Fir Audio Thread - Discussion and Impressions
Mar 10, 2023 at 4:52 PM Post #3,827 of 6,538
There was a graph posted here somewhere. RN6 is basically XE6 but with less mid/upper bass and lower mids. So it’ll sound more like XE6 than Evo, which is tuned much different to XE6.
If I wasn't so ignorant of how to even read graphs, or a generally more intelligent person, this would be of more help. I know between the two I want more bass, more of a "musical" tuning as opposed to clinical reference, but that higher quality cable is also a major selling point for me. Would be nice not to have to cable roll; the stock cable for the xe6 was probably the only thing I didn't like about them when I tried them.
Mar 10, 2023 at 5:49 PM Post #3,828 of 6,538
If I wasn't so ignorant of how to even read graphs, or a generally more intelligent person, this would be of more help. I know between the two I want more bass, more of a "musical" tuning as opposed to clinical reference, but that higher quality cable is also a major selling point for me. Would be nice not to have to cable roll; the stock cable for the xe6 was probably the only thing I didn't like about them when I tried them.

I think FR graphs can be a bit misleading, especially for the Xe6 since it misses out on a lot of what makes the Xe6 special. Imo, Xe6 is probably the farthest from "clinical" even though it still has totl detail.

Stuck here agonizing between the xe6 and the rn6. I wish that cable was available as an upgrade. I didn't like the EE Odyssey tuning; is rn6 considered more similar to that than xe6?

I'd say the Rn6 is closer to the Odyssey, but most IEMs could be called more "similar" to the Rn6 just cuz the Xe6 is so unique. Choosing between the two I figure it depends what you didn't like about the Odyssey
Mar 10, 2023 at 6:18 PM Post #3,829 of 6,538
You can’t resist the Dark Firry 🐰
You were right! :smile:

Mar 10, 2023 at 8:10 PM Post #3,830 of 6,538
I think FR graphs can be a bit misleading, especially for the Xe6 since it misses out on a lot of what makes the Xe6 special. Imo, Xe6 is probably the farthest from "clinical" even though it still has totl detail.

I'd say the Rn6 is closer to the Odyssey, but most IEMs could be called more "similar" to the Rn6 just cuz the Xe6 is so unique. Choosing between the two I figure it depends what you didn't like about the Odyssey
Main issue with the Odyssey was what others would refer to as "textured" sound. Heavy metal tracks with phasers literally sounded like there was too much happening in the middle, and like I had to focus to actually groove to the music. I want audiophile detail with head bopping.
The cable with the radon is the big consideration too, cost-wise. I'd love to not have to shell out extra down the line to cable roll.
Mar 10, 2023 at 9:11 PM Post #3,831 of 6,538
Main issue with the Odyssey was what others would refer to as "textured" sound. Heavy metal tracks with phasers literally sounded like there was too much happening in the middle, and like I had to focus to actually groove to the music. I want audiophile detail with head bopping.
The cable with the radon is the big consideration too, cost-wise. I'd love to not have to shell out extra down the line to cable roll.
“Audiophile detail with head bopping” is pretty much how I heard Xe6. Lots of physical bass but also lots of detail once you got acclimated and a very agreeable yet well extended treble. I’ve not heard a ton of IEMs but I’ve yet to hear another IEM like Xe6. It’s legit stuck in my brain for like a year. If I had one critique, it’s that the mid bass was almost too much for a lot of the music I listen to (metal) and could overwhelm a bit. I’m hoping Rn6 will be slightly toned down in this regard but still retain the rest of the “special sauce” of Xe6.

As mentioned, graphs don’t tell the whole story but comparing Rn6 (unsure what module is installed here) and Odyssey it appears as though there’s a tick more bass overall with Rn6 and less forward mids. Haven’t heard it, but I can see how the mids on Odyssey may be a little aggressive and “full frontal” with heavy metal.

Mar 10, 2023 at 11:38 PM Post #3,832 of 6,538
“Audiophile detail with head bopping” is pretty much how I heard Xe6. Lots of physical bass but also lots of detail once you got acclimated and a very agreeable yet well extended treble. I’ve not heard a ton of IEMs but I’ve yet to hear another IEM like Xe6. It’s legit stuck in my brain for like a year. If I had one critique, it’s that the mid bass was almost too much for a lot of the music I listen to (metal) and could overwhelm a bit. I’m hoping Rn6 will be slightly toned down in this regard but still retain the rest of the “special sauce” of Xe6.

As mentioned, graphs don’t tell the whole story but comparing Rn6 (unsure what module is installed here) and Odyssey it appears as though there’s a tick more bass overall with Rn6 and less forward mids. Haven’t heard it, but I can see how the mids on Odyssey may be a little aggressive and “full frontal” with heavy metal.

It's more a case of, I can only choose/afford one, but yeah, that special sauce is what I'm afraid of losing. The xe6 universals, on the gold modules, at no point felt excessively bassy to me (and at one point I pressed them right against my head for full kinetic bass contact); if anything, they were toned down compared to my usual listening setup, which should give you a sense of the peculiar kind of basshead I am. Film and game scores, sweeping orchestral stuff sounded just about perfect on them, especially low cello notes like the kind found on Zimmer scores. My main reluctance with the radon is losing that, potentially.

My frame of reference, even with canjam a couple weeks behind me, is certainly much smaller than some of the more veteran listeners here. What I recall on KR5, from memory from the tour kit, was liking the warmth, the more "musical" sound to it but missing the clarity and the treble extension the xe6 provided.
Mar 11, 2023 at 12:47 AM Post #3,833 of 6,538
What excites me about the RN6 curve, in the shifted areas, is the adjustment to the slope. The raw level can be changed according to the tuning design, but if you get too steep it affects timbre and can start to get bloaty or honky. It's also much harder to adjust this via EQ if you want to correct it after the fact.

Just look how well it tracks to the IEM that wrote the book on current bass era:

Mar 11, 2023 at 3:10 AM Post #3,834 of 6,538
I really need a solid cable recommendation to match the xe6/rn6 aesthetics. I have yet to find a good looking gold and black IEM cable. I've been recommended liquid links venom, but the ergonomics aren't ideal for me there in terms of flexibility and long term comfort. Open to suggestions here, even from total unknown brands.


The Eletech Aenied color matches very well with XE6 and I’m pretty sure it also match the R6 too.

It’s discontinued but I believe some dealers still have stock.
Mar 11, 2023 at 3:13 AM Post #3,835 of 6,538

The Eletech Aenied color matches very well with XE6 and I’m pretty sure it also match the R6 too.

It’s discontinued but I believe some dealers still have stock.

Mar 11, 2023 at 3:36 AM Post #3,836 of 6,538
Film and game scores, sweeping orchestral stuff sounded just about perfect on them, especially low cello notes like the kind found on Zimmer scores.
I find Xe6 midbass dominates over its weaker sub-bass, which is not what you want for cinematic music. I find IEMs with more pronounced sub-bass better for this type of music. If Rn6's reduced midbass helps elevate sub-bass, it will be better suited than Xe6 for these genres, imo.
Mar 11, 2023 at 7:00 AM Post #3,837 of 6,538
I find Xe6 midbass dominates over its weaker sub-bass, which is not what you want for cinematic music. I find IEMs with more pronounced sub-bass better for this type of music. If Rn6's reduced midbass helps elevate sub-bass, it will be better suited than Xe6 for these genres, imo.
This was one of my major test tracks at CanJam. I adore my current earphones, my xanadus, but they're very much pure DD bass and the opening line here comes off as bloated. Xe6 was able to shape it accordingly, in no doubt due to the dynamic drivers:

Can rn6 still swing that opening while managing to sound fun is the question here for me.
Mar 11, 2023 at 9:24 AM Post #3,838 of 6,538
New Xe6 owner here, been enjoying it for about a week now. Out of the box, I immediately installed my favorite tips and sat down to listen. Didn't like it at first, the signature was a bit different than I'm accustomed to. But it clearly had high end resolution and imaging/layering/staging. Just that it was a bit warmer than I prefer and I had to agree with some of the reviewers that it sounded "muddy". So I went about tip-rolling and tried Azla (4 different types), Whirlwind, Spinfit (3 different types), Spiral Dot, and a few others I can't think of. None of them really clicked with me and the sound was always some degree of muddy or overly warm. Then it occurred to me to try the stock tips, of which the large size just happened to fit my ears perfectly.

Now things started coming together! Clearly, the Xe6 was still warm, but the muddiness decreased quite a bit and the details emerged a bit more. I could easily make out more spatial cues so the imaging improved and the layering got deeper. Essentially everything got better. On every other IEM I've owned, I've never found the stock tips to be "the ones". But for the Xe6, they certainly were. For those of you who (like me) avoid stock tips like the plague, this is one case where I have to hand it to FiR for including tips that actually work with their gear.
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Mar 11, 2023 at 10:45 AM Post #3,840 of 6,538
I chose the Spinfit W tips.
They seem popular in this thread, but I haven't tried them. Maybe someday when I feel the need for a change. I'm finding the stock tips to perform pretty well for now.

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