Flux Lab Acoustics FA-10, FA-10 Pro, FA-12, FCN-10 & FA-12s Amplifiers - Summit-Fi for the People?: Reviews, Impressions & Discussion
Aug 26, 2020 at 10:19 AM Post #661 of 2,609
Thanks! Good to know the synergy is there with the Verites - I see you're not the only one to say so! It's true, it seems a close call. I imagine the FA-10 to have superior build quality over the A90, on the other hand, the environmentalist in me is urging not to go class A lol.
Aug 26, 2020 at 10:28 AM Post #662 of 2,609
It does get warm when you're using it. I would say that the build quality for FA-10 is just OK imo. It's definitely a solid unit but I would have liked different switches and knobs. The connections are great and the finish is good as well. I haven't tried the A90 but currently it seems like China manufacturing is pretty good for the price.

Anyways, FA-10/12/10pro, whichever one you go with, is definitely a good option if you're looking at SS amps under $1k.
Aug 26, 2020 at 11:03 AM Post #663 of 2,609
Thanks, will definitely mull it over awhile!
Aug 26, 2020 at 11:08 AM Post #664 of 2,609
I have the FA-10 and I'm using it with my Verite Opens. I've also used it with HE-6SE, Utopias and Aeolus. All of those headphones paired well with the FA-10. The only headphone that didn't do as well was my DT990 600ohm but I think most high impedance Beyers lean heavily towards tubes when compared to SS.

I wouldn't call the FA-10 overly warm but it's definitely not as neutral and dry as the A90 based on what people have said about the A90. Power-wise, I think they're both very comparable. I don't think you can really go wrong with either but I've been enjoying my FA-10.

Do you think it sounds like a $750 HP amp or does it punch above it's weight? Just wondering if you've compared it to higher end HP amps (Headamp GX/Mini, Ifi Ican pro, Violectric V281, Phonitor 2/X)?
Aug 26, 2020 at 11:13 AM Post #665 of 2,609
FA-10 punch way above its price. Just think at the same specs into a Violectric amp and imagine what would be the price.
Aug 26, 2020 at 11:18 AM Post #666 of 2,609
Do you think it sounds like a $750 HP amp or does it punch above it's weight? Just wondering if you've compared it to higher end HP amps (Headamp GX/Mini, Ifi Ican pro, Violectric V281, Phonitor 2/X)?

The only thing I can compare it with is the Feliks Euforia and I would say the FA-10 can hold its own. It's difficult to compare Tube and SS though considering all of my headphones do very well on tubes. The only situation where the FA-10 did better than the Euforia was the HE-6SE but I think that might be expected. In my setup, the Euforia provides the little extra that makes the music even more enjoyable (bass control, effortless vocals, smooth treble, etc). If you were to take away the Euforia from me and I only had the FA-10, I would still be very content.
Aug 26, 2020 at 11:39 AM Post #667 of 2,609
FA-10 punch way above its price. Just think at the same specs into a Violectric amp and imagine what would be the price.
It sure does look like a sound value proposition, nonetheless, once shipping/import etc. is factored in I imagine it comes in at quite a bit more than the A90. Will be interesting to see more comparisons.
Aug 26, 2020 at 2:00 PM Post #668 of 2,609
Do you think it sounds like a $750 HP amp or does it punch above it's weight? Just wondering if you've compared it to higher end HP amps (Headamp GX/Mini, Ifi Ican pro, Violectric V281, Phonitor 2/X)?

It is more than punching above the weight. Recently listened to a Rogue audio ($2500) tube amp, Luxman P750U ($5000) amp, ifi Can pro ($1800) amp with HE1K & Utopia. To me, Flux amp never felt out of place compared to these three amps, it just felt like a different sound signature regardless of the price. Within these three amps though there was an hierarchy to my ears, Luxman P750U >= ifi Can pro > Rogue audio. I am a transparent, analytical amp lover but FCN-10 sound signature grew on me to enjoy many of if not all of the songs i have with FCN-10, i still dont like quite a few songs with FCN-10. A specific combo i can cite to give more info is DCS Bartok combo + HE1K is excellent and was beating FCN-10 consistently, but hey Bartok is $16K !!

About Phonitor comparisons, one person in this forum mentioned Phonitors has an edge over Flux though it did not sounded like a big margin, dont remember the pairing details he mentioned as it matters a lot

I have DAC/Amp FCN-10 combo and DAC is the relatively weaker link in the combo which has scope to do better with better resolution while the FA-10 amp part is strong. For a musical, smooth, powerful, Bassy, Thick mids, refined sounding, forgiving preference FA-10 will be good choice. To articulate further, Smooth& Refined means the instrument Dynamics will not create an aggressive output playing with your senses but it will be elegantly present without fatiguing you, e.g. you will not feel the sharp edges of violin and trailing echo which can give an exhilarating experience with some amps but with Flux the violin will sound present, pleasant & smooth without a fatigue. The Fun portion comes from the impactful Bass though. If this is your cup of tea then with a good resolving DAC, FA-10 will be a good choice.

@Klmahnn have not heard A90 yet but it is a Neutral transparent amp slightly tilted towards warmth per the review i have read. It may have more dynamics and treble engagement, @saadi703 has already written in this forum so we all can refer to his detailed comparison
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Aug 27, 2020 at 5:36 AM Post #669 of 2,609
Hi all, new here and a bit of lurker. I appreciate all the great info this site provides.

I ordered an FA-12 back in June and got it on August 3. I have really enjoyed it since and believe it clearly outperforms both my EL AMP II and my Graham Slee Solo Ultra Linear. At least terms of how much more energetic and musical the sound is to my untrained ears. I just enjoy listening more and have done some A/B to verify (as best I can - the true test would be blind) that I am not imagining it.

Anyway, today the left channel (SE) started giving a kazoo like buzz. I have changed cables, dacs, headhones etc; it's the amp. Ugh.

I have emailed them and we will see what happens next. But sharing my experience for anyone interested.
I currently have the Element II so nice to know this is a clear upgrade. Hope your issue gets fixed quickly.
Aug 27, 2020 at 9:00 AM Post #670 of 2,609
I've enjoyed reading all the impressions posted here while i've been away, but having been listening directly out of my Hugo2 for the last 3 weeks and really enjoying it, i was worried i might have fallen out of love with the FA12. I neednt have worried, one night back and not a single thought about going straight back into the h2, the way frequency's flow in and out of one another and the extra texture and shape each note has is just as beguiling as it ever was.

There seems to have been a raft of "album of the year" worthy electronic music coming out over the last few weeks, which has made coming back to 14 days quarantine a little more bearable. The absolute highlight for me being "Articulation " by Rival Consoles (96/24 on Qobuz), short but seriously sweet and sounding stunning on the FA12.

Almost taken my mind off the 2 more weeks of waiting ahead before the FCN10 to arrive :wink: :)

PS. im pretty sure the FLA warranty is non-transferable

Came for the info staying for the tunes :gs1000smile:
Aug 31, 2020 at 2:29 AM Post #671 of 2,609
New similarly priced competition for the flux, burson just released the Soloist 3xp standalone 8w balanced amp, with the ability to op amp roll.

History tells us burson amps are quite musical yet powerful like a class A should be. Right now I'd prefer to use the iec inlet of the flux as opposed to the 24v DC input of the burson as I have invested in some elaborate power cables.
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Aug 31, 2020 at 5:06 AM Post #672 of 2,609
New similarly priced competition for the flux, burson just released the Soloist 3xp standalone 8w balanced amp, with the ability to op amp roll.

History tells us burson amps are quite musical yet powerful like a class A should be. Right now I'd prefer to use the iec inlet of the flux as opposed to the 24v DC input of the burson as I have invested in some elaborate power cables.
I love Burson amps. I've had quite a few of them. Including it's latest the Conductor 3XR. My FA-10 is hopefully nearing completion. I should've held on to it so that I could've compared them side by side.
Sep 1, 2020 at 2:04 AM Post #673 of 2,609
Hi all, new here and a bit of lurker. I appreciate all the great info this site provides.

I ordered an FA-12 back in June and got it on August 3. I have really enjoyed it since and believe it clearly outperforms both my EL AMP II and my Graham Slee Solo Ultra Linear. At least terms of how much more energetic and musical the sound is to my untrained ears. I just enjoy listening more and have done some A/B to verify (as best I can - the true test would be blind) that I am not imagining it.

Anyway, today the left channel (SE) started giving a kazoo like buzz. I have changed cables, dacs, headhones etc; it's the amp. Ugh.

I have emailed them and we will see what happens next. But sharing my experience for anyone interested.
Follow up: After a few emails, recorded the sound from the left channel and then compared apples to apples with my Graham Slee amp. They determined from that there is a damaged circuit in my amp possibly related to powering it on. Anyway, the plan now is to replace my amp. Hopefully it's just a fluke.

BTW, Zeos just reviewed (not out yet to non-subscribers) the FA-12S and the FA-10.
Sep 1, 2020 at 10:07 AM Post #674 of 2,609
Glad you were able to get everything resolved. I did notice on the fluxlab website that the warranty section mentions to connect all the interconnects before the power cable and to disconnect in reverse order. I'm not sure anything went wrong during that process but I do know that some manufacturers decide to remove the more consumer friendly safeguards in order to get the most out of the sound quality.

Sep 2, 2020 at 4:28 PM Post #675 of 2,609
My Fa12 has been re-united with its big brother from the same mother... and father presumably. I've left it in the corner to gently simmer for the last 72 hours saving my first proper listen for tonight.

Christening with with the new Kelly Lee Owens album which i've already listened to 4 or 5 times today. Impressions to follow, when i've hopefully got something more useful to say :):)

WARNING! this image may trigger those OCD sufferers among you.... :wink:

Flux Lab Acoustics FA12 vs FCN10FLA Fa12 vs Fcn10.JPG

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