Frequencys/Songs with "effect" on the human body
May 23, 2024 at 7:09 PM Post #181 of 447
Nutty! Classified! Coo-coo clocks are Verboten!
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May 23, 2024 at 9:31 PM Post #183 of 447
What’s an hrtf? My solution is rather complicated and is the ONLY way to obtain the real soundstage, the one that’s contained in the recording. Part of my solution is playing acoustic Schumann frequency prior to and during listening session. Another important aspect is how I’m now treating CDs, one is a spray optical enhancer that makes the polycarbonate layer act like optical glass. The other one, alas, is still classified/under test. Attention to scattered laser light inside the transport and stabilizing the disc are important too. My approach generally speaking is holistic, for example, I’m very careful about what objects I allow in the room. Clocks and watches and cellphones are strictly verboten.

Not breaking character. Good work!
Might have to sign up for some dark matter optical coating for my personally owned stealth fighter jet. Do you have anything precut for an F-117?
May 23, 2024 at 11:51 PM Post #186 of 447
Which company has the silliest products, Machina Dynamica or Synergistic Research?
May 24, 2024 at 4:38 AM Post #188 of 447
Good spot, I hope it’s satire too. There are some real gems in there, I particularly liked the old green marker pen mention, it’s years since that one had everyone “rolling in the aisles”. The “Dark matter white paper” was impressive too but maybe it should have been “Dark matter black paper”, just a thought! lol

“Starting”? Didn’t you have a “bad feeling” before you started posting in this thread, in this subforum?

If it is satire, and I’m not saying it is, see if you can guess who it would be satirizing. 😬 I’m working my way down to the sub subforum.
May 24, 2024 at 6:06 AM Post #189 of 447
Not breaking character. Good work!
Might have to sign up for some dark matter optical coating for my personally owned stealth fighter jet. Do you have anything precut for an F-117?
Dark Matter was replaced by New Dark Matter, applied to the CD tray - NDM absorbs invisible near infrared light, the CD laser scattered light spectrum. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, “But black, the color of the CD tray, absorbs all colors.”

Side note The reason the Green Pen worked was the lower portion of the CD laser spectrum is visible red, green’s complementary color. But the color green doesn’t absorb invisible near infrared, which is about 75% of the laser spectrum. NDM absorbs all light, including visible red.
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May 24, 2024 at 6:27 AM Post #190 of 447
Hooey! Nowhere near audible.
May 24, 2024 at 6:44 AM Post #192 of 447
If you want to rage bait us, it’s best to not do that with a name that makes us laugh. I want to pretend you’re the brilliant pebbles guy. It’s more fun that way. Just like believing in Santa Claus and the Easter bunny.
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May 24, 2024 at 7:37 AM Post #193 of 447
Is this the I hate Geoff Kait sub forum?
No, you’re not mentioned in the name of this subforum. What is mentioned is the word “science”, therefore what is hated here is pseudoscience and any other BS claims not supported by science, and by extension of course, anyone trying to promote it. How is that not obvious?
What’s an hrtf? My solution is rather complicated and is the ONLY way to obtain the real soundstage, the one that’s contained in the recording.
What do you mean “What’s an HRTF?”, how can you have a solution to soundstage in HPs if you don’t know what a HRTF is? That’s like claiming to have a solution for power generation but don’t know what electricity is! Furthermore, the “real soundstage” is not contained in a recording but don’t let any of the facts get in the way of BS. lol
If it is satire, and I’m not saying it is, see if you can guess who it would be satirizing.
As you’re spouting nonsense only the most ignorant/gullible of audiophiles might take seriously, then it’s hardly a difficult guess.
Yes, I know what you’re thinking, “But black, the color of the CD tray, absorbs all colors.”
As that’s pretty much the last thing I’m thinking, how much better example could there be of you not knowing what you claim to know? Why on earth would I care about CD tray light absorption, don’t you know that a CD sits on top of the CD tray (hence why it’s called a “tray”) and that speakers and HPs output sound, not light? Are you confusing speakers and HPs with TV screens? lol
Side note The reason the Green Pen worked was the lower portion of the CD laser spectrum is visible red …
But it didn’t work, it made no difference at all, which even the most gullible/ignorant of audiophiles eventually worked out and if there are any that somehow “didn’t get the memo”, they wouldn’t dare admit it for fear of even the most ardent audiophiles taking them for a gullible idiot!


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