Focal Celestee (New Closed-Back Headphone)
Mar 25, 2021 at 3:17 PM Post #376 of 635
This is crazy. I have the Elegia here since 8 weeks. I know that I need to get used to a new headphone. I went through all of this several times. After 6 weeks I started to compare and the Eligia killed all my other cans, I am sure the Celestee will do similar, but most of you guys will never know, because you have zero patience. Sad for you.

I like to listen to a new pair of cans for half a year before I really judge them.
Mar 25, 2021 at 3:25 PM Post #377 of 635
I didn't say I gave up on them already. Though I see no reason why I should force myself and get used to something I don't like. We will see how it is after 1-2 weeks. Right now the Aeon 2 Noire left a much better inital impression.
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Mar 25, 2021 at 5:01 PM Post #378 of 635
I've been with my Celestee's for a month today. I'm still not sure if I will keep them. I was a bit disappointed at first too. This was my first pair of Focals. The biggest issue is the fit. I have large ears and unfortunately they touch no matter how I position them. So after about an hour I want to take them off. I have to add a bass shelf (2.5dB/100Hz) to get Celestee to sound the way I like in the low range. I am hoping Andrew does a measure and EQ session with these so I can see what they are really capable of. Man they are beautiful though. I really enjoy looking at them. Love how easy they are to drive too.
Mar 25, 2021 at 6:09 PM Post #379 of 635
If they are not comfortable, let them go. It is like a pair of to small shoes. Maybe try different pads. I have large earlobe too, but they fit just fine. Sony Z7 and Z1R are comfort Kings for large ears, but soundwise not very balanced. At least you would not have to think about boosting your bass.
Mar 26, 2021 at 8:23 AM Post #382 of 635
Well you folks convinced me. After a few weeks deliberation I placed an order for a Celestee via a local distributor. Looking forward to giving these a solid listen once they arrive.

I’m waiting for when we open up from lockdown to go to my local dealer to audition them.
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Mar 26, 2021 at 12:16 PM Post #384 of 635
You propably extrapolate from your ears to the ears from others. I, maybe would then think the same. :wink:
You know your immune system needs a little push from time to time, especially in these times. :wink:
Mar 26, 2021 at 12:36 PM Post #385 of 635
This is crazy. I have the Elegia here since 8 weeks. I know that I need to get used to a new headphone. I went through all of this several times. After 6 weeks I started to compare and the Eligia killed all my other cans, I am sure the Celestee will do similar, but most of you guys will never know, because you have zero patience. Sad for you.
I have both Dekoni pads for my Elegias. The fenestrated sheepskins are comfortable and neutral. The skeepskin pads boost the bass and sound like the Radiance. I like both and enjoy choosing the pads to suit the music I am listening to. So easy to clip on/off.
Mar 31, 2021 at 3:02 PM Post #386 of 635
I have both Dekoni pads for my Elegias. The fenestrated sheepskins are comfortable and neutral. The skeepskin pads boost the bass and sound like the Radiance. I like both and enjoy choosing the pads to suit the music I am listening to. So easy to clip on/off.

Ouuu I dunno man (this is of course subjective); I had the Elegias and bought the Dekoni Sheepskins and I didn't like the effect so much (muddied and the clampforce got pretty nuts on mine). I have the Radiance now and can guarantee it's a completely different animal.
Apr 5, 2021 at 7:37 AM Post #387 of 635
Will a schitt magni 3+ and modi 3 multibit be sufficient to drive them well? I am a bit limited by size since I live in a college dorm.
Apr 5, 2021 at 7:52 AM Post #389 of 635
Yh, decided to get that pair since I can't use my openbacks for now due to roommates.
Apr 5, 2021 at 10:37 PM Post #390 of 635
Feeding these using my Burson Playmate V6 Vivid, which delivers more than enough juice at medium volume on low gain. Giving these a listen now using various albums I'm familiar with. (ie. the Cloud Atlas movie OST and Gravitas by Ultraboss, amongst others). So far so good. Will report back if I encounter any issues. I think Focal might have delivered something quite special.

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