Eletech Cables Official Impressions & Discussions Thread
Sep 26, 2023 at 2:47 PM Post #5,071 of 5,745
Yep! You’ll be surprised! IMHO Gold Plated Copper gives the broadest synergy with IEMs than any material combo out there (jack of all trades to me) because it primarily tailors the mids to sound incredibly textured. I prefer GPC over pure silver especially for those technical sounding IEMs and for IEMs with warm signature, GPC gives it better definition and texture in their mids. Gold Plated Silver focuses more on the soundstage expansion (less than gold silver alloy), imaging (significantly improved here), and speed with some texture in the mids instead. Sonnet of Adam both have these along with the Gold-silver alloy with the perfect balance of technicality and analog warmth!
Anyone wishing to try GPC might look in the classifieds for a trade I'm offering.
Sep 27, 2023 at 12:40 AM Post #5,072 of 5,745
look what just landed!
Could not wait and while finishing up work had to slip them on my current daily driver IEM's and took a listen.
And now 2 hours in (and work still not finished) on the Plussound Allegro's which to date have been the most sensitive to tip changes I've experienced with any IEM I've owned, its been all positive.
Until the Baroques arrived my tip of choice has been the Azla Crystal's on the Allegro's as usually silicon material based tips, I find they do a great job of enhancing bass, at the expense of clarity in the highs (IE Azla Max) and sometimes muddy mids.

So far the Baroque's have met and exceeded expections. but intend to sit down after CanJam Socal this weekend and do some real critical listening along with other IEM's in my inventory
but so far....Great solid clear bass and sub bass with nice speed/decay, nice warm and smooth mids, and did not change the highs vs the Azla Crystal
And VERY comfortable, immediately noticeable as soon as they went into my ears.

Thank You Eric and team, as it seems you've given the hobby a winner with the Baroque tips!
Baroque tips.jpg
Sep 27, 2023 at 2:44 AM Post #5,073 of 5,745

Just collected my goodies off @Eric Chong's office before he jets off tomorrow! Trying it on the train now and the impressions was synonymous with my impressions off the prototypes he had before. Excellent fit and comfort. Although ET insists there is not heat-activated tech, it disappears into the ear after a minute or so. These has displaces my Azla and JVC tips as the go-to

I noticed even more sub-bass airiness and impact while also midrange clarity. Kudos on another great product Eric!

PS : You made the packaging so beautiful , i dont feel like chucking it now. It's overkill for a pair of eartips XD
Sep 27, 2023 at 3:54 AM Post #5,074 of 5,745
look what just landed!
Could not wait and while finishing up work had to slip them on my current daily driver IEM's and took a listen.
And now 2 hours in (and work still not finished) on the Plussound Allegro's which to date have been the most sensitive to tip changes I've experienced with any IEM I've owned, its been all positive.
Until the Baroques arrived my tip of choice has been the Azla Crystal's on the Allegro's as usually silicon material based tips, I find they do a great job of enhancing bass, at the expense of clarity in the highs (IE Azla Max) and sometimes muddy mids.

So far the Baroque's have met and exceeded expections. but intend to sit down after CanJam Socal this weekend and do some real critical listening along with other IEM's in my inventory
but so far....Great solid clear bass and sub bass with nice speed/decay, nice warm and smooth mids, and did not change the highs vs the Azla Crystal
And VERY comfortable, immediately noticeable as soon as they went into my ears.

Thank You Eric and team, as it seems you've given the hobby a winner with the Baroque tips!
Baroque tips.jpg
I have most of my IEMs with Azla Xelastic and Crystals. While they did cut out the highs a little, they produce the best mids to mid lows to my ears. In your experience, do you think that the Baroque is able to offer the same level if not higher level of performances without the highs roll off?

I cannot wait for mine to arrive via snail mail...will likely be a week or so away
Sep 27, 2023 at 10:37 AM Post #5,075 of 5,745
Stopppppp it y'all, some of us have to wait for our Baroques
Sep 27, 2023 at 8:46 PM Post #5,076 of 5,745
P8 Plato x Socrates had been perma paired with VE EXT since its delivery almost a year ago and for sometime, I thought I couldn't improve this pairing. I also had a stash of cables I've order but never opened – all three new ET Virtues and PWA FTS, LOL. Fast forward to today, unboxed the stash, tossed FTS to the side, and slowly unwrapped all ET's Virtues (sorry no unboxing).

@Eric Chong never stops amazing me with the artistry, love, and thoughtfulness imbued into all of ET's products and packaging. The new compact and very artistic Virtues packaging is a lovely upgrade from Fortitude and Prudence. Despite eye rolling at cables in a zip-loc baggie 🤭, the new hardware is absolutely f'ing stunning including the compact leather cable pouch a la Inferno.

Rolled in Raph, hit play on N30LE in Hyper + Tube Classic, and was "Oh MY". Was this the same EXT I was considering parting with? Raph transformed EXT's signature by lifting mids and shifting it more forward providing more clarity and detail retrieval. Treble sounded more natural, less peaky. Mids and vocals sounded more balanced with EXT's impactful bass. Overall much more holographic and layered.

I was evaluating in keeping or letting my EXT go since I've gone FIRry :rabbit2:, but Raph has made making that decision much harder. 🎉

Apologies for the late night quick-n-crappy pic.

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Sep 27, 2023 at 9:55 PM Post #5,077 of 5,745
I've been #TeamStock with FiR's exclusive silver for RN6 or EA's Cleo II OCTA but Raph might have displaced both and maybe also OTL on XE6.

Me thinks I may have to double up on Raph 🤭

@Eric Chong Raph would be a great contender as a headphone cable – just not Inferno thick, maybe in an 8w – sign me up! P.S. miniXLR to 4.4 please :xf_wink: 🤭

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Sep 28, 2023 at 2:30 PM Post #5,078 of 5,745
I have most of my IEMs with Azla Xelastic and Crystals. While they did cut out the highs a little, they produce the best mids to mid lows to my ears. In your experience, do you think that the Baroque is able to offer the same level if not higher level of performances without the highs roll off?

I cannot wait for mine to arrive via snail mail...will likely be a week or so away

Short answer is "yes"
I have a list of recordings I use for testing changes (cable roll, tip roll, or even IEM rolling) as I know specific things I'm listening for
For the tracks for bass, I am hearing a little more sub bass rumble, and extension and clean up of the entire bass range.
For mids/vocal tracks, a little sweeter and wetter. Smoother to me with no harsh artifacts.
The highs seemed to stay same as when listening with both Azala tips, while I generally don't hear the "ring" some talk about with the Xelastics and Crystals, I did notice an improvement with the Baroque's, but need more time with them to say for sure.

But again need to run some extending listening post Can Jam So CA, but if I said these will probably be my go to tips when auditioning some new IEM's like EE's Raven at CanJam, hopefully that tells you how much I am impressed with them.

But as I always like to say we are all chasing a specific sound sig, and for me these work
but YMMV, and all the above is IMO!
Sep 28, 2023 at 10:16 PM Post #5,079 of 5,745
Don't know why, but in my head I'm constantly referring to this new Eletech cable as Son of Adam instead of "Sonnet..." :D But regardless of what you call it, it's another great addition to Eletech flagship series. And the unboxing experience never fails with surprises cause you never know what you are going to find inside.

eletech-sonnet_of_adam-02.jpg eletech-sonnet_of_adam-03.jpg
eletech-sonnet_of_adam-05.jpg eletech-sonnet_of_adam-06.jpg

So far, based on my testing with a handful of iems, I found SoA to have a very clean and clear sound presentation with a natural revealing fine-tuning of the tonality. It helps with a more linear tuning of the bass, enhancing its articulation and layering without adding more weight or bosting the sub-bass rumble. It gives neutral transparency and less coloring to the lower mids which enhances the layering and separation, improves retrieval of details, and enhances the resolution without making upper mids too analytical or revealing. And it improves the extension of the treble by adding more air to the sound without boosting upper frequency peaks. Of course, everything will depend on the pair up synergy since the essence of the cable is about the finetuning of the baseline signature of your IEMs. But it certainly has the unique sound characteristics and... the looks! Oh, and FINALLY, we get the official chin slider!!!

eletech-sonnet_of_adam-09.jpg eletech-sonnet_of_adam-10.jpg
Sep 28, 2023 at 10:57 PM Post #5,080 of 5,745
Don't know why, but in my head I'm constantly referring to this new Eletech cable as Son of Adam instead of "Sonnet..." :D But regardless of what you call it, it's another great addition to Eletech flagship series. And the unboxing experience never fails with surprises cause you never know what you are going to find inside.

eletech-sonnet_of_adam-02.jpg eletech-sonnet_of_adam-03.jpg
eletech-sonnet_of_adam-05.jpg eletech-sonnet_of_adam-06.jpg

So far, based on my testing with a handful of iems, I found SoA to have a very clean and clear sound presentation with a natural revealing fine-tuning of the tonality. It helps with a more linear tuning of the bass, enhancing its articulation and layering without adding more weight or bosting the sub-bass rumble. It gives neutral transparency and less coloring to the lower mids which enhances the layering and separation, improves retrieval of details, and enhances the resolution without making upper mids too analytical or revealing. And it improves the extension of the treble by adding more air to the sound without boosting upper frequency peaks. Of course, everything will depend on the pair up synergy since the essence of the cable is about the finetuning of the baseline signature of your IEMs. But it certainly has the unique sound characteristics and... the looks! Oh, and FINALLY, we get the official chin slider!!!

eletech-sonnet_of_adam-09.jpg eletech-sonnet_of_adam-10.jpg

So gorgeous. Trying to figure out if and how SoA's signature pairs with my FiRies. Otherwise, gotta catch all the ET's 🤭
Sep 29, 2023 at 11:06 PM Post #5,081 of 5,745
The Sonnet of Adam is in the house! I'd like to share a brief comparison with my Ode to Laura (or I'll just call it Laura in short).

Both cables are cables that bring out their unique taste without messing up the IEM's originally intended signature. Laura and Adam are also the same in the sense that they care about sounding smooth while retrieving maximum texture details, giving this "silky" refined sound to my IEMs. Yet once tuning into the details, they started to differ quite a lot.


Right off the bat, I can tell Laura has a warmer timbre with thicker bass groves. The bass is lush, bringing out meaty, thick-density dynamics more than the Adam. Laura treats the sound more "butter-smooth" as well. Vocals also have thicker density and body, giving more fullness to the mid-range.

Meanwhile, Adam keeps the vocals slightly leaner yet pays more attention to the texture details - and most importantly, the airiness. The bass quantity is almost the same, yet Adam calm-downed the sub-bass reverbs more to give better technicality and a cleaner aftertaste. The bass feels snappier and more agile while keeping the smooth, musical dynamics found in Laura.

The overall sound is slightly more elevated on Adam - like gently bringing up the focal point of the sound. This really makes the vocals and trebles sound more "heavenly" I must say...:beyersmile:

Adam also has the smooth, creamy nuance that Laura had but now with a touch of airy openness to mids and highs, giving a substantial boost in technical richness. Adam also feels to bring out more vibrancy and liveliness than Laura. Adam is still very natural and balanced, it's just that Adam has more finesse and artful touches going on for the upper ends.

In short, Laura's definition of richness is derived from creamy tone and fullness. Adam's definition of richness, on the other hand, is derived from sparkly strands of mid-treble details accompanied by a further controlled bass.

I'm still in the early stage of listening to Sonnet of Adam 🎶 Looking forward to how it compares with Ode to Laura and other IEMs!
Oct 2, 2023 at 5:45 AM Post #5,082 of 5,745
I am seriously considering buying the Noble Audio Ronin. These IEMs come with a custom Eletech cable, apparently using silver plated copper. Anyone knows how that one compares to the Raphael (which I already own)? Just curious, thanks.
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Oct 2, 2023 at 3:29 PM Post #5,083 of 5,745
I own the OTL and had the opportunity to hear the SOA. They're both fantastic cables, with technical performance that's worthy of their price point.

I think it very much comes down to synergy with the IEM being used. I really LOVE the OTL with the Xe6, but for my tastes, it's too colored for the Ronin. By contrast I found the SOA to be great with the Ronin, but it didn't work for me with the Xe6.

The biggest difference for me is simply the fact that SOA is more of a reference-tuned cable, while OTL colors the sound to a greater extent, but in a manner that works amazingly well with the right pairing. OTL does something really special with bass, so personally my inclination would be to use SOA for reference-tuned IEMs and OTL for bassy or v-shaped IEMs. (of course others might feel differently)
Oct 2, 2023 at 7:14 PM Post #5,084 of 5,745
Sonnet Of Adam and Purgatorio Impressions from auditon/listening test this weekend at Can Jam SoCal

Putting up a quick impression after being able to do A/B of Sonnet and Adam Vs. Ode To Laura (OTL) and Purgatorio Vs. Inferno
I own both the OTL and Inferno, and enjoy them greatly with specific monitors, and do agree with MRT-Man above it comes down to synergy and personal preference.

I'll put up a more detailed "write-up" later as I will have both the Sonnet of Adam and The Purgatorio coming.
FYI: I don't consider myself a professional reviewer, just some who enjoys audio, so hence I don't think of what I write as "reviews", and call them write ups.
But I did get some limited time with Eric and the 2 cables at Can Jam so here is my off the cuff thoughts from my time with both cables, against my own OTL with over 200 hours of time on it, and my own Inferno with well over 300 hours of time on it.

Sonnet of Adam
As Eric described he considers both the Sonnet of Adam and the OTL as "Co-TOTL" cables for Eletech. I agree wholeheartedly with his positioning.
They both deserve to be considered worthy of TOTL status and part of his Parnassus series. Both do not replace the Illiad or Aneid in my opinion they build on the foundation both cables brought forward.
Sonnet of Adam is similar to OTL in that it cleans up the bass/mid bass, and does help extend the highs, but it is different than OTL in its pace.
OTL is a warmer, more laid back presentation of sound that is deep and wide, but relaxed, and to use a description that is becoming way too overused, more Analog in its sound.
Sonnet of Adam is a "pacier' cable, is also a wide sounding cable, that is faster in transients, and again an overused analogy but only one I can think of, more digital in its sound.
It brings in a nice bass tone and adds some sub-bass rumble, mids and highs though are much pacier/faster, notes decay at a quicker pace than with the OTL
It will all depend on which IEM's you have, and how you perceive them with the stock cable, which would be a better fit.
The IEM's I used I consider fairly neutral/natural in its sound so they quickly take on the signature the cable is presenting so this is what I did hear this past weekend.

I hear a similar difference to what I described above for SoA and OTL between the Inferno (all copper) and Purgatorio (all silver)
Inferno does things that you would not normally associate with an all copper cable ( copper is usually considered very warm bass centric). Its not a typical copper cable in its sound, in that it does help the highs and mids along with bass improvement, but it does keep some of that warmth and easy to listen to "fun" a good copper cable with bring forward
Similarly the Purgatorio, doesn 't move to a overly bright treble rich cable many associate with an all silver cable. It never went toward sibilance with my short time with it, and I did try to make it go that way to see if it would.
It like all good silver cables the Purgatorio will bring out more bass but the bass here too has a faster pace than the all copper Inferno
It was a cable that teased out some additional detail, and maybe some more layering, but more to see once I get a cable and put the right amount of burn in, as when I got my Inferno, it changed a lot from out of the box, at 50 hours at 100 hours, and just came into its own around the 150 hour mark
It did seem to have a little more highs than the Inferno but this could also be the difference in a cable that has enough burn in time vs one that has not. Wondering if after then 150 hours Eric recommends for this line will have a similar change and smooth out the Purgatorio, or change it and add to it? Can't wait to see.
More to come as out of can Jam some new IEMs, some new Open Back Over the ears and these 2 cables are heading my way

And I always like to add, all the above is IMO, and Your Milage May Very (YMMV)
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Oct 2, 2023 at 9:30 PM Post #5,085 of 5,745
Sonnet Of Adam and Purgatorio Impressions from auditon/listening test this weekend at Can Jam SoCal

Putting up a quick impression after being able to do A/B of Sonnet and Adam Vs. Ode To Laura (OTL) and Purgatorio Vs. Inferno
I own both the OTL and Inferno, and enjoy them greatly with specific monitors, and do agree with MRT-Man above it comes down to synergy and personal preference.

I'll put up a more detailed "write-up" later as I will have both the Sonnet of Adam and The Purgatorio coming.
FYI: I don't consider myself a professional reviewer, just some who enjoys audio, so hence I don't think of what I write as "reviews", and call them write ups.
But I did get some limited time with Eric and the 2 cables at Can Jam so here is my off the cuff thoughts from my time with both cables, against my own OTL with over 200 hours of time on it, and my own Inferno with well over 300 hours of time on it.

Sonnet of Adam
As Eric described he considers both the Sonnet of Adam and the OTL as "Co-TOTL" cables for Eletech. I agree wholeheartedly with his positioning.
They both deserve to be considered worthy of TOTL status and part of his Parnassus series. Both do not replace the Illiad or Aneid in my opinion they build on the foundation both cables brought forward.
Sonnet of Adam is similar to OTL in that it cleans up the bass/mid bass, and does help extend the highs, but it is different than OTL in its pace.
OTL is a warmer, more laid back presentation of sound that is deep and wide, but relaxed, and to use a description that is becoming way to overused, more Analog in its sound.
Sonnet of Adam is a "pacier' cable, is also a wide sounding cable, that is faster in transients, and again an overused analogy but only one I can think of, more digital in its sound.
It brings in a nice bass tone and adds some sub-bass rumble, mids and highs though are much pacier/faster, notes decay at a quicker pace than with the OTL
It will all depend on which IEM's you have, and how you perceive them with the stock cable, which would be a better fit.
The IEM's I used I consider fairly neutral/natural in its sound so they quickly take on the signature the cable is presenting so this is what I did hear this past weekend.

I hear a similar difference to what I described above for SoA and OTL between the Inferno (all copper) and Purgatorio (all silver)
Inferno does things that you would not normally associate with an all copper cable ( very warm bass centric). Its not a typical copper cable in its sound, in that it does help the highs and mids along with bass improvement, but it does keep some of that warmth and easy to listen to "fun" a good copper cable with bring forward
Similarly the Purgatorio, doesn 't move to a overly bright treble rich cable many associate with an all silver cable. It never went toward sibilance with my short time with it, and I did try to make it go that way to see if it would.
It like all good silver cables the Purgatorio will bring out more bass but the bass here too has a faster pace than the all copper Inferno
It was a cable that teased out some additional detail, and maybe some more layering, but more to see once I get a cable and put the right amount of burn in, as when I got my Inferno, it changed a lot from out of the box, at 50 hours at 100 hours, and just came into its own around the 150 hour mark
It did seem to have a little more highs than the Inferno but this could also be the difference in a cable that has enough burn in time vs one that has not. Wondering if after then 150 hours Eric recommends for this line will have a similar change and smooth out the Purgatorio, or change it and add to it? Can't wait to see.
More to come as out of can Jam some new IEMs, some new Open Back Over the ears and these 2 cables are heading my way

And I always like to add, all the above is IMO, and Your Milage May Very (YMMV)

Thank you for your informative impressions. Gives me a great sense of both cables and timing as to when to acquire both – gotta recover from my impulsive DAP purchase. 🤭

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