For those of us with multiple headphones, which ones are you listening with now?
Apr 2, 2024 at 7:11 PM Post #19,171 of 22,401
Bifrost 2 -> Jotunheim A -> RAAL CA-1a

Perfect synergy with this music.
Apr 2, 2024 at 8:33 PM Post #19,173 of 22,401
Currently running the Dunu SA6 Ultras off my Schiit Magnius with the Soekris 2541 that I just got back from my guitarist after he borrowed it basically since I brought it back after my break at home. The Soekris is being fed from a Wiim Pro. The Soekris R2R DACs are some of the more precise sounding R2R options out there. They have less of the musical euphonics many R2R offerings have, but they maintain that liquid flow and effortless dynamic swing that good R2R/Multibit designs really excel at.

For those looking to get an idea of what I mean by liquid/effortless without breaking the bank, the Modi Multibit 2 is the most affordable option I've heard that has that characteristic. Even mentioning a $299 DAC as being representative of that description is a real testament to what Mike and Jason at Schiit accomplished with that new Modi design. Truly impressive stuff with two very usable settings (NOS and SuperComboBurrito OS) thanks to a very well designed and implemented digital filter and DSP chip. Honestly, they knocked it out of the park on that little DAC.

For music, I've got Interpol's 2004 sophomore album, Antics. In the lead up to this album, I was apprehensive being unsure how they'd be able to build upon their legendary first album, Turn On The Bright Lights, but my reservations were dispelled before I was half way through my first listen. This may not be a popular position with Interpol fans, but I actually think Antics is the better album and is probably their best work. TOTBL has some absolutely classic songs on it and it's also one of my absolute favorites, but Antics features better lyrical songwriting, better production, and is a more cohesive total product. IMO, they took all the stuff they did right on their debut and became professionals, refining the sound and capitalizing on the new resources at their disposal to put together a great follow up. My band regularly covers Slow Hands at our shows and it always gets a killer reaction from the crowd and is a great way to connect with and involve some concert goers that aren't totally familiar with our original work yet. 😎


P.S. This is the 2020 reissue I'm listening to because I'm still trying to decide if I think the subtle changes made on the remastered tracks are an improvement or not.

P.P.S. I got to try the Warwick Acoustics Aperio setup at the flat of a fellow musician earlier tonight. I was able to spend a couple hours listening and I left pretty unimpressed. Lots of friends that are estate fans have tried to convert me, but I haven't heard a single estat headphone yet that can make drums sound anything close to natural and the Aperio was no exception. I did think it improved significantly when we switched from the Warwick amp/DAC to his Viva Egoists with dCS Bartok as DAC, but I can't fathom what he's hearing to justify that price. I mean, I honestly think my Ferrum stack and May KTE with either the Susvaras or Expanse sound better than either of his Aperio chains for less money. I'll be back over there tomorrow to try out his Raal SR-1b and T+A Solitaire P setups so I'm excited about that. Sorry for the essay.😉
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Apr 2, 2024 at 10:58 PM Post #19,177 of 22,401
Gesaffelstein - GAMMA
Had to bust of the Szalayi for new Gesa album… really enjoying this after his last total stinker, he has channeled his inner modern Depeche Mode 😍
Apr 2, 2024 at 11:05 PM Post #19,178 of 22,401
Grado GH2 <-- Woo WA3 <-- Rockna Wavelight (@ 50% attenuation)
Grado GH2 impedance: ~ 35 ohms; Woo WA3 output impedance: ~ 100 ohms. No bass bloat? No loss of articulation? 🤔
Apr 2, 2024 at 11:09 PM Post #19,180 of 22,401
Apr 2, 2024 at 11:12 PM Post #19,181 of 22,401
Grado GH2 impedance: ~ 35 ohms; Woo WA3 output impedance: ~ 100 ohms. No bass bloat? No loss of articulation? 🤔

No sonic sacrafice whatsoever. The Rockna Wavelight maintains peak 🗻 performance at any attenuation. The WA3 is running silent like the Red October.

The GH2 sound spectacular :musical_note:
Apr 3, 2024 at 1:06 AM Post #19,184 of 22,401
Get this on tubes stat!

iMac > Qobuz > Holo Audio Spring 3 KTE (NOS) > Schiit Freya+ Tube Pre > Woo Audio WA8 Eclipse > Sennheiser HD800S

Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 1.04.40 AM.png
Apr 3, 2024 at 1:11 AM Post #19,185 of 22,401
ISN NEO 3 with Tempotec V3


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