Feliks Audio ENVY
Aug 5, 2022 at 5:14 PM Post #556 of 7,322
We'll see what happens next week, you never know but so far the only contact is when I've chased so I'm not expecting much but they may surprise me.

The image quality of the Fuji GFX100S must be something special. I used to shoot with the X Pro when they were first released. Their 35mm f/1.4 was clunky in terms of focus but beautiful image quality!
Aug 5, 2022 at 8:27 PM Post #558 of 7,322
You know you are in a Summit Fi thread, when the discussion degenerates to Leica and medium format camera talk :wink:
Only poors used Leica. Hassleblad or nothing at all!
Aug 5, 2022 at 8:45 PM Post #560 of 7,322
Aug 5, 2022 at 10:46 PM Post #561 of 7,322
Nikon for 35mm all the way (although I still have my Canon with some L lenses packed away somewhere...)
Konica Hexanon glass was (is) way sharper than Nikkors.

There were some sharp Nikkor lenses, but quality control realy suffered after Nikon became a household word. Had to test each lens to find a good one.

Now, what about the FA Envy?
Aug 6, 2022 at 3:26 AM Post #563 of 7,322
Aug 8, 2022 at 3:49 AM Post #564 of 7,322
So no Auris Nirvana, no Enleum for you. Could you do the audition/comparision, or have you decided blindly? Which version have you got? Any sound impressions?

My dealer could not get the Auris in. Their is no distributor left in Belgium, Auris itself did not respond to his mails and calls. On top of that Auris has not responded to multiple of my mails these last months, so the level of trust was dropping every week. Compare this to Feliks who responded within 24 hours... Still sad, because I really loved the Auris Nirvana when I listened to it last year. But no direct comparisons with the Nirvana and the Envy.

I did end up auditioning the Envy and the Enleum together. The Envy was the clear winner. The store owner was surprised, 'cause the Enleum had won other direct comparisons with a landslide he said. Both are clearly very good amps. The Envy had more 'air', sounded more alive. The Enleum sounded a bit more normal, a bit too tame. My dealer said it was the combination with the Holo May and Susvara that made a big difference.
Top that off with the fact that my speakers are too power hungry for the Enleum and the Envy wins on functionality too.

Apart from the heat, another problem I have is that when I use it as a pre-amp, the volume knob is way to sensitive. According to Feliks the May probably runs too 'hot' and I might need Roon or somehting like that to control the volume.
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Aug 8, 2022 at 6:45 AM Post #566 of 7,322
12 weeks and still waiting. I might just print a photo off and put it on the rack :beyersmile:
Aug 8, 2022 at 12:25 PM Post #567 of 7,322
Drum roll.........

Dealer - "We got some tracking details today from Feliks Audio, so it looks like your goods are on the way !"


Or... it's a signed photo of the Envy to put on my rack! It just better not be another Euforia!
Aug 8, 2022 at 12:52 PM Post #568 of 7,322
Good news ! 👍
With what will you feed the Envy, your Atom HE ?
Aug 8, 2022 at 1:10 PM Post #569 of 7,322
That is the preferred option as I really like the interface and the sound of the Atom HE. I will just move between that and the Envy. I have a pair of Tellurium Q Ultra Silver XLRs which aren't being used so I will connect the Atom HE to the Envy with those.

I do also have a Hugo 2 with a pair of Oyaide solid silver RCA cables so I intend to give that a spin as well. Both options will make use of a Roon Nucleus local files and Qobuz.
Aug 8, 2022 at 1:14 PM Post #570 of 7,322
Atom HE and Hugo 2 here too so interested by your comparative feedback :)

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