so I'm going to try again with the MG Head. I'm playing Call of Duty: United Offensive. FWIW I completely disable CMSS3D, EAX, and everything else. Although EAX 3 is not too bad in COD 2, I don't like it in COD 1. I am not crazy about tons of bass, the most important thing to me is being able to hear where the enemy is!

If this doesn't work out too well, I'm probably going HD-650.
Jul 9, 2006 at 4:14 AM Post #13 of 28

Originally Posted by Jbucla2005
If this doesn't work out too well, I'm probably going HD-650.

Due to funky soundstage and poor positioning vs. other headphones, the HD-650 is also a poor headphone for gaming.

Get a DT770-80 or an ATH A900 or A900LTD.
Jul 9, 2006 at 4:54 AM Post #14 of 28

Originally Posted by Mercuttio
With all due respect and a lot of personal experience, there are many many headphones much better than the DT880 for gaming. The DT880 simply doesn't have the chops in the right places.


Sorry dude, for some reason I've been fascinated with the dt880s

I even had this dream once: I was at the north/center control point in Songhua Stalemate, and a helicopter was like 40 feet away and 20 feet above me. I was listening to the heli's rotors and remarked, "WoW, GREAT F'N SOUNDSTAGE!
" It sounded* like the sound of the heli's rotors filled the area/air between me and the aircraft, instead of how it normally sounds, an instance of sound coming from one particular spot in the distance (Hope I'm not losing you
). Guess what? In the dream, I had a new pair of dt880's on

I guess the logical side of me says go with the a900s, and the irrational me says "TRY THE DT880'S KID!
" Dunno, the a900 definitely beats out since it's mentioned SO much for gaming+music, but I'm still eager to hear pro-dt880+gaming opinions=)

*Best way I can describe it. Of course, It's just a dream! Hehe. But...=)

*edit* Eh I do sound silly persisting with the dt800s eh?=)
Jul 9, 2006 at 9:46 AM Post #15 of 28

Originally Posted by Mercuttio
Due to funky soundstage and poor positioning vs. other headphones, the HD-650 is also a poor headphone for gaming.

Get a DT770-80 or an ATH A900 or A900LTD.

I've used both with faming, A900 LTD and DT880, and I honestly don't see what's the big deal with using the A900 LTD. The DT880 does everything very well. To be honest, you're much better off considering other factors for gaming, because pretty much any headphone will do it right. For me, even though everything else does it right, it gets a bonus due to larger soundstage and a large field-like feeling. Are you really going to concentrate on minute details of bass / mids / treble in gaming? That, to me is highly unimportant (the tonal character), unless it's a pair of el cheapo cans with +50 db on a certain frequency range.

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