Eletech Cables Official Impressions & Discussions Thread
Oct 4, 2023 at 8:24 AM Post #5,101 of 5,745
I managed to ease the plug back into proper position and achieved sound, but it won’t last normal use, I fear. Trying to figure if I can metal glue it carefully enough. Seems risky.
Well, the seller may have pulled a fast one on you. And sold you damaged goods, if that be the case. Caveat emptor.
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Oct 4, 2023 at 8:27 AM Post #5,102 of 5,745
The plug should screw back on.
What likely happened is it screwed itself loose a bit and thus was not fully connecting when plugged in. Try screwing it back on and see if that doesn't fix the issue.

AGAIN this is normal. All Pentaconn connectors do it. It's annoying but normal
I tried to rethread. It feels like the shaft separated from the threaded part. It just spins like no threads are in there.
Oct 4, 2023 at 8:30 AM Post #5,103 of 5,745
I tried to rethread. It feels like the shaft separated from the threaded part. It just spins like no threads are in there.
Seems like the seller damaged it and then sold it on.
Oct 4, 2023 at 8:33 AM Post #5,104 of 5,745
NOS Switchcraft TA4ML (mini-XLR4) will get soldered on eventually. Eletech MMCX FrankenCable! Don’t call it Hart Audio. I build my adapters myself. Sometimes they work on the first try.

Oct 4, 2023 at 2:45 PM Post #5,105 of 5,745

Oct 4, 2023 at 11:49 PM Post #5,109 of 5,745
Clearly the first thing was to stick the Baroques on Odin and have a go at those glorious mids with C-Pop because why not!

Fit wise: I got mine in S, and they're a god send. Never feel like they're on the verge of falling out, especially on the left side.Maybe call it A for Asian ears 😅

Soundwise: Eerily similar to the Azla Sednas which were my first set of tips on the Odin. The Baroques do have the edge, because of the comfort and a significantly deeper fit resulting in more extended and tactile bass. Treble is smoothed slightly in comparison but no one will call Odin lacking in that territory.

My other pair of tips were Radius Deepmounts.There's no doubt that Radius takes the edge in the bass, but similar to the stock Final Type E's at the expense of the mids and treble. Again things that Baroque wins in a clean sweep

I did a lot of cable rolling on both of those looking for that elusive desire for just ever so slightly more dynamics that I heard from my first demo. Eventually settling on the FT. And the Baroques ended up scratching that itch in the best way.

I'm afraid I might need to find a Soc8 again to see how far I can take this.☺️

Bravo Eric and Eletech Team!
Oct 5, 2023 at 12:36 AM Post #5,110 of 5,745
I'm afraid I might need to find a Soc8 again to see how far I can take this.☺️

Bravo Eric and Eletech Team!

*Teases you with my mint Soc8* 🤭
Oct 5, 2023 at 1:02 AM Post #5,111 of 5,745
Mine come tomorrow! I can't wait to see how they compare to Spiral Dot.
Psyched to hear your thoughts!

I did a lot of cable rolling on both of those looking for that elusive desire for just ever so slightly more dynamics that I heard from my first demo. Eventually settling on the FT. And the Baroques ended up scratching that itch in the best way.

Indeed! Hence I always advised in the past even when we haven't done tips - tips rolling can do a lot of good if cable rolling didn't achieved a 100% of the sound that you're after.

Same could be said for Headphones - earpads
Eletech Cables Stay updated on Eletech Cables at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
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Oct 5, 2023 at 2:09 PM Post #5,112 of 5,745
look what just landed!
Could not wait and while finishing up work had to slip them on my current daily driver IEM's and took a listen.
And now 2 hours in (and work still not finished) on the Plussound Allegro's which to date have been the most sensitive to tip changes I've experienced with any IEM I've owned, its been all positive.
Until the Baroques arrived my tip of choice has been the Azla Crystal's on the Allegro's as usually silicon material based tips, I find they do a great job of enhancing bass, at the expense of clarity in the highs (IE Azla Max) and sometimes muddy mids.

So far the Baroque's have met and exceeded expections. but intend to sit down after CanJam Socal this weekend and do some real critical listening along with other IEM's in my inventory
but so far....Great solid clear bass and sub bass with nice speed/decay, nice warm and smooth mids, and did not change the highs vs the Azla Crystal
And VERY comfortable, immediately noticeable as soon as they went into my ears.

Thank You Eric and team, as it seems you've given the hobby a winner with the Baroque tips!
Baroque tips.jpg
As promised following up with my early thoughts of the Baroque Tips from last week.

Between all of the IEM's I was putting in my ears at CanJam So Cal, and a nice quiet extended time over the past 3 days with the Baroque tips and my personal IEMs, I can tell you the Baroque's are the real deal.
As I mentioned above, generally most silicon material tips are comfortable, and enhance the bass (sometimes not in a good way) at the expense of putting a veil back on the highs.
Foam tips for me have been hit or miss from both a comfort and Sound Quality standpoint. sometimes good, many times bad
I do try new tips as they come out. Even went as far as contacting a friend still living in Japan to go to E-Earphone and send tips like the Pentacon Corrier (did not like them - both fit and sound) to see if a tip change can breath life into an older IEM, and extend the life a little.
Having said this, the Azla Crystal's or Xlastics have been my go to up to getting the Baroque's, as they do a good job of not killing artifacts in the highs I look for, and cleaning up the bass, but with some IEM's the Xlastics did odd things, so lately its been the Crystal's as my go to tips.

The Baroque tips have surprised me.
The bass has extended down a little and getting a nice sub bas rumble (kind of expected this from Silicon Based tips) but the surprise was the mid high to the highs.
the Baroque tips actually IMO (and what I am hearing) have cleaned up the highs and perhaps extended them out a bit. On one of my test tracks (a VERY old Classic Rock track, Suite Judy Blue Eyes from CSN) at the beginning there is tambourine in the background to the right that is faint with the most tips on good IEMs (it disappears with not so good IEMs or bad tips). the Azla Crystal did the best to let me hear it. With the Baroque tips there is NO question it is there. and louder on the same IEM's than with the Azla Crystal's. My worry was will it take the IEM's towards sibilant? Nope. Using a more current "pop" track ( Levitating by Dua Lipa - I use this track to see IF a monitor will go immediately to sibilant) they did not, but again IMO it cleaned up the highs on this track.
Mids with male vocals were also pleasant surprise. I used Mark Knopfler/Chirs Botti's remake of "Its a wonderful world", and found myself just enjoying the track instead of listening for changes. A testament to the Baroque's influence on the sound
I have a Playlist for testing monitors (IEM's, Over the ears and even free standing floor or desktop monitors) that ranges from Classical to Jazz (classic and modern) Rock (60's 70's and 80's) various 3-4 part harmony vocals (Like CSN mentioned above), R&B and some modern pop. Several times over the past few days I found myself just again enjoying music instead of critically listening to what the Baroque tips were doing.

Walking around CanJam SoCal and trying it with IEM's I specifically when to CanJam for and wanted to hear, (IE: EE Raven, Prototype UM, Noble Ronin and Spartacus, Canpur 622B, and a few more) I carried a selection of tips but found I kept going back to the Baroque tips as they didn't color the sound and let me hear the IEM's signature and allowed me to also do some cable rolliing with those IEM's without adding their own influence.

Are they without any faults? NO.
Got to spend some time with Eric this past weekend at CanJame, and he mentioned he thought that the isolation was not quite what he wanted
Yes when music is NOT playing, they do not isolate as well as some tips I own. I was worried that would this allow outside sounds to "bleed into" the sound and alter/ruin the experience? As noisy as CanJam floor can be, I can honestly say NO this did NOT happen. Whatever Voodoo Eric put into the structure, when the music starts, they do a great job of funneling sound to your ears, and the outside distracting "noise" goes away.
The real test is in a few weeks I'll be flying, nothing MORE distracting than the noise inside a jet crusing at 35000 feet and the cigar smoking crying baby sitting the row behind you (I joke about the baby, but we have all had that experience of the distracting plane noise or the passenger who wants to distract you).
Something I'm going to keep on eye on as I use these

The other thing that concerned me was how "thin" the material is used on the Baroque's
When you first feel them they feel like they will NOT standup to constant use and might tear. They do feel that thin.
Eric assured me in our conversation that the silicon material is sourced from an industry not known for being "nice" to its devices, and has a high level of resistance to tearing and wear. He assured me I don't have to worry about it, and all of the put on, put in my ear, take out of my ears, change to another IEM I did at CanJam the Baroques do NOT show any adverse wear or effects. Thumbs Up here.

The comfort of the Baroque tips is second to none
The material used (type and thinness) and the shape of the tips themselves, I can say are hands down the most comfortable tips I have used to date. The "Flexion" triangular skirting on the outside Eric calls in his marketing materials "Origami" seems to allow the tips to easily confirm to your ear canal shape, and combined with the shape of the tip, I had NO "hotspots" causing irritation or pain while using the tips for extending time.

If you've made it this far in my write up, your probably wondering WHY is this guy gushing so much on ear tips?
No, I'm not being paid for this write up. I paid the expedited shipping so I could have them in time for CanJam SoCal (and glad I did)
I have paid full retail for the tips I have now, and another order I placed after CanJam with Bloom to get additional tips for the other IEM's I own.
I went to CanJam to look at new IEM's. Change in this hobby is inevitable and what we think is our end game today often gets destroyed with the next release.
I can't afford to keep switching out IEM's and even if sell some I never recoup what I paid. So ANYTHING small like a tip change that can breath new life into what I already own is welcomed and sought out. These tips have done this and now I'm questioning do I need to get new IEM's.
Changing tips is an easy way to get that final tuning of what you own, or to extend the life of your existing investment (have a similar philosophy with cables, but cables these days is in the same price range or more as changing out monitors) so spending a little on tips that can get you that extension of usable life to me is WELL WORTH the investment.
But this is IMO, and as I always like to say YMMV.

Thanks for reading my opinions!
Oct 5, 2023 at 8:12 PM Post #5,113 of 5,745
Great in depth write up @NJoyzAudio. One thing I'd add, from my perspective is this: because of the nature of the material used for the Baroque, and its shape, I am able to get a proper insertion and seal without elongated ear tips. What has troubled me in the past is because of how thick some nozzles in IEMs are these days, I need the more elongated ear tips. That comes with the price that there is further distance between my ear and the IEM itself. With the Baroque, because of the way it is shaped and the pliable nature of the ear tips, that is no longer an issue. So, in that sense, the Baroque literally bring me closer to the music. :)
Oct 5, 2023 at 8:18 PM Post #5,114 of 5,745
Great in depth write up @NJoyzAudio. One thing I'd add, from my perspective is this: because of the nature of the material used for the Baroque, and its shape, I am able to get a proper insertion and seal without elongated ear tips. What has troubled me in the past is because of how thick some nozzles in IEMs are these days, I need the more elongated ear tips. That comes with the price that there is further distance between my ear and the IEM itself. With the Baroque, because of the way it is shaped and the pliable nature of the ear tips, that is no longer an issue. So, in that sense, the Baroque literally bring me closer to the music. :)

Thank you for your kind words and it means a lot coming from someone who's post I've enjoyed reading here!
Agree with you wholeheartedly about the shape, and interesting thought of how it is bringing you closer to the music!
Oct 6, 2023 at 8:38 PM Post #5,115 of 5,745
@NJoyzAudio Agree with @Kiats on the quality and completeness of your write up. Kudos!! :beerchug:

I also tried the Baroque at SoCal and found them outstanding from both a tonal perspective and comfort. Unfortunately I didn't take the opportunity to try them on my flights home (still used my customs for that), but have been using them the last couple of days while home.

Kudos @Eric Chong for another great product!

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