FiiO K1--smaller and better for less

Dec 14, 2015 at 2:30 PM Post #61 of 408
Dec 14, 2015 at 3:35 PM Post #62 of 408
If you're not going to buy other earphones in observable future, then K1 is a nice option. Otherwise, you can think about getting Q1, which is also a great option.

Thanks for the response!
If I was getting into the Q1 price range, why wouldn't i get the E07K? Seems like a better option to me (To be fair, I'm very inexperienced in the audio world)
Dec 16, 2015 at 12:33 AM Post #67 of 408
Headfonia completely reversed my decision to give the Q1 a shot, and they did it by very cleverly expressing admiration for almost every other Fiio product near its price and damning the Q1 with the faintest of praise. I dont normally weigh into threads about gear I havent heard, at least not simply to play the role of naysayer, but I was surprised that a site which normally seems to exist for no other purpose than to push Fiio and iBasso gear (the Jakarta Headfonia store sells both ...) was so critical of a Fiio product. They recommended the E07K and the E17K over the Q1 - I dont think either of those is compatible with Android devices, but sonically the reviewer didnt seem to care about that. No idea what they'll have to say about the K1, but as Fiio seems to send them new product the day it comes out of the factory I expect that we'll see a review very soon. My Bangkok dealer constantly complained that he would order 10 units of a new Fiio product and receive 3 'when it suits them', making me inclined to believe that Headfonia do very well from their mutually beneficial relationship - kudos to them for calling it as they see it and I'm just passing it on for those considering their alternatives at the 'bucks down' end of the DAC/amp market. 
Dec 16, 2015 at 1:18 AM Post #68 of 408
  Headfonia completely reversed my decision to give the Q1 a shot, and they did it by very cleverly expressing admiration for almost every other Fiio product near its price and damning the Q1 with the faintest of praise. I dont normally weigh into threads about gear I havent heard, at least not simply to play the role of naysayer, but I was surprised that a site which normally seems to exist for no other purpose than to push Fiio and iBasso gear (the Jakarta Headfonia store sells both ...) was so critical of a Fiio product. They recommended the E07K and the E17K over the Q1 - I dont think either of those is compatible with Android devices, but sonically the reviewer didnt seem to care about that. No idea what they'll have to say about the K1, but as Fiio seems to send them new product the day it comes out of the factory I expect that we'll see a review very soon. My Bangkok dealer constantly complained that he would order 10 units of a new Fiio product and receive 3 'when it suits them', making me inclined to believe that Headfonia do very well from their mutually beneficial relationship - kudos to them for calling it as they see it and I'm just passing it on for those considering their alternatives at the 'bucks down' end of the DAC/amp market. 

the e07k works with my z3 compact.
Dec 16, 2015 at 11:41 PM Post #69 of 408
Dec 17, 2015 at 4:16 AM Post #70 of 408
Good review twister.
Btw. I'm still searching on the Android "cable adaptor" with a simple USB hub chip inside, this would fix the "issue" quite simple.

In my case the small passive USB hub has this simple hub controller chip inside:
If any custom cable would be have a USB OTG cable + a simple hub controller inside with one port (like a regular OTG cable) the K1 works pretty fine.
Dec 17, 2015 at 9:31 AM Post #72 of 408
  Good review twister.
Btw. I'm still searching on the Android "cable adaptor" with a simple USB hub chip inside, this would fix the "issue" quite simple.
In my case the small passive USB hub has this simple hub controller chip inside:
If any custom cable would be have a USB OTG cable + a simple hub controller inside with one port (like a regular OTG cable) the K1 works pretty fine.

Yes, would be good to have a simple solution.  Btw, googled and found that HifimeDYI UD80 uses the same Savitech SA9023A usb receiver and can be connected to usb otg (compatible with Android devices).
Btw, K1 only draws 40mA of current (the same as Astrapi and less than dSp), so it's not an issue of drawing too much power.

Dec 17, 2015 at 10:22 AM Post #73 of 408
Yes, would be good to have a simple solution.  Btw, googled and found that HifimeDYI UD80 uses the same Savitech SA9023A usb receiver and can be connected to usb otg (compatible with Android devices).
Btw, K1 only draws 40mA of current (the same as Astrapi and less than dSp), so it's not an issue of drawing too much power.

Wouldn't that current draw increase with headphones connected and the volume turned up?
Dec 17, 2015 at 10:34 AM Post #74 of 408
Yes, would be good to have a simple solution.  Btw, googled and found that HifimeDYI UD80 uses the same Savitech SA9023A usb receiver and can be connected to usb otg (compatible with Android devices).
Btw, K1 only draws 40mA of current (the same as Astrapi and less than dSp), so it's not an issue of drawing too much power.

40mA? I'm using a DeLock tool (might be no good for low values like you have 0,04 A I have 0,10 A?) and I get 0,10 A (0,08 A with a egular USB OTG cable, and 0,02 A more with the passive USB hub between) with the FiiO K1 and 0,10 A the HRT dSP. With the Creative SB X-Fi Go! usb sound card I have 0,12 A. I think I will buy your testing tool, seems a way better.


  Wouldn't that current draw increase with headphones connected and the volume turned up?

I only have Volts and Ampere, no Watts for my testing tool. But the power draw in my tests was never any issue, see here FiiO K1 with UAPP (hardware and software volume to maximum) with my Sennheiser HD 800:

Dec 17, 2015 at 11:16 AM Post #75 of 408
This DAC/Amp looks like a good bargain for its price. I cant wait to get it after i get my Noble 4 in ear monitors. That would be a good combination coming out of my HTC One M9. 


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