[FiiO Q5s Type C ‖ Q5s] Bluetooth DSD-capable Amplifier,AK4493x2,768k/32bit
Aug 9, 2019 at 10:24 AM Post #1,127 of 3,243
For full transparency, I have included the two additional private messages. If you as the representative of @FiiO need to save your own money and purchase a Q5s from @FiiO to send to me, please do not. @FiiO should take care of that and not you as a hard working employee. I have purchased several items from FiiO in the past to include an X1, X5, X5 III, D3, A5, F1, and Q5. I may purchase an M11 as well. Again, if @FiiO is not honoring the mistake and sending the Q5s themselves, then let's just drop the whole thing. Things happen and I accept your apology.

I will also say that it's completely fair that the intended winner be congratulated and receive the Q5s as advertised.

Message 1:
Dear friend,

1.We reserves all rights to interpret and amend the rules of this activity as necessary.

2. The prize quantity is limited. So if we offer the prize to you instead, the correct winner could not get the prize.

3. We are sorry that we made a wrong calculation. But we have amended once we found that. For showing our apology, we could send a BTR1K or f3 to you.

Thanks for you understanding in advanced!

Best regards

Message 2:
We are so sorry that the prize quantity is limited we kept the prize before. and we do not have enough stock to arrange one more Q5S as prize. So if we offer the prize to you instead, the correct winner could not get the prize.
We are sorry that we made a wrong calculation to bring such inconvenience for you.

If you still not accept my proposal, hope you can understand it is my personal mistake,

I will buy a Q5s for you personally when it is in stock again. But it may also take some time for me to save the money for it beacause it is a really really expensive product for a little staff like me.

Best regards

Damn that's very solid! He was really going to buy you one with his own coin. Well Fiio are really upping their game with their products lately anyways so I see them taking a bigger market share.

M11 is fantastic for the money, and after playing with Q5s (never had Q5 but wanted one) I think it's a great value too for the quality.
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Aug 9, 2019 at 10:28 AM Post #1,128 of 3,243
For full transparency, I have included the two additional private messages. If you as the representative of @FiiO need to save your own money and purchase a Q5s from @FiiO to send to me, please do not. @FiiO should take care of that and not you as a hard working employee. I have purchased several items from FiiO in the past to include an X1, X5, X5 III, D3, A5, F1, and Q5. I may purchase an M11 as well. Again, if @FiiO is not honoring the mistake and sending the Q5s themselves, then let's just drop the whole thing. Things happen and I accept your apology.

I will also say that it's completely fair that the intended winner be congratulated and receive the Q5s as advertised.

Message 1:
Dear friend,

1.We reserves all rights to interpret and amend the rules of this activity as necessary.

2. The prize quantity is limited. So if we offer the prize to you instead, the correct winner could not get the prize.

3. We are sorry that we made a wrong calculation. But we have amended once we found that. For showing our apology, we could send a BTR1K or f3 to you.

Thanks for you understanding in advanced!

Best regards

Message 2:
We are so sorry that the prize quantity is limited we kept the prize before. and we do not have enough stock to arrange one more Q5S as prize. So if we offer the prize to you instead, the correct winner could not get the prize.
We are sorry that we made a wrong calculation to bring such inconvenience for you.

If you still not accept my proposal, hope you can understand it is my personal mistake,

I will buy a Q5s for you personally when it is in stock again. But it may also take some time for me to save the money for it beacause it is a really really expensive product for a little staff like me.

Best regards
Honestly, Fiio should just give this guy a promotion and a raise.
Aug 9, 2019 at 11:38 AM Post #1,129 of 3,243
Honestly, Fiio should just give this guy a promotion and a raise.
Yes FIIO should do that. And I am very happy that end of the day everyone got happy. He does not have to pay from his pocket and FIO gives an additional Q5S to gibby.
Everyone is a winner!
Aug 9, 2019 at 11:58 AM Post #1,131 of 3,243
But didn't @FiiO tell that company would send you one from next stock?
Aug 9, 2019 at 12:04 PM Post #1,132 of 3,243
well, FiiO is not going to send me one. I didn’t win after all, and that’s fine. It would have been nice if FiiO felt obligated to, but they don’t. The marketing employee that represents @FiiO here was willing to buy one with their own money, which is really nice of them, but not necessary.

He said the boss at Fiio said they would send you one on them (not him) when they got one back in stock. So you ARE getting one - if my reading comprehension is up to par :wink:
Aug 9, 2019 at 12:12 PM Post #1,133 of 3,243
He said the boss at Fiio said they would send you one on them (not him) when they got one back in stock. So you ARE getting one - if my reading comprehension is up to par :wink:
That would also be my interpretation
Aug 9, 2019 at 12:14 PM Post #1,134 of 3,243
Dear friend,

As i told you into the PM that i sent for you before: If you could not accept my apology, I prefer to buy a Q5s for you personally when it is in stock again previously, because it is my personal mistake.

Now here i have a good news to share with you and all the fans that support to us , after reporting this case to my company, the head of our company decided to send the Q5s to you still. Please kindly note that it will take some days to sending you the Q5S because we do not have enough stock now.

What we focus is our customers and our product , our team said i present for FiiO, the mistake that i made , FiiO still has responsibility to do it well.

For FiiO, we always value the customers most, as you may see that we provide support to many old products released years ago.

Sorry for any inconvenience that i brought and thank you for your kind understanding.

Best regards

Yes That's what I read there. You are getting one from next stock!
Aug 9, 2019 at 12:36 PM Post #1,136 of 3,243
It sounded to me from the private message that it’s no longer the case. I guess that was sent before the post here in the forum. I’d gladly accept a Q5s from FiiO, but not if @FiiO rep has to buy it. I guess we’ll see what happens.
But he clearly says his boss after hearing the case is sending you one. He even says it is happy news for everyone! (-: You got one!

Now here i have a good news to share with you and all the fans that support to us , after reporting this case to my company, the head of our company decided to send the Q5s to you still.

Believe your eyes buddy! You got one!
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Aug 9, 2019 at 1:34 PM Post #1,139 of 3,243
I'm not sure I would post private communications here. I know that you mean well, but it might be less well received and could even get an employee in trouble. I think FiiO said they are taking care of this at the company level. Anyway, alls well that ends well as they say and you will be delighted with the Q5s. I love mine and I am so glad that I managed to get one from what clearly was a small first run. The stock will get out soon so can't wait for more impressions from all of you who are waiting.
Aug 9, 2019 at 1:35 PM Post #1,140 of 3,243
I guess I got confused since I read the PM after reading the post. Thanks @FiiO for the good news. I can't wait.
Yes so please take that private communication post down, it was a private communication afterall. Cheers.

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