Everyone was right warning new users
Nov 11, 2010 at 3:33 AM Post #16 of 31
I originally came to this site several years ago looking for a good set of inexpensive headphones, I decided on Grados but never got around to testing them out. My dad had the Sony MDR-V6 for decades, and reading the good reviews I bought a new set and liked them. But I started hanging out with some old friends that were into headphones and it got me looking again. They had different headphones ranging from AKG 701, to Sen 595 and 650's. Well I wanted great headphones too and started looking and reading everything I could on Head-Fi. Big mistake. I found a dealer locally that sold the Grado Sr325IS and tested them out and loved them. Now I own them, and being a poor college student probaly wasn't the best thing for my wallet but I figure they will be around for a long time. Now I'm wanting a DAC and amp. Headfi and good audio is too addictive.
Nov 11, 2010 at 4:11 PM Post #17 of 31
Howdy fellow addicts. High-School headfier here.
90% of my money goes into this hobby. The other 10% is about to go into this hobby too.
I'm not sure if it's worth it yet.
Nov 11, 2010 at 5:21 PM Post #18 of 31
At least the gear holds it's value pretty well, especially if you buy used. If you're ever in a bind, you can usually get most of the money you put in back out (even though it might be really hard to sell some gear!)
Nov 13, 2010 at 3:26 PM Post #20 of 31
You guys are making me feel better... This year alone headphone wise I've been through 7 headphones... I need to stop.
Jun 28, 2011 at 3:48 AM Post #21 of 31
I've been here for a week and some change and I have plans to buy four headphones(including two IEMs), two amps, and possibly a new source if my iPod Nano 6G doesn't suffice. I've also decided to stop illegally downloading music due to quality, so a lot of money will be spend on buying CDs. Yeesh... I was perfectly happy with iBuds and an iPod, but after finding out there's a whole new world out there has got me wanting to explore. Haha. Also, I've decided to start my DIY career soon. Oh music, why do I love you so?
Jun 28, 2011 at 3:54 AM Post #22 of 31

I say we change the welcoming slogan so people will take us more seriously when warned...
Welcome to Head-Fi, sorry about the rabid carnivorous koalas?

Welcome to Head-Fi. Disregard all other budget plans and buy these amazing headphones. :D

It's our crack being on the forum. Not complaining though. well maybe the wallet sometimes is. Gotta love it though when you put your phones on and listen. It's so worth it to me. Cheers

I assume there's no rehab? No way to quit this cold turkey.

I came here looking for $150 headphones.
First 3 months, I spend over $1300. However, I've been really happy with my stuff, so I haven't had a need to upgrade...yet.

I wish I had the money to spend over $1,000 on headphones in such a short time frame. Hello, minimum wage. 

Eh, headphones n' gear is good stuff...but more music is better...
...remember what your gear is for...

This ^ x100

what, you didn't get the standard greeting, "Welcome to Head-fi. Sorry about your wallet." ? strange, everyone else seems to get it.


No, the greeting I got was. "[insert various tech lingo for several paragraphs], also, Beats by Dre suck. LOLOOLOLOLOLOL." More or less.
Jun 29, 2011 at 12:02 AM Post #26 of 31

Dude, please check the posted date before replying... I'm sure that trivial posts like this are long-forgotten and opening up a new one is harmless...

I'm sorry. Is it so bad though? Instead of opening a brand new thread on the same topic, why not bring something back that already has information(or commentary) on the subject at hand?
Jun 29, 2011 at 12:12 AM Post #27 of 31
I don't think Head-Fi does it, but many other forums that I've been to have banned grave-digging (six months, most commonly). Once dug, the thread is locked and the digger is given some sort of warning.
It's kind of a not very nice thing to do. Basically, it sunk (became buried) for some reason. Mostly not popular enough or people would just intentionally not reply to it.
Jun 29, 2011 at 2:30 AM Post #28 of 31
nothing at all wrong with bringing this back up, given your post was on topic, and was interesting.  bumping a joke from 2001 just to say "lol" is certainly frowned upon, but your necro was just fine :) 
not sure why this guy is being so militant about it
I'm sorry. Is it so bad though? Instead of opening a brand new thread on the same topic, why not bring something back that already has information(or commentary) on the subject at hand?

Jun 29, 2011 at 2:36 AM Post #29 of 31
I'm increasingly disappointed that the ratio of 'takers' to 'givers' on HF seems to be getting worse, but I can completely understand why some of the old hands just dont contribute as much any more. Too many people seem to come here and want it all handed to them on a plate - its virtually a relinquishment of their own decision-making responsibility - then bitch that their sub-$100 amp didnt live up to inflated expectations.
Head-Fi is steadily losing its way, or maybe I'm just over it. Too old to rock'n'roll, too young to die.

Jun 29, 2011 at 2:46 AM Post #30 of 31
It certainly is one of my favorite past times, but I don't buy anything that I consider to be irrational (subjective of course)
a few 100/1000 here and there on X, Y, and Z = equates to a lot of other things outside of the audio world
- but if it brings maximum personal satisfaction, hey why not right

Just be rational and maximize satisfaction!

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