[FiiO Q5s Type C ‖ Q5s] Bluetooth DSD-capable Amplifier,AK4493x2,768k/32bit
Dec 30, 2019 at 6:00 PM Post #2,356 of 3,234
Well, i dont have balanced cables and headphones to test the balanced output of the Q5, from what i have read is that the balanced output has better channel separation in compare with the single ended output. This will give more space and it might sound more alive that way. This...and it has 2x more power on the balanced output. If its because the power, A5 has more than any amp module.

Headphones are on first place however, i agree fully.

Another thing is that the Q5/Q5s has better frequency response with any amp module than the A5. So if you play hi res audio with 96Khz music, this will be noticable better on the Q5. And headphones needs to have the range as well. A5 is from 20hz-20khz The headphone output of the LG might be limited to 20Khz, and if you connect something with higher frequency response like Q5 to use as DAC, it will sound different.

Any DAC/Amp combo is better than the phones, but phones with better Dac chip in it, like this LG above, its a close call which one is better. I have tried over the years different setups, phones with somewhat better audio and speakers than the common ones, like Sony Xperia Z3, HTC M8 back in the day, Razer phone 2 as well. Fiio DAPs from the X5 serie and M9. One on one, no EQ, the DAPs have more dynamic sound, but once you install something like the USB Audio Player Pro on the phones, Neutron or so and connect this to a DAC, its really close and subjective which one is better. Difference in sound quality usually comes from the frequency response range and what files are being used. Thats in my experience.

That being said, i dont think the guy is missing anything. Yes, the Q5s will be better used as DAC, but if you dont have the balanced cables, or start adding amp modules to the thing, its really in another price range. Its if one of these "dedicated" music players are used on the phones, they are better than the stock players, that really closes the gap. The ES9228 chip in the LG should be on pair with the AKM in the Fiio.

All this said, if you are looking for upgrade, now or later, i would look the Chord Mojo. If you dont need the Bluetooth, i found it to be better than all this here. It is with lower price s now as well than what it used to be.

And of course i wish you happy new year celebrating guys.
Get a balanced cable its an sound upgrade
Dec 31, 2019 at 2:37 PM Post #2,357 of 3,234
Ok so received my Q5S with the AM3D yesterday. Been pretty busy so could only take about 1hr worth of listening time and even that was spent trying to compare my Q5 to the Q5S/AM3D.

All listening so far has been done through my new Fiio FH7. The initial impression is the Q5S seems more lively and detailed than my Q5. That said it it seems to half less bass than the Q5. Almost as if it just doesn't cover as low of frequencies. The bass that is there seems more crisp and snappy though. I am not sure after this brief listening period which I prefer. The same performance was noted today when using it just as a DAC with the line out in my car today on a 60minute drive.

My Oppo HA-2SE was always very similar to my Q5 in sound. So maybe it makes sense to have two different sounds. I like do believe the LDAC Bluetooth profile is almost as good as being cables at this point. Sound that is a definite improvement and Bluetooth was on the the initial reasons I bought the Q5. With the Bluetooth I can listen all day at work even if I need to charge my phone and the Q5 at the same time while listening.

Will give some more opinions/impressions once I get a bit more time to listen this week.
Dec 31, 2019 at 4:01 PM Post #2,358 of 3,234
@cccoltsicehockey you are noticing what I did, and that is the Q5s is more neutral/detail focused sounding where the original Q5 certainly lived up to the Velvet Sound AKM moniker. The AM3D is very, very clean sounding so give yourself a little adjustment time. When I use my Edition X V2 via the 4.4 of the AM3D I find the bass extension and quality quite satisfying. Only time will tell, but as I suspect you know, when adjusting to new sound signatures, even when the differences are not major, it can take a little time. I would suggest that you stop using other devices and simply give the Q5s all of your time for a solid week. Then go back to the other devices and see what you think. You may find your perspective quite different. Going back and forth between devices will confuse your hearing brain plus encourage you to analyze and compare rather than allow yourself to acclimate.
Dec 31, 2019 at 5:37 PM Post #2,359 of 3,234
@cccoltsicehockey you are noticing what I did, and that is the Q5s is more neutral/detail focused sounding where the original Q5 certainly lived up to the Velvet Sound AKM moniker. The AM3D is very, very clean sounding so give yourself a little adjustment time. When I use my Edition X V2 via the 4.4 of the AM3D I find the bass extension and quality quite satisfying. Only time will tell, but as I suspect you know, when adjusting to new sound signatures, even when the differences are not major, it can take a little time. I would suggest that you stop using other devices and simply give the Q5s all of your time for a solid week. Then go back to the other devices and see what you think. You may find your perspective quite different. Going back and forth between devices will confuse your hearing brain plus encourage you to analyze and compare rather than allow yourself to acclimate.
Yeah when I bought my Q5 I had no idea about t what the sound profile just thought this will be great two purpose for work and in the car with her Bluetooth. So been learning since about it's profile.

You mention more bass from the 4.4. So I take it you recommend getting a balanced cable to use the 4.4 then. I haven't ordered one yet for my FH7 but I have been considering it.

Definitely will go ahead and stop comparing it and see how it goes. Makes sense that comparing it is making it more difficult.
Dec 31, 2019 at 10:09 PM Post #2,361 of 3,234
Meybe could be the filter setting affecting this ?

To my ears Sharp Roll-off gives most bass.
I've never played around with the app - do the filter settings also apply to the Q5s?
Dec 31, 2019 at 10:16 PM Post #2,362 of 3,234
Yeah when I bought my Q5 I had no idea about t what the sound profile just thought this will be great two purpose for work and in the car with her Bluetooth. So been learning since about it's profile.

You mention more bass from the 4.4. So I take it you recommend getting a balanced cable to use the 4.4 then. I haven't ordered one yet for my FH7 but I have been considering it.

Definitely will go ahead and stop comparing it and see how it goes. Makes sense that comparing it is making it more difficult.
Get a balanced cable what are you comparing non balanced on the q5s here

Balanced will give you tighter bass becouse of more current
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Jan 1, 2020 at 2:51 AM Post #2,363 of 3,234
I've never played around with the app - do the filter settings also apply to the Q5s?

They should be somewhere in the app to set. Yes, AKM 4493 chip has even 1 more additional filter comparing to 4490 in the Q5.

Here if you want to read more about them: http://nihtila.com/2019/10/18/dac-digital-filters-part-2-deeper-dive-into-ak4490-and-ak4493-filters/

To my ears, the Slow filters make the sound more smooth, less dynamic. And Sharp Roll-off is most fast, most dynamic in sound. Its more noticable when you turn on the bass boost. as the bass boost on the Q5 or Q5s work so that it lowers the higher frequencies, and so you can hear if bass is more dynamic and fast punching.

Also something else, i am not sure if the filters are working if you use the device only as an amplifier however. You have to use it as DAC with USB or Bluetooth for them to have effect i think. And when changing them, wait 10-15 seconds, it doesnt switch them immediately.
Jan 1, 2020 at 1:30 PM Post #2,364 of 3,234
Does the filters worked? I don’t see the sound changes at all. Normally when I change filter in some other dac, the sound will pause for 1/2 sec and then resume. The Q5s does not pause and sound don’t change.
Jan 1, 2020 at 2:58 PM Post #2,365 of 3,234
Does the filters worked? I don’t see the sound changes at all. Normally when I change filter in some other dac, the sound will pause for 1/2 sec and then resume. The Q5s does not pause and sound don’t change.
I dont think they work i hear no difference at all on my es 100 i hear a difference i use it on ldac and equalizer works not too

Maybe it works on aptx because the aptx equlazier works

I think btr 5 should have the same problems

These are things i told fiio but seems like they wont fix it
Jan 1, 2020 at 5:34 PM Post #2,366 of 3,234
I dont think they work i hear no difference at all on my es 100 i hear a difference i use it on ldac and equalizer works not too

Maybe it works on aptx because the aptx equlazier works

I think btr 5 should have the same problems

These are things i told fiio but seems like they wont fix it
The filters work, but that doesn't mean in every device the implementation of the device will make the changes noticeable. Why would FiiO produce a device that can't even access the built in filters provided by the chip manufacturer? In all my years reading here and elsewhere, as well as trying myself, I have never heard anybody who thinks that the differences these filters make is anything more than very, very subtle so it is entirely possible people can't hear them because they really shouldn't be able to tell.
Jan 1, 2020 at 5:47 PM Post #2,367 of 3,234
The amp really is the part that makes all the difference, even though I have the Q5s AM3D, I'm sure the module on the Q5 would be practically the same, bluetooth be damned if you are looking for use of hi-fi at it's full potential, that's why I also bought the CL06, all in all the amp sounds remarkable with my Senny IE 800 S...
Jan 2, 2020 at 2:54 PM Post #2,368 of 3,234
Has anyone seen the new Fiio LA-UA1 USB power isolator, I'm just about to order one from Aliexpress, unless someone can talk me out of it.
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Jan 2, 2020 at 5:55 PM Post #2,370 of 3,234
With my FH7 not being a fairly neutral IEM in addition to the Q5S I thought I was really getting no base at all. Turns out one of my issues was I was getting a terrible seal with SpiralDots even though they are so comfortable.

Been able to do several hours of listening today and tried several different tips and the foam tips gave a much better seal and allowed me to get some good bass out of the Q5S while retaining the better detail it seems to have over the Q5.

While doing reading on some other things today I also learned of UAPP. I have always just been using the Tidal app as I never knew anything of UAPP. Amazing what that can do for the overall sound of what you are listening to as well.

Needless to say it has been an enlightening day of listening.

Get a balanced cable what are you comparing non balanced on the q5s here

Balanced will give you tighter bass becouse of more current

Any suggestions for a balanced cable between the Fiio 4.4C and 4.4D? Or maybe another cable even?

Happy New Year to all!

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