Apr 12, 2013 at 10:11 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13


New Head-Fier
Feb 3, 2013
I just got myself a new Fiio E07k Andes DAC/amp, using it to be used as my SSMH's DAC. Curious down here, why is it not bypassing the computer's volume control, while other DACs do that? Will it compromise the sound quality? I'm using the USB, and using the L7 dock also.
Apr 13, 2013 at 11:49 PM Post #3 of 13
This is probably because you haven't got the E7 set up as your Audio Device in your sound system. Easy to check
If you are in W7, double click on the little speaker icon in the task at the bottom right. A number of columns with volume levels appear. The one on the far left (or close to it should be labeled Device Speakers and have a picture of a speaker. Click on this and the name of the E7 or "USB Audio DAC" should be there and enabled. If another name appears then that could be what is controlling your volume and it will probably be the sound card for your PC. You will see that it is enabled with a green tick or similar. To make the E7 the audio Device you will have to select it from the list of devices. Can I also suggest that you disable all the others.
Apr 14, 2013 at 6:03 AM Post #4 of 13
Just make sure volume on your PC is all the way up and control it from the E07K.

Yes, by far this is the only work around. :(
This is probably because you haven't got the E7 set up as your Audio Device in your sound system. Easy to check
If you are in W7, double click on the little speaker icon in the task at the bottom right. A number of columns with volume levels appear. The one on the far left (or close to it should be labeled Device Speakers and have a picture of a speaker. Click on this and the name of the E7 or "USB Audio DAC" should be there and enabled. If another name appears then that could be what is controlling your volume and it will probably be the sound card for your PC. You will see that it is enabled with a green tick or similar. To make the E7 the audio Device you will have to select it from the list of devices. Can I also suggest that you disable all the others.

nope already double checked it. I'm using mac, and it's showing that the E07k is the main output device. I guess it's the "flaw" from this DAC?
Apr 14, 2013 at 7:10 PM Post #5 of 13
So when you go into the sound menu in System Prefs, is there a volume slider for the E07K? Is it linked to the computer volume? The E07Ks volume? Or independant?
Apr 15, 2013 at 6:24 AM Post #6 of 13
They have done this on purpose, the E7 bypasses volume, the E07k even with WASAPI does not bypass volume. I read that some people 
complained and wanted it this way.
I have no idea if it appears to make a difference to the sound, and at this price level it's not going to be a lot of difference.
The E07k is also less useful as a phone dac, it won't work with my N8, the E7 did.
Aug 20, 2013 at 8:28 AM Post #7 of 13
Hi all.
I used to play my audio files by the old E07 via ASIO4All
Once the E07 died, I bought an E07K and... surprise. I was no longer able to bypass the OS (windows 7) volume control.
FiiO drivers do not permit this configuration.
So, i reinstall the 9.22 ASIO4All driver and after some try I got the desired configuration.
Sound was clear like the old E07 but every time I restart the notebook the configuration disappear and I've to install, reinstall and try newer settings in order to get the E07K acting as fully decoding device bypassing thhe os volue controls.
i still do not have a clear procedure, I wrote to fiio technical support.... hope in finding a solution
Oct 7, 2013 at 1:21 PM Post #10 of 13
Fiio should really be advertising this, because it's a MAJOR departure from the product that it replaces. 
I had an E7, which gloriously bypassed Windows mixer on ANY computer without installing drivers and messing with settings. I go and purchase the "upgraded' unit that replaces the E7 and lo and behold it's just like any other ****ty USB audio device, subject to Windows mixer. 
I'm sure people will say install Foobar or ASIO4All, well what about people that frequently use other peoples computers, or more importantly, work computers running Windows XP? I used to be able to have a great audio experience on those systems. Not now. 
Great, $90 down the toilet, thanks FIIO. 
Oct 7, 2013 at 1:37 PM Post #11 of 13
Hi all,
disabling all audio devices I managed in bypassing windows audio and mixer control, but it's a bit triky and I'm not able to play any other audio source like youtube or windows sounds.
Anyway, now I start having an annoying blue screen on usb device while playing the fiio but....
After 2 weeks without charging the old E07 fiio came back working :) and I re-plugged in my notebook.
The new one... :( sob..... boooh, going to sell @ half price to someone...
Oct 7, 2013 at 2:47 PM Post #12 of 13
Why did they do this? The new unit looks better and has a fresher feel, but now i'm literally going to have to buy an old product just to get good sound again. What the hell. 

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