Feliks-Audio ELISE...New thread.
Dec 3, 2015 at 12:40 AM Post #3,451 of 13,856
  Hold on, I'm getting a plane ticket to Australia...
Have you remembered to turn on the Elise? I cannot fathom how there can be no RFI. UT, you have broken physics. 

I have a perfect Elise. It's this 0.01% that's troubling me but I think it's the contact...though how it become loose mid way through a song I don't know. I'll get to the bottom of this.
Dec 3, 2015 at 12:41 AM Post #3,452 of 13,856
I have a perfect Elise. It's this 0.01% that's troubling me but I think it's the contact...though how it become loose mid way through a song I don't know. I'll get to the bottom of this.

It still doesn't make sense, even with the Elise. The tubes themselves should be susceptible to RFI. From what I know any way. 
Dec 3, 2015 at 12:42 AM Post #3,453 of 13,856
  It still doesn't make sense, even with the Elise. The tubes themselves should be susceptible to RFI. 

Why don't you come to Sydney. My tubes are RFI free. 

Dec 3, 2015 at 12:55 AM Post #3,455 of 13,856
  $700USD, leaves in 14 hours from Copenhagen. I'll bring my tubes and T1's. 

That's one Elise with $51 change.
This sound is so good, I'm lost for words.... I'll have a bed for you and take you to Opera House, to the Blue Mountains and Hunter Valley where we can drink all the wine. To Bondi beach and see New Year's Eve fireworks. Sydney is a lovely city.
Dec 3, 2015 at 12:56 AM Post #3,456 of 13,856
That's one Elise with $51 change.
This sound is so good, I'm lost for words.... I'll have a bed for you and take you to Opera House, to the Blue Mountains and Hunter Valley where we can drink all the wine. To Bondi beach and see New Year's Eve fireworks. Sydney is a lovely city.

Well that does sound amazing. Would love to go some time, and I probably will. 
Dec 3, 2015 at 1:21 AM Post #3,457 of 13,856
Philips Miniwatt FDD20 with Chatham 6520
This is a 10 no doubt about it. I sat here listening for the whole afternoon and part morning. Despite the short hiccup of no sound on the left channel, it came back and now I'm getting perfect harmony. I believe it's the contact.
My HE560 is sounding warm and lush and yet so clear and exciting. This is the sound I've been chasing and I've found it, despite not clocking 150 hours on the FDD20 and not using 5998. I think I prefer the 6520.
The treble is astonishingly clear and without fatigue. Vocals are projected intimately close to you and sounded real. Bass extends well and with impact. I'm listening to music. The details make up the song. It's wholesome, entertaining and draws you in. Elise is mainly responsible for all this. Without her, the tubes cannot translate into the resolving power for my headphone to make the music sound so good.
Cheers to us lucky ones indeed.

Dec 3, 2015 at 7:06 AM Post #3,458 of 13,856
  Very interesting tube indeed. And it's a pretty one! I'm not sure how to make an adapter for a directly heated triode, though I guess I can look it up. It also appears that there aren't a whole lot of VT-51's on Ebay, so it might be hard to get a hold of a pair of these beauties. I'll have to look around for a bit. 

Hey Suuup...direct-heated triode? - I'd do a very in-depth investigation if I were you as to its feasibility in our amps, even with external PS...have a horrible feeling it could well be a no-no, lol!!

Nope didn't drop mine. Handle with extreme care. After more sanding still the same. Replace with one of my RVC and it light up nicely, so clearly it's not the connection. I'll be contacting Mr. Da Vinci and hope he has replacement for me.
If not then I've half a super tube combo hahahaha ....mix and match for the win !!!
Maybe one Philips Miniwatt and one RVC might be greater magic. Listening to that now.

Hi UT...from what you say, this definitely looks like a loose heater wire connection inside the tube's base - and it ain't gonna get better! You will not be able to rely on it behaving itself, so you must let the vendor know for sure - if you haven't already!
Re. 2x FDD20s, I did have another go, and although it seems strange, I personally still come back to the 2031 combo : it is that actual 'unconventional' sound that I am still in love with - for me, there is an added element to the soundstage which reminds me more of being in a concert hall, rather than a smaller venue....perhaps not quite so precise/intimate in presentation, but as a consequence expanding the field of 3D sound somewhat more (some in tubeamp land might say a little less "in yer face", lol..
). And I myself am happy to thus forego a little of that extra detail that is the price you have to pay, alas. At least this is partly compensated for by the tad extra bass extension that I still believe the ECC31 has over the FDD.
The FDD20 is definitely a more forward-presenting tube, which is certainly very attractive in its own right however...and one day I might well find myself preferring this trait - but not just yet...

These are, of course, just my own impressions - and I may well be the only one to feel this way...but hey, "different strokes for different folks"...and long may that be the case, lol!

ps. Glad you too noticed a slight difference between the two tubes...who'd have thought?...So now Lukasz is definitely gonna have to try and find that stash of 'etched' Philips tubes, no?!! - let's all wish him the best of luck, LOL!!

Dec 3, 2015 at 7:22 AM Post #3,459 of 13,856
Believe it or not, the tube has been behaving but like you say I have an uneasy feeling. I hate having to tiptoe around this beautiful looking and sounding tube. Anyway I wrote to Mr Da Vinci and his reply was prompt. He said no problem and that he will send a replacement for this tube that's causing tantrum. That's his words. :)
Mr Giannoni is indeed a gentleman and a responsible seller. He trusted me. Guess because I'm a regular customer. I got my Fivre 6A6 and 6N7G and Visseaux 6A6 from him. I also ask him for more info on FDD20 and he gave me this. http://frank.pocnet.net/vademecum2.html   FDD20 data is in it along with a lot others.
I can recommend this Italian seller heartily. He looks after his customers. He has lots of nice tubes in his stores.
Dec 3, 2015 at 7:44 AM Post #3,460 of 13,856
Primary difference between 2031 and 2 FDD20 is that the 2031 sounded more full in tone and a commanding bass. Soundstage too. This is not to say that 2 FDD20 is lacking in bass or lean sounding. Both sounded warm and lush and a very nice layering of sound. It's a degree of difference, subtle but certainly noticeable. There's reason to use both as you see fit.
My taste has gradually changed. I'm more inclined towards a more energised tone, for want of a better word. This I find in the 2 FDD20. It's also why I like the Fivre 6N7G and 6A6 and Visseaux 6A6 and Mazda 6N7G. Then I would swap back to 2031 and like it too. So I have tubes combo that sounds similar but different. I know their sound signature well now. I can use any of the sets mentioned when I want their specific tone. I'm really fortunate to be able to do that. Plus there's also C3G and 5998 which is again a different sound presentation but nice as well. 7N7 as well as 6N7, 6N7GT, 6N23P, 6BQ7A, 6CG7, 6SN7WGT, mouse ears, etc. The choice is great. 

I have not just a standard Elise. I have the tubes to dial in the tone that I so choose. Elise enables me to do that. A wonderful tube amp indeed. Very well design around the 6AS7 and 6SN7 plus their variants. You're buying a tube amp with great flexibility for tube rolling.
P/S There's difference between the Philips Miniwatt FDD20 and RVC FDD20 but the difference is not night and day. It's slight. I would have been perfectly happy with the RVC version. So if you don't have the Philips, don't loose sleep over it. You ain't missing much. The difference being that the Philips has more sparkle but only just. 
Dec 3, 2015 at 8:06 AM Post #3,461 of 13,856
I want to make this thing work http://www.radiomuseum.org/tubes/tube_6ag9.html. It's a pentode AND a triode in one tube. And the tube itself is incredibly cheap! 3-4$. The triode section seems to have somewhat similar specs as the 6N7, which excites me even more. 
I have a lot of reading to do. I'm not even sure it's possible to make it work, although I don't see why it wouldn't. 
Dec 3, 2015 at 8:33 AM Post #3,462 of 13,856
Believe it or not, the tube has been behaving but like you say I have an uneasy feeling. I hate having to tiptoe around this beautiful looking and sounding tube. Anyway I wrote to Mr Da Vinci and his reply was prompt. He said no problem and that he will send a replacement for this tube that's causing tantrum. That's his words. :)

Mr Giannoni is indeed a gentleman and a responsible seller. He trusted me. Guess because I'm a regular customer. I got my Fivre 6A6 and 6N7G and Visseaux 6A6 from him. I also ask him for more info on FDD20 and he gave me this. http://frank.pocnet.net/vademecum2.html   FDD20 data is in it along with a lot others.

I can recommend this Italian seller heartily. He looks after his customers. He has lots of nice tubes in his stores.

Most of the Data for the FDD20 on the page the Italian seller sent you is not filled in.
We still do not have an official data sheet for the FDD20.

This is the same guy that sold me the Joybringers.
Dec 3, 2015 at 8:40 AM Post #3,463 of 13,856
Most of the Data for the FDD20 on the page the Italian seller sent you is not filled in.
We still do not have an official data sheet for the FDD20.

This is the same guy that sold me the Joybringers.

Yes we need to fill in the blanks. That's our job. If in doubt think of a number :)  Indeed Mr Giannoni brings joy to us. He sounded very nice to me and the only word of Italian I know is Grazie.
Official data sheet for FDD20 was lost in WW2. Gone forever. Think of FDD20 as a close cousin of 6A6 and 6N7G.
Dec 3, 2015 at 8:54 AM Post #3,464 of 13,856
Yes we need to fill in the blanks. That's our job. If in doubt think of a number :)  Indeed Mr Giannoni brings joy to us. He sounded very nice to me and the only word of Italian I know is Grazie.

Official data sheet for FDD20 was lost in WW2. Gone forever. Think of FDD20 as a close cousin of 6A6 and 6N7G.

The sheet he pointed you to appears to list it as a 6.3v tube!

My job sir, is only to enjoy Mystery Tube's sonics :)


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