Fostex x Massdrop TH-X00 Review

Jul 17, 2016 at 1:15 PM Post #7,536 of 12,089
From Fostex.

My bad, your right, did some more looking around and they do all have that foam ring it seems, which takes me back to being curious about what they did to X00 to flatten out the FR vs TH600, we know they changed ear pads which is fairly significant to FR, but I reckon there must be some damping changes somewhere as well. Whatever it is it should be pretty simple and reversible.
Jul 17, 2016 at 1:28 PM Post #7,537 of 12,089
I have both the TH500RP and the TH-X00.  They both have the foam ring.  However the foam rings are of different densities. 
There was a substantial difference in sound signature between the two when I switched them. 
Jul 17, 2016 at 1:32 PM Post #7,538 of 12,089
My bad, your right, did some more looking around and they do all have that foam ring it seems, which takes me back to being curious about what they did to X00 to flatten out the FR vs TH600, we know they changed ear pads which is fairly significant to FR, but I reckon there must be some damping changes somewhere as well. Whatever it is it should be pretty simple and reversible.

The th600 has dampening inside the cups. A dense foam and a loose foam. So that affects the sound. The space volume and the magnesium of cups. Otherwise the next differences is the pads (which has a plastic ring that also dampens), and the magnet which affect the low end depend onon the strength.
Jul 17, 2016 at 1:35 PM Post #7,539 of 12,089
I have both the TH500RP and the TH-X00.  They both have the foam ring.  However the foam rings are of different densities. 

There was a substantial difference in sound signature between the two when I switched them. 

Th500rp has less dense foam and thx00 has debse foam right?

My previous denon d2k had really dense foam too.

The bass is affected by this foam. Without it theres no seal and you lose nearly ALL your bass, even with a pad seal. Id like to test the different densities
Jul 17, 2016 at 1:39 PM Post #7,540 of 12,089
Th500rp has less dense foam and thx00 has debse foam right?

My previous denon d2k had really dense foam too.

The bass is affected by this foam. Without it theres no seal and you lose nearly ALL your bass, even with a pad seal. Id like to test the different densities

At the moment I can not remember which was the more dense.  However it was a very obvious difference.
I will check later and post my findings...
Jul 17, 2016 at 1:40 PM Post #7,541 of 12,089
I've been playing around with an idea lately. Knowing how cheap the TH900 drivers are, and that the only differences between the X00s and the 900s are the cups, pads, cotton inserts and drivers, I'm wondering if the price difference in upgrade parts would be cheaper than buying the 900s outright. A $600+ difference between the two leaves a lot of wiggle room, even more if one can sell the stock parts, and one could even experiment with designing 3D printed cups like MrSpeakers did for improved soundstaging. Really tempted to pull out solidworks to give it a try the more I think about it.
Jul 17, 2016 at 1:46 PM Post #7,542 of 12,089
  I've been playing around with an idea lately. Knowing how cheap the TH900 drivers are, and that the only differences between the X00s and the 900s are the cups, pads, cotton inserts and drivers, I'm wondering if the price difference in upgrade parts would be cheaper than buying the 900s outright. A $600+ difference between the two leaves a lot of wiggle room, even more if one can sell the stock parts, and one could even experiment with designing 3D printed cups like MrSpeakers did for improved soundstaging. Really tempted to pull out solidworks to give it a try the more I think about it.

It is tempting. How much are the OEM 900 drivers?
Jul 17, 2016 at 1:50 PM Post #7,545 of 12,089
  I think the cups on the TH-900 is what drives its price to be so high.

My thoughts exactly, but that's where 3D printing the cups for a potentially better and significantly cheaper to produce sound becomes an interesting option.

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