Sep 4, 2004 at 6:41 AM Post #31 of 39
Lextek, I disagree. The Iriver sounds better than the Ipod. I've done A-B comparisons between the Ipod (3G), the Iriver, the Etys 6i and the Sony Ex71.

The only way I can get good sound with the Ipod and the Sonys is turning the Loudness on, otherwise they sound with no bass or highs. If I plug the Etys, I have to do the same thing but the sound is not as good. If I turn the eq off, the Etys high end is missing (IMHO).

With the Iriver is a different story. The sonys sound wonderful with the eq OFF but the Etys still need eq to sound acceptable to my ears. It is just that I don't think is acceptable to spend 140 dollars to end it up using the eq to adjust the sound....

Podman, the Er6i will give you a little more bass than the 4ps. But on the other hand, the 4ps will give you much better high end.
Sep 4, 2004 at 7:01 AM Post #32 of 39

Originally Posted by mariowar
I just bought a pair of Sony MDR EX71


Originally Posted by mariowar
these ones blow the ER6i out of the water... Everything was crisp and clear with the eq OFF !!!!... The bass was excellent... the highs were also there

Are you feeling OK?
Sep 4, 2004 at 11:51 AM Post #34 of 39
errr.. i've owned both the er-6 and the mx400... the er-6 blows them out of the water!

the e888 is a bit better but not as good as the er-6, are u sure u got a good seal?
Sep 4, 2004 at 12:59 PM Post #35 of 39
interesting thread. i just got a 4g ipod and the stock earphones are horrible so i've been using my Sony MDR-E931LP on it. i was contemplating stepping up to some er6's or e2c's, but you guys seem to have mixed feelings about both... maybe i should just stick with my e931's for the moment? i have no major complaints about them. they don't sound perfect (quite muddy compared to refference cans) but compared to the ipod earphones they blow them away.
Sep 4, 2004 at 10:51 PM Post #36 of 39

Originally Posted by skyskraper
interesting thread. i just got a 4g ipod and the stock earphones are horrible so i've been using my Sony MDR-E931LP on it. i was contemplating stepping up to some er6's or e2c's, but you guys seem to have mixed feelings about both... maybe i should just stick with my e931's for the moment? i have no major complaints about them. they don't sound perfect (quite muddy compared to refference cans) but compared to the ipod earphones they blow them away.

if you know whats good for your finincal well being, get the hell out of here
Sep 4, 2004 at 11:14 PM Post #37 of 39

Originally Posted by mariowar
...The only way I can get good sound with the Ipod and the Sonys is turning the Loudness on

With the Iriver is a different story. The sonys sound wonderful with the eq OFF...

hey mariowar, i think the sony's sound is very source-dependent, please see my post:

i have no idea what's wrong with them, but i had the impression that they sound very different from source to source. i never made this experience with any other headphones i owned.
Sep 4, 2004 at 11:53 PM Post #38 of 39
Oluv, I agree. See, it is just about finding sinergy between amps, headpones and source. I recall that the Sonys out of my ipod sounded a little flat, no bass and no highs, so I always had to turn the loudness on. The problem doing this was that with some recordings the bass was distorting.
With the Iriver, the Sonys sound wonderful. They are not audiophile because the highs are not as airy as with my Sennheiser HD590 and my Emmeline Xp7 , however is pretty good.
Sep 5, 2004 at 4:58 AM Post #39 of 39
well, if it aint broken..... not going to rush in to making a purchase, must wait for fuild to completely dissipate from behind right ear drum and sinuses to clear so i can actually hear again....

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