Feliks-Audio ELISE...New thread.
Feb 25, 2016 at 10:41 PM Post #8,296 of 13,856
Any concensus on c3g manufacturer, have seen Siemens and Telefunken, and with the 4 6bl7's would I need an external power adapter, got a long wait for Elise ordered about 2/10/2016 no word on confirmation, so I thought I would get a few things ready.  Original thought was to use for about a month stock and then proceed, but the new reviews are intriguing.  Thanks

Hello CF...

All the C3g's are nice sounding drivers. They can be a bit pricey, and you need adapters for C3g use in Elise (another expense).
The good news is that with dual 6BL7 and C3g as drivers, your okay with the default Elise heater current and do not need external heat.

But, if you run 6SN7 or ECC31 or 6N7G as drivers, you then do go over the recommended heater current by a small amount, and an external heater (power supply) is recommended.

You can run the dual 6BL7's via the Elise, and use external heat for the driver tubes to ensure you won't overtax the internal Elise transformer.

Pretty easy to do by using a pair of these:


Then you need a couple of more items that are not expensive, to complete your external driver heat setup.

Everything about dual 6BL7's is extremely positive sonically, and worth it, imo, to have to heat powers externally.

It's too bad the Elise does not have a little bit more horsepower in the transformer department so that you could run the dual 6BL7's and your choice of drivers, without fear.

BTW, I like 1940's 6SN7W by Sylvania, more than I do C3g, and would cost you about the same as C3g, maybe even less since they do not require adapters.

Cheers, and luck to you as you await your wonderful Elise.


Feb 25, 2016 at 10:53 PM Post #8,297 of 13,856
In that case I am going to wait and see what my 6sn7's will do.  I have alot of them, KR's Slyvania's Rca grey glass and what not. So, thanks for the advice and I think I will wait till the Elise arrives.  I think it was the idea of getting the tubes, would help the wait for the amp.
Feb 25, 2016 at 11:00 PM Post #8,298 of 13,856
In that case I am going to wait and see what my 6sn7's will do.  I have alot of them, KR's Slyvania's Rca grey glass and what not. So, thanks for the advice and I think I will wait till the Elise arrives.  I think it was the idea of getting the tubes, would help the wait for the amp.

Right-o all the 6SN7's you mentioned will pair very well with the dual 6BL7's as your power tubes.

You will be well pleased, I am certain.

I waited 3 months to get my Elise :)

Feb 25, 2016 at 11:09 PM Post #8,299 of 13,856
He told me 6-7 weeks, may have to have a little legaleze talk with him about that.
Feb 25, 2016 at 11:10 PM Post #8,300 of 13,856
Hi connieflyer,
The C3g was made by Siemens and Lorenz. Other brand names were Telefunken and Valvo. I have not been able to clarify if the last two were re-branded Lorenz or Siemens. The best samples were labeled with an S, usually hand written on the tube casing.
All these C3g tubes are good and are rated for 10,000 hours of use.
The main thing to know is that the glass envelope is very brittle, and the tubes break very easily. These tubes cannot be rolled (rocked back and forth) as other tubes when taking them out of the sockets. Use a small flat blade screw driver to gently wedge them out of the socket, going around the perimeter. To insert them, push gently straight down.

This is a C3g tube without the aluminum casing - I think that the blue light comes from a Beryllium component.

Feb 26, 2016 at 3:45 AM Post #8,303 of 13,856

Wow that's amazing what our adapter seller Xuling has customized for us! I personally though would wait to go this route until one of you has tested the results first - see if any possible upgrade in sound justifies this major transformation or not.
Oh and just in case you're interested to know, the owner of Feliks Audio just told me my order is 3 weeks out with 5 people ahead of me. So looks like they're currently churning out Elise's roughly every 4 days.
And I'm sure you know what else that means... There's gotta be a lot of new 'undercover' Eliser's out there not basking in the glory with us - but don't you worry I'm sure this thread's prosecution will come up with some way to bring those suspects into the limelight 

Feb 26, 2016 at 10:29 AM Post #8,305 of 13,856
If you don't mind me asking,what was your invoice number, mine is 50 so that would give us an idea of wait times.
Feb 26, 2016 at 12:43 PM Post #8,307 of 13,856
Hi 2359glenn,
At this time I have had the opportunity to compare the C3gS and EL3N as drivers, using a quad Sylvania X plates 6BL7GTA/GT as power tubes in the Elise.
The main difference between these two superlative drivers is in the sound stage and warmth; otherwise they are similar in their specially detailed presentation with extended bass and treble.
C3gS: The sound stage is not as wide as the EL3N, but there are more spatial cues front and back and top and bottom. The sound is more neutral and analytical.
EL3N: Very wide sound stage and a more warm sound making it more musical than the C3gS.
It is a very close race, and what you prefer boils down to your musical taste. In this setting, both tubes bring out extra ordinary detail and spatial separation/air.


I like the Atlas EL3N rocket....Taking the Elise to new heights with the quad BL tubes.....
End game?
Feb 26, 2016 at 12:50 PM Post #8,308 of 13,856
I like the Atlas EL3N rocket....Taking the Elise to new heights with the quad BL tubes.....
End game?

Very nice, Mordy!

In my setup the preferred drivers are Sylvania 6SN7W from the 1940's.

But definitely multi 6BL7's are 'End Gamers'!

BTW, in a Glenn Amp, he sets up Loctal sockets for C3g drivers, and employes a different bias setting than what is optimal for 6SN7, so, in a Glenn amp, the C3g may well reign supreme :wink:


Feb 26, 2016 at 12:59 PM Post #8,309 of 13,856

Wow that's amazing what our adapter seller Xuling has customized for us! I personally though would wait to go this route until one of you has tested the results first - see if any possible upgrade in sound justifies this major transformation or not.

Hello DL,

Definitely do not buy this adapter unless you are prepared to supply external heat to the (6) 6BL7's which are power hungry beasts, and will devour 9 amps of current, running, and as much as 10.8 amps for a period, during start up.

No one has tried this one yet. But the theory is that 2x 6BL7's was a major upgrade in SQ from a single 6BL7.

Triple 6BL7's should, therefore, provide a 1/2 as much gain in SQ, going from 2x to 3x as going from 1x to 2x did.

I'm sure someone who can heat externally, will file a SQ report.


Feb 26, 2016 at 2:19 PM Post #8,310 of 13,856
Hi guys,

I was curious if anyone could show me their external heating set ups. Are there any that don't look like a prototype, with cheap looking wires everywhere. I am already trying to think of ways to adapt the adapters to look nice:wink: Was thinking to go with black acrylic and flame torching it to give it the glass surface look, plus some black spraypaint...

I could actually see the external heating not being that ugly if one used some nice cables, e.g. some cloth covered guitar cables, which cost a few Euros. But I am curious how you get clean DC current to the Elise. People mentioned a laptop heating source but could not find it. On Glenn's discussion there was was talk of a 12 amp external source.

Maybe its my teutonic nature but I like the esthetics of the Elise and would like to actually have some non-enthusiast see the amp.

I was also curious to ask if some of those custom Elises have a slightly stronger transformer so you could safely use quad 6bl7s?


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