funny radio shack visit
Jan 30, 2006 at 1:05 AM Post #17 of 41

Originally Posted by robertburchell
btw, i work at radioshack

Just as in any business, there are those who know, and those who don't. You'll find good people in every endeavor. I managed a Radio Shack store back in the old days and gave good advice to my customers, and educated the workers. It was hard, thankless work, for the most part, trying to guide consumers to the right decisions. A few appreciated it, most did not.
Jan 30, 2006 at 1:06 AM Post #18 of 41

Originally Posted by Canon
I cringe sometimes when i'm in Futureshop, BestBuy etc. and I hear the salesman talking about computer peripherals... Some of these guys know so little it's scary. I know some literally will pick the box up off the shelf, read it and then basically give the customer a summary.

Ugh.. yes. The girl I was/is/maybe seeing and I were in futureshop this past spring, looking for a wireless card for her laptop. The salesman did exactly that. (She found him and asked before I knew she was looking for one) I just put my hand on her back and said to her "let's just go".

I know it's not always their fault. I work in a garden center in the summer, I know the fine art of BS. But it's fun to get a laugh out of it at least.
Jan 30, 2006 at 1:23 AM Post #19 of 41
just to make myself clear, i am by no means trying to down those of you who work at RS, i just thought it was funny how much this guy didnt know
like other people have said, there are some people who know what they're talking about, some people who dont, some who "dumb" it down so the technology impaired can understand
Jan 30, 2006 at 4:45 AM Post #20 of 41

Originally Posted by ZMstephen21
just to make myself clear, i am by no means trying to down those of you who work at RS, i just thought it was funny how much this guy didnt know
like other people have said, there are some people who know what they're talking about, some people who dont, some who "dumb" it down so the technology impaired can understand

It's not really about how much they know, its only about upping the dollar amount on the ticket.
Jan 30, 2006 at 4:59 AM Post #21 of 41
I can't stand going into Best Buy anymore. I am big into computers and although I buy most of my stuff online now from or a similar site every so often I like to go out and look at things on the shelves or once a Blue Moon I might actually find something equal to the price I'd buy it online in which case I'd purchase it. Anytime I'm over in the pc hardware section one of several salemen come over to me and ask me if I need any help. When I tell them no they spend the next 15 minutes stalking me which makes it very uncomfortable to look at anything.

Funniest part is every now and then I overhear them helping other customers around me and 99% of what they say is BS. I feel like interupting them and helping the customers myself lol.
Jan 30, 2006 at 8:00 AM Post #22 of 41

Originally Posted by j0j081
Funniest part is every now and then I overhear them helping other customers around me and 99% of what they say is BS. I feel like interupting them and helping the customers myself lol.

My sentiments EXACTLY. I've actually forced myself to do it on occassion out of pure "What were these guys fed"-itis... or something.
Jan 30, 2006 at 8:30 AM Post #23 of 41
I worked at Best Buy for almost two years.
I worked in media, (Music, Movies, Games) The managment at best buy has one concern, sales numbers and percentages. They hassel the employees soooo much about it too. At least where I worked and from what I heard we were a more easy going Best Buy. I remember main goals being to sell accessories in my department and others because the margin of profit is much higher on those things vs most everything else, and to sell warrenties because of course, its free money to them half the time and a lot of other times they can easily fix something or dodge a warrenty. We were basically told to lie and tell costumers how they needed this and that and how a warrenty aka "replacement or service plan" (since the term warrenty is looked down upon by the average consumer who realizes most of the scamming, Best Buy decided to try and hide it by using this dumb name)

I also remember them not really teaching any employee anything about the products they would be selling, just more focused on sales techniques going way in debth on why selling warrenties was so awesome and how GOOD! they were for the customer. I already knew a TON about music and plenty about movies and games to help everyone who would enter my area, I know a good amount about sound and computers too and could help in those areas, but some people knew fuuck all. It was sick to me how people totally didn't care if they were getting the customer the right thing or just trying to make their numbers at the end of the night better...

The worst part? The numbers didn't do **** for us employees, no commison to speak of, the only incentive of selling things was to not have the managers riding your ass all night aobut raising accessory/warrenty sales or special offers like NETFLIX or ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY! so dumb. NEVER work there, everyone I know thinks/thought it would be such a nice job for someone who was 16 like I was when I started, no, no its not... It's not a nice job for anyone unless maybe you are in loss prevention, and that is overall boring.
Jan 30, 2006 at 8:32 AM Post #24 of 41

Originally Posted by robertburchell
hey now ! were not all like that lol.. well very few of us retail sales people...

I find that when you try to recomend a good product to customers most of the time, they dont beleive you and contiune to look at crap.. I.E. everytime i recomend the px100's to people looking for portable cans, they always seem to say, mah, i think id rather take these rca or sonys that cost 5$ less.. some people..

You guys sell the PX100's?
Jan 30, 2006 at 4:19 PM Post #25 of 41

Originally Posted by Tones
I worked at Best Buy for almost two years.
I worked in media, (Music, Movies, Games) The managment at best buy has one concern, sales numbers and percentages. They hassel the employees soooo much about it too. At least where I worked and from what I heard we were a more easy going Best Buy. I remember main goals being to sell accessories in my department and others because the margin of profit is much higher on those things vs most everything else, and to sell warrenties because of course, its free money to them half the time and a lot of other times they can easily fix something or dodge a warrenty. We were basically told to lie and tell costumers how they needed this and that and how a warrenty aka "replacement or service plan" (since the term warrenty is looked down upon by the average consumer who realizes most of the scamming, Best Buy decided to try and hide it by using this dumb name)

I also remember them not really teaching any employee anything about the products they would be selling, just more focused on sales techniques going way in debth on why selling warrenties was so awesome and how GOOD! they were for the customer. I already knew a TON about music and plenty about movies and games to help everyone who would enter my area, I know a good amount about sound and computers too and could help in those areas, but some people knew fuuck all. It was sick to me how people totally didn't care if they were getting the customer the right thing or just trying to make their numbers at the end of the night better...

The worst part? The numbers didn't do **** for us employees, no commison to speak of, the only incentive of selling things was to not have the managers riding your ass all night aobut raising accessory/warrenty sales or special offers like NETFLIX or ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY! so dumb. NEVER work there, everyone I know thinks/thought it would be such a nice job for someone who was 16 like I was when I started, no, no its not... It's not a nice job for anyone unless maybe you are in loss prevention, and that is overall boring.

Hm, and a big part of their advertisement is "No commission, no pressure to buy". In fairness, however, while I absolutely agree on the incredible ineptitude of the vast majority of such retail staff, at least the service at our local Best Buy was adequate. Ignorant and incompetent? Yes, but when they recognize your infinitely superior knowledge they at least have the intelligence to shut up and search for their usually misplaced stock.
Jan 30, 2006 at 4:27 PM Post #26 of 41
I don't think sales people have ever really tried to sway my purchase too much. I must give off a 'I know what I'm doing, stay out of my way' vibe... or I'm just lucky.
Jan 30, 2006 at 4:34 PM Post #27 of 41
When I'm in the Apple store or Best Buy, I actually DO interrupt the sales person to give advice about things I know about. Much of the time (mostly headphone related) I tell them to do their shopping elsewhere. Clerks hate that, but what can they do?
Jan 30, 2006 at 5:19 PM Post #28 of 41

Originally Posted by jbloudg20
It's not really about how much they know, its only about upping the dollar amount on the ticket.

Depends upon the ethics of the individual.
Jan 30, 2006 at 5:34 PM Post #29 of 41

Originally Posted by kwkarth
Depends upon the ethics of the individual.

Hardly, for that is what they get paid for. Ethics doesn't matter, when you need the job, you do what is told.
Jan 30, 2006 at 5:54 PM Post #30 of 41

Originally Posted by jbloudg20
Hardly, for that is what they get paid for. Ethics doesn't matter, when you need the job, you do what is told.

Ethics ALWAYS matter. The amount of money involved does not matter. Look at Enron.

I did what was right, not necessisarily what I was told. In the long run, that will lead, and has led to more success for the company and the individual.

Even though I've moved on from Tandy, I still live by trying always to do what's right, and encourage others to do the same.

It pays off in the long run. You sleep beter, you can look at yourself in the mirror every morning, no matter how ugly you are, etc...

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