Fostex x Massdrop TH-X00 Review
Dec 31, 2015 at 8:05 PM Post #3,646 of 12,089
I agree with the pad impressions... Thx00 can use the 900 pads but 900 sounds wrong with thx00 pads.

I'd have to test more the thx00 with the 900 pads to see how much I like it but his overall impressions matched mine.

Overall, I think both headphones do well with their respective pad choices. Though ymmv based on sonic preferences.
Dec 31, 2015 at 8:55 PM Post #3,647 of 12,089
this can is great! i dont need another closed can anymore! 
to see the original post, look at the post i quoted, beside the name of fjrabon, there is a small symbol on the right side of the author( with green arrow), you may click that, it will brings you to the original post.
which is here
I can't find the original post that @fjrabon made that you quoted above but I can't think of a better way to describe the TH-X00. If your inventory consists mainly of reference, neutral and/or natural cans, the TH-X00 fills a gap that is more than likely in your line up. It provides a basshead sound without sacrificing most of the reference quality we enjoy.
"audiophiles looking for a basshead can to compliment a more neutral reference headphone.  That's my description.  I think of the THX00 as a neutralhead's dalliance with bassheaddom.  It satisfies the occasional basshead itch, without overly compromising in other areas like many basshead cans do."
Well put.
Is it going to replace my HD600 and DT880? Not even close. However those two cans can't do what the X00 can do either, and its now just important in my line up as the other two.
Well worth every penny.

Jan 1, 2016 at 2:00 AM Post #3,648 of 12,089
I don't think you should give up on the Fostex just yet. He is the only one so far that prefers the X2 over the TH-X00 (that I have seen that is), whereas I have read multiple instances of users preferring the TH-X00 over the X2. It's probably just a sound preference issue.

I'm one of those who prefers the X2 to the TH-X00.  I still enjoy the latter very much, but the X2 does more, including (to me) being far better at imaging/soundstaging/space/layering.
Jan 1, 2016 at 2:58 AM Post #3,649 of 12,089
Happy New Year Folks!
Listening to these TH-X00 through an m9XX, I'm finding that the Dubstep/EDM genres are quickly growing on me. I was never interested in those genres before getting these. With those genres in particular, I just find myself constantly searching for that low-end fix. Quite addictive and very enjoyable. And the whole "burn-in" (non-brain type) might indeed be real with these. I'm finding that the presentation is opening up a bit. Stock pads are also very comfortable to my ears and seem to mold to my ears with use, getting even more comfortable. Either that or I'm simply enjoying these more and more everytime I put them on.
As an aside, anyone interested in rap/hip-hop/grime should check out this album from the free FLAC thread:
Sounds really good on the X00s. Favorite track from that album, "Weigh In." Click play, turn the volume up a bit and wait for dat sub-bass to kick in. Surprisingly nice rhymes too.
Jan 1, 2016 at 6:40 AM Post #3,650 of 12,089
Just tried swapping the earpads and wasn't really a fan of either combination. 
Didn't give it much of a go as it was quite obvious I didn't like the sound, but the 900's pads did give the X00 more air as I thought they would but this came at the expense of some of the bass. This was the better of the two combinations however it still lacked something - a bit of excitement - compared with the TH-900.
With the X00's pads the TH900's sound became even more V-shaped, far too much so for my liking so I immediately switched them back.

Thanks for taking the time.
Jan 1, 2016 at 4:13 PM Post #3,652 of 12,089
Happy New Years, everyone! I'm wondering if the Mr. Speakers case would fit the X00? Anyone tried or have a case to try? The price point is spot on and it looks to be a more compact, nice case. I was going to order a pair of Alpha pads and thought to pick up the case too, if it fits. 

Cheers and thanks! 

Good question- I am also curious about hard cases that are an acceptable match.
Jan 1, 2016 at 4:23 PM Post #3,653 of 12,089
I have a perfect pair of TH-X00 I want to sell. Can anyone suggest what I might get/sell for them?
Jan 1, 2016 at 4:36 PM Post #3,655 of 12,089
Full price you paid plus shipping, demand is high enough to warrant it.

Yeah, assuming they're completely mint, I think given how obviously new they are plus the fact that you can't just buy them new right now, full price plus shipping is fair.
Jan 1, 2016 at 7:41 PM Post #3,657 of 12,089
Yeah, assuming they're completely mint, I think given how obviously new they are plus the fact that you can't just buy them new right now, full price plus shipping is fair.

Well that's nice to hear. Now I know where I should be on the price.
Jan 1, 2016 at 8:27 PM Post #3,658 of 12,089
Eager to see when measurements analysis are posted by guys, maybe it appears somewhere on the web already. Particularly interested in 30 Hz Square Waves - the leading edge, tilt, slope, drop, central dipping, rounded shoulders, and excursion below zero baseline.
Jan 1, 2016 at 8:44 PM Post #3,659 of 12,089
Her voice... and those lower bass purrs... this is perfect material for the fostex... acoustic and electronic is amazing.
Jan 1, 2016 at 8:49 PM Post #3,660 of 12,089
Has anyone compared the TH-X00 with Alpha pads vs. the Alpha Dog? More and more, I'm wanting the TH-X00 to be a bit more reference (they are my primary headphones at the office) and currently, they just don't cover enough music genres for me.

Either I will try the Alpha pads or sell and get the Alpha Dog.

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