Finally I am a geek.
May 15, 2005 at 3:48 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 22


100+ Head-Fier
Feb 8, 2005
I have been wanting to for a long time but today I finally got around to it. I went dual monitor.

And Boy Howdy I didn't know it would be this good. I just need to figure out how to make windows only take up one screen when I make it FULLSCREEN. Then I will be in business. Until then I just run it windowed to the size of one of the screens. I am very pleased.

Current setup. Photoshop or Video Web browsing on one monitor. Music and chatting on the other. This will probably also be nice for audio editing. I always seem to need more realestate with that stuff.

Dual monitor is an A+ in my book.
May 15, 2005 at 3:52 AM Post #2 of 22
agreed! its well wicked

love having so much space in cubase or when im watching hdtv or doing research for uni work.
May 15, 2005 at 3:58 AM Post #3 of 22
Congrats! I've been using a dual monitor flat screen at one of the local internet cafes on occasion, and it's so quick and convenient. Amazing! You feel like an air traffic controller at first, but then it soon becomes the "norm" and going back to a single monitor is a bore. Maybe I'll do 4 or 5 monitors!!!
May 15, 2005 at 5:48 AM Post #6 of 22
bg4533, that's some interesting wall art.
May 15, 2005 at 6:03 AM Post #7 of 22

Originally Posted by adhoc
bg4533, that's some interesting wall art.

Was just about to comment on it - I think it's very creative


Originally Posted by bg4533
And for Aman and the other linux users: the machine dual boots linux. Until I get rid of the 1212M I cant listen to music in linux though.

Don't count on it - music in linux is pretty poor regardless of your soundcard.
May 15, 2005 at 7:05 AM Post #8 of 22

Originally Posted by adhoc
bg4533, that's some interesting wall art.

Can't get much geekier than that
Linux or no Linux
May 15, 2005 at 4:02 PM Post #10 of 22
das_bill, I agree dual monitor kicks butt. I have it setup like that at work. But you need to figure out a better wallpaper arrangement. It kinda sucks to have dual monitor but than have the same paper duplicated on each one and at the improper size at that. Get one image made up that is the dimension of the whole setup. For example, if your monitors are 1024x768 you want an image 2048x768. Or you can use the "enhanced desktop" and cheat by displaying a jpg constantly on one half.
May 15, 2005 at 5:20 PM Post #11 of 22
Ya, that was just a test wallpaper to get the colors closer matched. I now have a panaramic of hongkong running the entire width. I have a few panaramics of cities so those will probably be my wallpapers for now. Running at 2560x960. I will get the new 19" dell lcds when I have more money. For now though I am fine. I will never need to heat this house ever again.

I'm not running linux because I don't need it for anything really, I have installed it a few times to play around and always seem to grab the new ISOs when they come out. My 2terabyte file server that I am building will be linux probably. Plus I game on occasion which makes me dislike Macs and Linux. Even though I have used both extensively and have nothing really big against them.
May 15, 2005 at 11:58 PM Post #12 of 22
how do you set up two monitors to one computer if i may ask?
May 16, 2005 at 1:11 AM Post #14 of 22

Originally Posted by socrates63
Can't get much geekier than that
Linux or no Linux

I remember seeing rigs being on the, their actual computers that they use...

I wish I had enough dough to get an LCD monitor, let alone two...I guess I could pimp my current setup to use my 10" and 17"

May 16, 2005 at 2:15 AM Post #15 of 22
My current config is this:


I do have the Dell on the right a little lower now so it's more the same height as the CRT. I have to raise it a bit if I want to rotate the display to vertical. It's the 2005fpw, which is a fantastic monitor. I'd be happy to just use that by itself but since I've got the other one... It's nice to have the second monitor to throw extra stuff over to. I put buddy lists and messaging windows over there, as well as Winamp, Teamspeak, or anything else I'd like to see but don't want on my main screen.

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