ER4s: Hail Hail, is the King dead??
Dec 27, 2005 at 6:16 PM Post #31 of 43

Originally Posted by CookieFactory
I find the ER4 more comfortable than the E4c, and on par with the UM2. It's by far the easiest to insert/remove of the three (due to the straight design, E4c and UM2 are hooked), and the lack of a cord over the ear removes a ton of contact points with the skin, which results in higher comfort.

I can't comment on the comfort compared to the E4c or UM2, but I find the ER-4 very comfortable indeed. The shirt clip also improves the comfort by lessening the strain on your ears.
Dec 27, 2005 at 6:24 PM Post #32 of 43
No true audiophile can consider themselves an audiophile without listening to the ER-4S at least once in their lifetime. lol. They are simply the best piece of audio equipment that I've paid for.
Dec 27, 2005 at 6:55 PM Post #33 of 43
I try not to judge other people's businesses but I have to think that it was a HUGE mistake for Etymotic not to offer the Er4p in white. I mean how much more could it have cose them to produce?? The amount of additional units they could have sold is staggering.
Dec 27, 2005 at 7:00 PM Post #34 of 43
I for one don't really care about whether I have white or black 'phones with my iPod. I may alone on this one!
Dec 27, 2005 at 7:09 PM Post #35 of 43
More options available now in a wide price range and sound signature choice. From the descriptions here the Ety's did not sound like what I'd like. I chose the Super.fis instead.
Dec 27, 2005 at 9:01 PM Post #36 of 43
Dec 28, 2005 at 12:14 AM Post #37 of 43
And guess what? They look cheap!
Black etys for me thanks.
Dec 28, 2005 at 1:12 AM Post #38 of 43
Hmmph. ER4 advocates/detractors have been debating their virtues or lack thereof since I've been part of this community. My opinion is they suffer from the same affliction as the E4s: treble-emphasized harshness. I think Shure has trumped Ety by diminishing the symptoms with the E4, but they still exist. No matter how much I 'bass boost' the E4s, I can't get them to quit blaring my brains out on many musical passages.

I EQ the hell out of my E4s to try to make them more E5-like, but when I grow weary of that I simply switch back to the E5 and go on about my business, a happy camper. Ety ER4s are even more difficult than that to "take the edge off", and at this point in my HeadFi life cycle I wouldn't even try.
Dec 28, 2005 at 1:53 AM Post #39 of 43
first off, i'm totally surprised they havent come out with something different say like a dual driver IEM. It would only seem to make sense for etymotic to come out with a dually to squash the competition for universial IEMs allot of us in the community have only dreamnt of it. Er4ps have been out long enough to warrant another design to reign champion of all universials
plus the ER4Ps have made alot money for the companies R&D and i'm sure owes them nothing at this point.
second...i'll praise the er4p sound nite and day but until they address their crummy transducer stem housing problem that i've had on two occasions and vouched i'd never buy another. also improve on the microphonics of the cable.

well, do you think etymotic cares to build another IEM to do the ER4P one better or are they content with their current product line. me thinks the latter for reasons i wont discusss here
Dec 28, 2005 at 2:16 AM Post #40 of 43

Originally Posted by jeffnnj
For me, comfort was a huge issue. After 15-20 minutes the Etys made my ears ache. No such thing with my E4Cs.

just go to any old audiologist & get fitted for westone labs custom earpieces for your ety er4s & you will never look back. i agree that the etys are horribly uncomfortable otherwise. the shure e4c is very good but does not come close to the ety er4s for detail & accuracy. add custom molds to the etys & there is no longer a discussion, imo. i can now wear the etys for close to 10 hours straight without discomfort. besides, the level of isolation is superb. custom fitted molds is money well spent.
Dec 28, 2005 at 6:03 AM Post #41 of 43
Dec 28, 2005 at 6:35 AM Post #42 of 43

Originally Posted by spinrite
first off, i'm totally surprised they havent come out with something different say like a dual driver IEM. It would only seem to make sense for etymotic to come out with a dually to squash the competition for universial IEMs allot of us in the community have only dreamnt of it. Er4ps have been out long enough to warrant another design to reign champion of all universials
plus the ER4Ps have made alot money for the companies R&D and i'm sure owes them nothing at this point.
second...i'll praise the er4p sound nite and day but until they address their crummy transducer stem housing problem that i've had on two occasions and vouched i'd never buy another. also improve on the microphonics of the cable.

well, do you think etymotic cares to build another IEM to do the ER4P one better or are they content with their current product line. me thinks the latter for reasons i wont discusss here

Let's hope they will make a dual-driver IEM!!! If the single driver ER4 series is already so good, a dual or even triple driver IEM could only be better!! It would be horrendously expensive though...
Dec 28, 2005 at 10:17 AM Post #43 of 43
I'm very glad owning the ER4S right now

My ears started to hurt after a while when using other IEM's because of their 'cable behind the ear design'.. they just look kind a goofy.. but soundquality wise, the're the best I've ever heard..

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