FiiO X5 preview world tour--tour members, claim your souvenir for the X5 tour! p.123
Feb 7, 2014 at 10:45 AM Post #871 of 1,895
It has been discussed before (search thread) and mentioned in reviews as well.
FiiO will release a new firmware which should fix that...

Oops sorry , didn't manage to read the whole thread 

Feb 7, 2014 at 10:45 AM Post #872 of 1,895
Not me but could never get my library to be recognized so I just made a sample card with all the necessary testing files to evaluate the dap in slot 1 and kept slot 2 card in directory browse mode. This is one thing Joe and James promised to fix before the big release.
Feb 7, 2014 at 11:08 AM Post #873 of 1,895
Oops sorry , didn't manage to read the whole thread :p

One quick thing to try is to do a library update with no card inserted, to clear the database, then insert your card(s) and do the update again.

Since the guy before you was using a totally different card the X5's media library scanner may be having a hard time, trying to match up every song in its database with something on your card and coming up blank. Poor thing :rolleyes:
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Feb 7, 2014 at 12:16 PM Post #874 of 1,895
Yes you can browse the card without scanning. if the scan is on manual, you choice directory (folder icon) from the main menu then pick the card and browse.

Just remember though if you ever hit scan, it will scan all slots, it is not slot selective.

What I would like to do is not scan but just play one album without having to wait for a total scan. 
Feb 7, 2014 at 1:22 PM Post #875 of 1,895
If you are using one micro sd card, just pop it out then do a scan to clear the library. Pop the card back in and just use the directory browse. Just make sure you setup the dap in manual scan mode. The key is if you have the scan mode in manual, the dap will not scan unless you tell it to.
Feb 7, 2014 at 2:05 PM Post #876 of 1,895
  All the reviews have been good and very consistent.  X5 is a real winner. If they can just tighten up the feel and speed of the scroll wheel.

I am sure it is a nice product and I'm considering getting one, mainly for the high storage capacity, if they can sort out the bugs.
BUT.... it is hardly a surprise that the reviews have been good and consistent.   Most of the people in the review loop are excited about the product and given the impact perceptions and expectations have on sound quality, this would have to be a very poorly-designed product to get bad reviews for sound quality - and that it isnt.
Ergonomics play a HUGE role - far more than the minor-to-the-point-of-insignificance differences between the various DAPs in the market today, IMO.    However, all the ergonomic issues seem to getting swept under "oh well, it will be fixed in a future firmware update".  Given that this is going to be a $400 product, is the second DAP in a company product line and the past experiences with the X3 and the DX50, it doesnt exactly inspire confidence that the product *STILL* cannot read the ID3 tags consistently, or that gapless playback still doesnt exist, etc. etc.      Personally, I dont care about what is GOING to happen - I care about what the product is like right now, and IMO, it is still a work-in-progress.
Please note I am not knocking the product and I am not saying that the people who have reviewed the X5 have been deliberately hiding facts.  I am just pointing out that the reviews have been tending more towards the optimistic side, which is to be expected given the nature of this world tour.
Feb 7, 2014 at 4:02 PM Post #877 of 1,895
One quick thing to try is to do a library update with no card inserted, to clear the database, then insert your card(s) and do the update again.

Since the guy before you was using a totally different card the X5's media library scanner may be having a hard time, trying to match up every song in its database with something on your card and coming up blank. Poor thing

Can I do a factory reset instead ? It'd be easier I guess 

Feb 7, 2014 at 4:19 PM Post #879 of 1,895
Thanks to all reviewers. I had a chance to try Fiio X5 before reviewer unit arrive. Is there any other reviewer who experience fade-in problem on reviewer unit with fw 1.10? I mean songs starting after 1-1.5 seconds later after i push the play button. I see there is still some problem with gapless but i ve experienced this when gapless is off too. I hope this will be solved after new firmware.
Feb 7, 2014 at 4:44 PM Post #880 of 1,895
Ok I got it. Just put the card in and don't do a scan and go to the folder. Great. I have a card in slot 1 that isn't scanned and one in 2 that is. 
Feb 7, 2014 at 5:40 PM Post #883 of 1,895
Please note I am not knocking the product and I am not saying that the people who have reviewed the X5 have been deliberately hiding facts.  I am just pointing out that the reviews have been tending more towards the optimistic side, which is to be expected given the nature of this world tour.

That's exactly what you're saying.  Yes, we are fully aware of the possible bias of the product but the reviewers were hand picked with atleast a moderate level of experience with gear.  If I think a gear is garbage I'll say it; a lot of the gear I've tried failed to meet my expectations.  A lot of the reviewers are very critical of gear and I don't expect anything less than the truth.
Feb 7, 2014 at 7:16 PM Post #884 of 1,895
That's exactly what you're saying.  Yes, we are fully aware of the possible bias of the product but the reviewers were hand picked with atleast a moderate level of experience with gear.  If I think a gear is garbage I'll say it; a lot of the gear I've tried failed to meet my expectations.  A lot of the reviewers are very critical of gear and I don't expect anything less than the truth.

This ^
I am sure it is a nice product and I'm considering getting one, mainly for the high storage capacity, if they can sort out the bugs.
BUT.... it is hardly a surprise that the reviews have been good and consistent.   Most of the people in the review loop are excited about the product and given the impact perceptions and expectations have on sound quality, this would have to be a very poorly-designed product to get bad reviews for sound quality - and that it isnt.
Ergonomics play a HUGE role - far more than the minor-to-the-point-of-insignificance differences between the various DAPs in the market today, IMO.    However, all the ergonomic issues seem to getting swept under "oh well, it will be fixed in a future firmware update".  Given that this is going to be a $400 product, is the second DAP in a company product line and the past experiences with the X3 and the DX50, it doesnt exactly inspire confidence that the product *STILL* cannot read the ID3 tags consistently, or that gapless playback still doesnt exist, etc. etc.      Personally, I dont care about what is GOING to happen - I care about what the product is like right now, and IMO, it is still a work-in-progress.
Please note I am not knocking the product and I am not saying that the people who have reviewed the X5 have been deliberately hiding facts.  I am just pointing out that the reviews have been tending more towards the optimistic side, which is to be expected given the nature of this world tour.

Actually the only one with an open bias so far - is you (and that's not meant to be snarky either).  We've heard and experienced the sound, the UI, tested the power, and compared it to other DAPs, and even to full sized rigs we own.  You haven't heard or experienced it - yet and yet you've already formed an opinion ....
The reason people are excited is because this is a really good sounding product, and has the potential to be excellent (especially at the price point) if Fiio fix the faults (that we have been pointing out BTW).  Given Fiio's stance within the community, and willingness to both engage and collaborate with us to improve the product - this is why we are optimistic about the fixes.
Finally - there is no gain here for any of us in giving either a positive or negative slant to what we've experienced.  We're just stating what we've found by actually experiencing it.  Perhaps the fact that we are all stating similar experiences is a testament to the X5 itself.
Oh and finally:
  • Gapless does work - but needs tweaking.  It's controlled by software - not hardware - hence our optimism for the fix.
  • The X5 does read the tags consistently (IME with it anyway).  What it doesn't do is order it correctly -ie Artist > Album > Track.  Again this is a software fix which Fiio says they will address
  • Folder browsing is excellent and works flawlessly.
Feb 7, 2014 at 8:02 PM Post #885 of 1,895
Originally Posted by Brooko /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The reason people are excited is because this is a really good sounding product, and has the potential to be excellent (especially at the price point) if Fiio fix the faults (that we have been pointing out BTW).  Given Fiio's stance within the community, and willingness to both engage and collaborate with us to improve the product - this is why we are optimistic about the fixes.

Exactly, I'm optimistic because the communication FiiO has with the community in this very site.
If you read my review (which... surprise... is very favorable) I point out the problems, which most if not all of them, are software related, so can be fixed, enhanced.
I think that many technology product nowadays are released to the market (in what you may call) unfinished. I can't count how many fixes or new features are added on smartphones, cameras...

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