Favrite price promotion for Hisound’s upcoming new Nova player
Feb 20, 2013 at 8:53 PM Post #546 of 693
What do you think about this guys? 

I think the guy may have an agenda. Frame rate on the opening screen? Really? There's a quick and easy hold position for your pocket. Songs play right away for me. Jack says 32gb because those are the max purchasable HC available. Beyond that, you're on your own. So while this guy uses an unauthorized card that is probably what is creating his problems, he then goes on to call Jack completely wrong about the card while it's messing with the device. He then goes on to rag about a mini player not driving his inefficient 300 ohm Sennheiser 580.
He's entitled to his opinion and the player does have a few things that should be addressed but it seems to me that he's simply not competent enough to do a review.
Feb 23, 2013 at 10:44 PM Post #548 of 693
I think the guy may have an agenda. Frame rate on the opening screen? Really? There's a quick and easy hold position for your pocket. Songs play right away for me. Jack says 32gb because those are the max purchasable HC available. Beyond that, you're on your own. So while this guy uses an unauthorized card that is probably what is creating his problems, he then goes on to call Jack completely wrong about the card while it's messing with the device. He then goes on to rag about a mini player not driving his inefficient 300 ohm Sennheiser 580.
He's entitled to his opinion and the player does have a few things that should be addressed but it seems to me that he's simply not competent enough to do a review.

Goodvibes, I am not entirely sure you have any idea what you are talking about. If you read the N3 Bio, which you clearly have not, you would understand that it was advertised as having a powerful amp. It doesn't. Jack said it does not support a 64gb micro sd, but it certainly does. I am very impressed that you can toggle a touch screen UI in your pocket while the hold switch is active. Impressive. Surely, you can achieve this incredible feat, otherwise why mention it in your rant? The Novas have no physical buttons for track skip. Yet, you still managed to rag on someone for saying its not pocket friendly in that way.  I don't know what it is like where you are but most Australians don't tend to rip into people we don't know personally.
Thanks mate.
Feb 24, 2013 at 3:16 AM Post #549 of 693
Goodvibes, I am not entirely sure you have any idea what you are talking about. If you read the N3 Bio, which you clearly have not, you would understand that it was advertised as having a powerful amp. It doesn't. Jack said it does not support a 64gb micro sd, but it certainly does. I am very impressed that you can toggle a touch screen UI in your pocket while the hold switch is active. Impressive. Surely, you can achieve this incredible feat, otherwise why mention it in your rant? The Novas have no physical buttons for track skip. Yet, you still managed to rag on someone for saying its not pocket friendly in that way.  I don't know what it is like where you are but most Australians don't tend to rip into people we don't know personally.
Thanks mate.

I'm not really sure what you mean? What Goodvibes was talking about it the pause/resume feature on the right side of the player. You push it down and it will pause playback. You push it down again and it resumes playback. If you push the button up it will lock the touchpad. The UI is half decent to me but not perfect. Sometimes the UI will lock on me and I have to use the lock/unlock feature or resume feature to get the pad working again (seems to happen when I'm going too fast). Also in regards to 64 GB cards I agree that it works. But the thing is it induces a loud veering noise which is very audible to me and unacceptable period. I can't enjoy my music since the noise is that loud.... I can still hear it as a matter of fact with 32 GB cards but its not loud enough to where I can't get any musical enjoyment from the player. But I know its there and can hear it. I tested 2 64 GB cards to see if it was an isolated issue but both cards exhibit excessive noise during playback (one was actually a little louder than the other lmao).. The noise is gone when I just use the internal memory so I know its an issue with the SD slot inducing noise into the chain.
Feb 24, 2013 at 3:18 AM Post #550 of 693
1. Hold position means putting the player on hold while its in your pocket so you don't accidentally hit a button
2. "Powerful amp" is subjective and really means absolutely nothing. There is no quantitative description, so "powerful" could simply mean enough to drive power hungry ciems, but maybe not your lcd-2...
3. The person who posted the video specifically asked "what do you think guys?" and goodvibes shared his thoughts. Why does that upset you so much?
edit: lee beat me to the punch
Feb 24, 2013 at 1:51 PM Post #551 of 693
There's a difference between power and gain as well. It does apparently lack enough gain for some folks with cans. I don't really see it that way but that's just me. It has a lower output impedance and more power than it's competitors. It's not clipping at max volume so more gain certainly wouldn't hurt. Songs play within a second of selection on mine. How can you do a review and get so much incorrect? A bunch of folks here have Novas and the ones in that review are the only ones that take that long to play a song? Either the guy had an agenda, didn't know what he was doing or didn't troubleshoot his procedure well enough to understad what he got wrong.
Jack said this but I'll do it my way anyway while throwing a dig at him and look, I can make it not work correctly in my unapproved way. Ya, that's what I want in a review.

I can't reliably control any touch screen player while in my pocket but I can stop them from having their controls being affected with a hold switch. Has anyone here got a Nova with a button not attached? All these issues only on that review. Interesting. Steve, do you know Stozzer

Feb 24, 2013 at 3:03 PM Post #553 of 693
Could someone compare gain of nova with something like iphone or pc? I am listening to music at around 70-100% on regular pc and around 70-90% on iphone 4/ipad. 
And i am using 32 ohm headphones btw. :p 
Feb 24, 2013 at 5:42 PM Post #555 of 693
There's a difference between power and gain as well. It does apparently lack enough gain for some folks with cans. I don't really see it that way but that's just me. It has a lower output impedance and more power than it's competitors. It's not clipping at max volume so more gain certainly wouldn't hurt. Songs play within a second of selection on mine. How can you do a review and get so much incorrect? A bunch of folks here have Novas and the ones in that review are the only ones that take that long to play a song? Either the guy had an agenda, didn't know what he was doing or didn't troubleshoot his procedure well enough to understad what he got wrong.
Jack said this but I'll do it my way anyway while throwing a dig at him and look, I can make it not work correctly in my unapproved way. Ya, that's what I want in a review.

I can't reliably control any touch screen player while in my pocket but I can stop them from having their controls being affected with a hold switch. Has anyone here got a Nova with a button not attached? All these issues only on that review. Interesting. Steve, do you know Stozzer

Regarding the long playing times for songs. I can vouch for him when using 64 GB cards (which Jack already says is not a good idea). While it works I also notice it takes quite a bit longer to load the songs and to navigate the menus. Its slug-like...

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