ER4S with MD...
Mar 16, 2005 at 8:50 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11


Nov 20, 2003
Hey guys I've been using ER4s with my NH1 Hi-md player and I really am not enjoying myself... When I first got these (about a month ago) I thought I was going to be in 'Listening Bliss' but they are way too analytical. You guys weren't joking about that. I would really like a little warmth. I was thinking that maybe the Nh1 isn't powerful enough to drive these... and I don't have an amp maybe that's why...Could anyone please suggest a few equalizer settings for the NH1? (BTW I'm using the triflanges.)

Another thing what volume should I be listening with these things, cause I'm listening to classical and at the moment it's 18/30. Isn't this a little high?
Yesterday someone brought a pair of Audio Technica A700s and I had a listen to it with my MD player(at a volume setting of 16/30), same track and it sounded soooo much better than my ER4S. Maybe it was the difference in soundstage but it sounded so much warmer and I really liked the sound. You can get fatigued listening to the screeching highs on the ER4s. I don't think it's a problem with the seal (finally figured that out) I got these things so deep inside my year I have to get a spade to take them out.

Anyone got any advice? I'm really trying to love these things but yesterday's shock with the A700s finally pushed me over the edge and that's why I'm posting cause I've been feeling like this since I got them...
Mar 16, 2005 at 9:44 AM Post #2 of 11
Pushing them in too deep will hurt sound quality. I would suggest experimenting with different positions, and different tips. However, I'm guessing the biggest culprit here is the lack of an amp. If you have a powerful home receiver lying around, try plugging them into that and see how they sound next to the A700. My ER-4P's definitely don't sound any worse overall than my Senn HD590's, which are similar to the A700, and properly driven, the ER-4S should sound even better still.

If, on the other hand, you do decide to give up on the Ety's, try the Westone UM2 or the Stax SR-001 Mk II instead. The Stax in particular is especially full and rich sounding, and should leave the A700 in the dust.
Mar 16, 2005 at 12:10 PM Post #3 of 11
you're definitely wanting for power. if you don't want to get an amp, you should see if you can exchange the S for the P, which while slightly less smooth, is much much easier to drive unamped (and sounds better unamped, imho).

later, you could always get the P->S impedence adaptor and an amp down the road.
Mar 16, 2005 at 12:16 PM Post #4 of 11
It sounds as if you should have gone for the ER-4P. The P’s are easier to drive, and I believe that they have a pronounced bass boost. Also make sure that you have a proper seal. Having a bad seal will make them sound like crap.

I have the ER-4S’s and drive them with a Porta Corda MK II and I love their sound. They are my second favorite headphones that I own. Second only to my mighty AKG K1000’s

My suggestion is to either buy an amp, or sell the S’s and get a set of P’s. P’s can always be made into S’s by using the converter cable, unfortunately S’s can not be made into P’s.

Good Luck
Mar 16, 2005 at 1:45 PM Post #5 of 11
Without arguing about the Ety's merits, of which there are many without doubt, they apparently have a sonic signature which is simply not up your sleeve. Warmth and ER-4S just don't go well with each other and although adding a powerful amp will bring out the Ety's technical capabilities, you won't change its tonal character. Provided that you have a proper seal with the ER-4S, trust your own ears and get a pair of full-sized headphones. Of course, you will lose the Ety's compactness and isolation.
Mar 16, 2005 at 3:53 PM Post #6 of 11
While your main problem may well be that a MD player just doesn't have the power to drive the 4s, I would suggest trying the trimmed foam plug mod before giving up on them. It may be that they just don't agree with you, but different tips make big differences on canalphones.
Mar 16, 2005 at 4:08 PM Post #7 of 11
Thanks for for the replies guys. I'm really trying to love these phones. I have a pair of HD-25 (not the sp) anyway and I wanted a lot better... Well I'm going to have to keep on trying I guess. It is starting to sound a little better but I think it's a placebo effect. Thanks anyway guys
Mar 16, 2005 at 5:16 PM Post #8 of 11
It took me a while to get up the courage to stick them deep enough into my ear canal. I even went to an audiologist who reassured me that it was "impossible" to get them so deep as to hurt my eardrum.

They really need to go deep (at least for me) and get a good seal. There are some hearing aid lubricants that can help but after a while your earwax will do the trick. For me, the tri-flange is completely inside the ear.

It is only with a good seal that full potential of the ER4s can be realized and for me that took a lot of practivce and getting used to.
Mar 16, 2005 at 5:20 PM Post #9 of 11

Originally Posted by zhenya
While your main problem may well be that a MD player just doesn't have the power to drive the 4

This thread just inspired me to take out the old MZ-R30 and give it a try with my ER-4S. I admit that I set the bass up one notch, but if 4S doesn't sound good on the OPs end it must be because the NH1 has weak output. This is fab!
Mar 16, 2005 at 6:37 PM Post #10 of 11
My Sony MZ-NH900, which shares the same amp section as your unit, powers my ER4P's just fine. They sound great together.

My suggestion is you have Etymotic change the cable on your ER4S to turn them into "P"'s. Not sure what they will charge you for that service, but it is probably comparable to what you would lose in a sell/rebuy scenario.

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