Frequencys/Songs with "effect" on the human body
May 24, 2024 at 4:32 PM Post #211 of 447
So sayeth the man who only calls names.
Go away. You have nothing to contribute and your joke has gotten too old to be entertaining.
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May 24, 2024 at 4:39 PM Post #212 of 447
Sorry, but it’s not incumbent on me to prove my claims …
Of course it is! If you don’t know what “burden of proof” is and how it applies to the claimant in science, then you don’t know what science is, and why are you posting in a science discussion forum if you don’t know what science is? It’s even explained in bold on the landing page of this subforum!!

May 24, 2024 at 4:58 PM Post #215 of 447
You are giving me nothing to work with. Usually rage trolling has some sort of bait and they make an effort to look like they’re engaged in the conversation. You’re not very good at this. Let one of your pals take over. You’re benched.
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May 24, 2024 at 5:16 PM Post #216 of 447
Of course it is! If you don’t know what “burden of proof” is and how it applies to the claimant in science, then you don’t know what science is, and why are you posting in a science discussion forum if you don’t know what science is? It’s even explained in bold on the landing page of this subforum!!

The burden of proof thing is an old wives’ tale. Didn’t you get the memo? Are you challenging my credentials? Wow, you guys work fast.
May 24, 2024 at 7:00 PM Post #218 of 447
The burden of proof thing is an old wives’ tale.
So that’s a “No” then, you don’t know what science is! Now that’s funny!
Unless of course you’re lying, do know what science is and you are just trolling. Baring in mind you’re a snake oil salesman, how many guesses do you think we need?

May 24, 2024 at 8:30 PM Post #220 of 447
He’s play-acting. He doesn’t believe what he says.
May 25, 2024 at 6:19 AM Post #221 of 447
Getting back to the acoustic Schumann frequency, another thing I experimented with is isolation of my iPad that plays the 7.83Hz iscochronic tine, a pulse of higher frequency clicks is what it sounds like, not too loud, not loud enough to hear with headphones on, barely loud enough to gear without headphones on, a very weak signal. Inaudible with my sealed ear headphones on. Back in early 2000s when Schumann frequency was a thing, reviewers and customers reported the devices should be isolated mechanically for best results and that the device was sensitive to placement. So I built an isolation stand from glass and leaded crystal, resonant frequency about 1.5 Hz. The resonant frequency must be very low since the Schumann resonance is very low, the isolation stand acts as a low pass filter with 6 dB per octave characteristic. Thus, there would be significant reduction in transmission of vibration from the floor at the critical frequency 7.83Hz. To cut to the chase, my best results are when the iPad on the glass iso stand is three feet away and two feet lower than my head. It’s like sitting in front of full range electrostatics driven by the world class electronics and cables. Of course my system is a modest portable Sony headphone system.

But I’ve saved the biggest thing for last. The boys in the lab have been keeping busy lo these past six months, they have stumbled on a completely new technology, this should be very interesting to all you science types,but more about that later, my Super quantum demagnetizer. I’ve found out how to “program” the demagnetizer and transfer quantum information to the CD using the e and b fields as the transmitting medium. It’s quantum teleportation over very small distances, 1/2”, where as the Teleportation Tweak of yore was long range QT, up to 10,000 miles and used land lines and satellite links for the transmitting medium. The quantum demag is the biggest thing I’ve ever encountered, by far. More on this development later. This is a developing story. Very hush, hush.
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May 25, 2024 at 7:02 AM Post #222 of 447
I guess they must’ve been brainwashed. 😬


Well, "brainwashed" is perhaps a bit too dramatic term here, but the purpose of marketing is to use our mental weaknesses against us. Marketing tries to make us "wash our own brains" by planting thoughts and manufactured associations in our head.
May 25, 2024 at 7:03 AM Post #223 of 447
May 25, 2024 at 7:12 AM Post #224 of 447
A good sound system with some universally rated headphones is going to cost around $5k+/- why would anyone think a marker pen could add anything to that?
Of course, you’re right, it sounds preposterous. So do black holes sound preposterous. Travel at faster than light speed also sounds preposterous. Look no further than the winners of the Nobel prize for onics two years ago for proving Einstein wrong. Spooky action at a distance requires faster than light speed travel. Are you saying that gut feelings can be substituted for the scientific method? 😳
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May 25, 2024 at 7:18 AM Post #225 of 447

Well, "brainwashed" is perhaps a bit too dramatic term here, but the purpose of marketing is to use our mental weaknesses against us. Marketing tries to make us "wash our own brains" by planting thoughts and manufactured associations in our head.
I don’t think marketing does that, I think we do that to ourselves. Maybe you’re thinking of subliminal advertising, which was outlawed a long time ago. There is nothing wrong with marketing, in fact marketing is required for any product or idea. We automatically react to ideas that seem preposterous on their face. It’s human nature. The next step is digging up evidence that supports our foregone conclusions. Plus staying strong and standing up to any evidence that contradicts our beliefs.
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