Fifth Sydney Head-Fi Meet Impressions - 21.06.08
Jun 23, 2008 at 5:58 AM Post #61 of 384

Originally Posted by zantetsuken /img/forum/go_quote.gif
how are the lower models in terms of shelf life, and sound quality in comparison to the 007z we had?, are they worth investing in if ur listening to all sorts of varied music genre?

I think the best purchase for Stax is either original low bias Lambda or SR-X Mark III. The more recent models (except Omega) are not as enjoyable as there is a bit too much emphasis on treble. Then you can pair it with a normal bias amp such as SRM-1 or SRM-313. The total set up can probably be had for under $500.

Buying second hand stuff off ebay is always a gamble, so make sure to ask questions - but most units last decades if not mistreated - the Lambda Signature I took out at the end of the meet was 20 years old.
Jun 23, 2008 at 7:53 AM Post #62 of 384
Hey guys, I just obtained a pair of Nordost Enchantress cable, each about 1.5m. I am planning to use 1 to make a IC for the HD600/650s. I will also DIY another use normal Starquad.

I think many ppl here will be interested to audit the difference incl. myself
Jun 23, 2008 at 8:05 AM Post #63 of 384

Originally Posted by dvse /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think the best purchase for Stax is either original low bias Lambda or SR-X Mark III. The more recent models (except Omega) are not as enjoyable as there is a bit too much emphasis on treble. Then you can pair it with a normal bias amp such as SRM-1 or SRM-313. The total set up can probably be had for under $500.

Buying second hand stuff off ebay is always a gamble, so make sure to ask questions - but most units last decades if not mistreated - the Lambda Signature I took out at the end of the meet was 20 years old.

so not too good with the new models such as 303, 404s etc?, and dont go second hand with stax?. I just wanted to set up an electrostatic rig without blowing a fortune, omegaz are outta the budget 4g is too much to spend lol, i was going to go for several headphones rather than just 1, so i can use different ones for different genres of music since i listen to so many different genres its probably the best thing to do.
Jun 23, 2008 at 8:20 AM Post #64 of 384

Originally Posted by zantetsuken /img/forum/go_quote.gif
so not too good with the new models such as 303, 404s etc?, and dont go second hand with stax?.

If want to get new stuff then SR-202 system is probably the best way to go price/performance wise.

Older Stax stuff should be better still, just need to be careful buying second hand and make sure that the phones are in good condition before bidding...
Jun 23, 2008 at 8:27 AM Post #65 of 384

Originally Posted by pkjames /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey guys, I just obtained a pair of Nordost Enchantress cable, each about 1.5m. I am planning to use 1 to make a IC for the HD600/650s. I will also DIY another use normal Starquad.

I think many ppl here will be interested to audit the difference incl. myself

Wow. That'll be interesting. How much did the Nordost cost? And please don't turn into another Patrick. That'll be sad
Jun 23, 2008 at 8:50 AM Post #66 of 384

Originally Posted by dvse /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If want to get new stuff then SR-202 system is probably the best way to go price/performance wise.

Older Stax stuff should be better still, just need to be careful buying second hand and make sure that the phones are in good condition before bidding...

yea exactly, and i hear stax gear lasts very long as long as u look after it well. What are typically the best genre's for Stax?, and do you require high end sources?, i have a computer which has digital out, if i were to get that going into a decent DAC->staxAMP->phones would that be fairly good?, or we talking bad in terms of source?

Other than this the Denon D2000 really astonished me i thought they were really well made, im still in a bit of a dilema whether to stick with the 2000z or move up further into the 5000, as i tend not to climb the ladder slow if i want to get something ill go straight to the good stuff rather save and get that instead of getting a lot of other stuff along the way, i thought the D2000 although wasnt as warm the bass was still good and i found it quite easy to drive them without an amp too, they mids were ok but i found the overall quality of sound quite captivating, does the wooden enclosure seriously make a huge impact on the sound quality/clarity?
Jun 23, 2008 at 9:20 AM Post #67 of 384
I had a 28 year old pair of Stax Sigmas earspeakers - they were still going strong, but I wanted to update them to the latest pro drivers. They have been well cared for, but on the other hand, Stax really designs these headphones well and they are built to last. Also have an SRM1 Mk 2 Pro amplifier that was made in 1987 and that works perfectly too.
Jun 23, 2008 at 9:33 AM Post #68 of 384

Originally Posted by zantetsuken /img/forum/go_quote.gif
yea exactly, and i hear stax gear lasts very long as long as u look after it well. What are typically the best genre's for Stax?, and do you require high end sources?, i have a computer which has digital out, if i were to get that going into a decent DAC->staxAMP->phones would that be fairly good?, or we talking bad in terms of source?

You will definitely hear source improvements, but even something like DAC-AH should be quite listenable.

It might be a good idea to steer clear of brighter sounding sources like Benchmark with Lambda series headphones though which are quite bright themselves...
Jun 23, 2008 at 10:01 AM Post #69 of 384

Originally Posted by pkjames /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey guys, I just obtained a pair of Nordost Enchantress cable, each about 1.5m. I am planning to use 1 to make a IC for the HD600/650s. I will also DIY another use normal Starquad.

I think many ppl here will be interested to audit the difference incl. myself


me wants to try

Covenant, did u notice a lot of difference with changing the cables of your HD600?
Jun 23, 2008 at 10:11 AM Post #70 of 384

Originally Posted by zantetsuken /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Other than this the Denon D2000 really astonished me i thought they were really well made, im still in a bit of a dilema whether to stick with the 2000z or move up further into the 5000, as i tend not to climb the ladder slow if i want to get something ill go straight to the good stuff rather save and get that instead of getting a lot of other stuff along the way, i thought the D2000 although wasnt as warm the bass was still good and i found it quite easy to drive them without an amp too, they mids were ok but i found the overall quality of sound quite captivating, does the wooden enclosure seriously make a huge impact on the sound quality/clarity?

If all goes well I should have a markl-modded recabled pair in about three weeks and the listening can start. FWIW I've read some head-fiers say that a recabled D2000 is close to a stock D5000 (but also close to the same price). In the end it probably depends on what music and other components you listen to...
Jun 23, 2008 at 10:34 AM Post #71 of 384

Originally Posted by Mazz /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If all goes well I should have a markl-modded recabled pair in about three weeks and the listening can start. FWIW I've read some head-fiers say that a recabled D2000 is close to a stock D5000 (but also close to the same price). In the end it probably depends on what music and other components you listen to...

yea, let me know how you find the D5000z how much do each cost overall?. What are the stock D2000z recabled with to make them better?, i was thinking if i do want to get something cheaper im thinking D2000 with a DIY starquad canare and if i can, ima try make it detachable, im also hearing that the markl mod works with the D2000 and that it makes a huge impact too, but i dont know much bout that
Jun 23, 2008 at 10:42 AM Post #72 of 384
Folks my head is still in a wizz from the selection of amps, 'phones and sources i had the pleasure of listening to on the weekend.

Definite standouts for me were:

the Denon D2000's, very nice controlled growl to the bass/sub bass, were comfy to wear- awesome rock 'phones, i like them very much.

The Sennheiser Hd600's through the pico unit were a treat to listen to as well, everything was in its right place and the timing was impeccable. Veyr nice 'phones once again.

Grado RS-1's, these blew my socks off, the jump in sound quality from my MS-1's to these bad boys outweighs the jump in price by a long shot. The senny's were nice, but the RS-1's just did it for me.

The Stax set up, it just made me wish i had more time to appreciate it and a bit more available cash to afford it.

The one phone which i did like a lot, purely because my main interest is portable was a 15 year old pair of lower end senny's. These were comfy to wear and had the nice bright sound i like.

Amp wise, the pico was nice, looked very well made, sounded great, but to me was too nice to be used as a portable and too small to use as a desktop.
It's purely a personal thing, kids running round the house and not a lot of free time means when i listen to music at home it is to drown out the commotion going on around me. I prefer my portable equipment to look like it is built to survive a nuclear winter- hence diy amps and the tomahawk.
The same goes for the boa, for the money i thought the amp section on this was knockout.

Both very nice pieces of kit, but i don't think i would ever have the need for a dac.

Meier headsix and 2move, nice once again, but never having heard any Meier amp, just seemed a bit flat to me. I would like more time to have a good listen to the headsix with music i am more familiar with.

The hornet, ok, a little bit more refined on the lower end than the tomahawk, but only by the minutest of portions, and with the slight extra size and the reduced battery life, i will stick with my tomahawk- and before folks say its rechargeable, there aren't too many power plugs at hand when you're out bush, but you can always carry a couple of spare AAA's.

Sources are sources, when it comes to portable most of the name brand players will churn out a fairly good sound. Unless you have an earthworm or a bat somewhere in your family tree you're not going to pick up the lower or higher frequencies you might be missing out on listening to an mp3 player. I still say Meizu kick butt.

1 extra highlight of the meet-

1 set of broken im716's- 20 bucks
2 68 ohm resistors- 12 cents
etymotic sound- priceless

Great meet folks, until the next time......
Jun 23, 2008 at 10:52 AM Post #73 of 384

Originally Posted by ZephyrSapphire /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Wow. That'll be interesting. How much did the Nordost cost? And please don't turn into another Patrick. That'll be sad

i got it cheap, about 15bucks/meter, because of the minimal length. should be arriving syd in about 1 week.
Jun 23, 2008 at 11:51 AM Post #74 of 384

Originally Posted by John Buchanan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I had a 28 year old pair of Stax Sigmas earspeakers - they were still going strong, but I wanted to update them to the latest pro drivers. They have been well cared for, but on the other hand, Stax really designs these headphones well and they are built to last. Also have an SRM1 Mk 2 Pro amplifier that was made in 1987 and that works perfectly too.

I agree with JB. I have two Stax Sigmas, one to keep as is, one to mod with 404 drivers (when I make the time
). Both are in fine shape (and will continue to be

Like the warners say, you just need to be careful they've been kept well (dust free, etc). Unlike the thinner diaphragms some manufacturers have used in later years I find the thicker earlier ones last and last (even though they don't quite deliver the same level of performance for some).

But Stax found their ideal diaphragm thickness over time and have stuck with it, with resultant minimal failures from my understanding (as indicated, read the Stax Threads for so much more info - or move to Iceland and become spritzer's best friend/next door neighbour

Sorry I couldn't make the meet this time, guys, but I'm glad dvse was able to ensure you had the chance to relish electrostatics.

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