Eletech Cables Official Impressions & Discussions Thread
Jan 23, 2020 at 6:23 AM Post #241 of 5,894
Officially received my Prudence today! Right off the bat, I could tell the difference between this and the Ares II on my Legend X.

This cable has exceeded my expectations! Pairing with my Legend X, it feels like there's a lift in everything - detail, clarity and tightness, making it more balanced. Highs are more airy and sparkly, bass is tighter (without losing out on the impact and quantity), mids are also clearer.

A great upgrade from the Ares II!

Starting to get some early impressions of the Prudence now from you guys. I am liking the fact that it seems to pair well the Legend X.
Jan 23, 2020 at 8:42 AM Post #242 of 5,894
Officially received my Prudence today! Right off the bat, I could tell the difference between this and the Ares II on my Legend X.

This cable has exceeded my expectations! Pairing with my Legend X, it feels like there's a lift in everything - detail, clarity and tightness, making it more balanced. Highs are more airy and sparkly, bass is tighter (without losing out on the impact and quantity), mids are also clearer.

A great upgrade from the Ares II!

Phew, glad you like it; my reputation was on the line there! :p

Basically, everything you're saying is what I thought it would achieve (based on my own research) and I'm hugely happy to hear how it's worked out for you my friend :)

This surely merits a coffee at least. You belanja me next time, ok? haha :p
Jan 23, 2020 at 2:59 PM Post #243 of 5,894
Phew, glad you like it; my reputation was on the line there! :p

Basically, everything you're saying is what I thought it would achieve (based on my own research) and I'm hugely happy to hear how it's worked out for you my friend :)

This surely merits a coffee at least. You belanja me next time, ok? haha :p

Lemme know when you're down in Malaysia or Melbourne or when I'm up in the UK. Definitely will belanja kopi. :p
Jan 24, 2020 at 2:35 AM Post #245 of 5,894
Iliad arrived yesterday and it was the day from hell with work, so I finally got to it today. I don't know why, but I decided to make a quick unboxing video that is highly lacking in substance, but alas if anyone is interested:

While I don't think I have a long career in screenplay, I'm really impressed with the build quality, packaging and just overall attention to detail. I've gotten some time with it and it has found a home on my Noble Khan. I'll post more sound impressions tomorrow after I have more time, but I already know it's an incredible cable. I cannot get over how light and comfortable it is, the hardware is very premium feeling yet very light. Probably plenty of titanium in there. Thanks @Eric Chong for everything.

Yes, I know I called the 2.5mm plug a "two pin." It's amazing I could even get the damn cable correctly on the left and right sides.

Jan 24, 2020 at 5:26 AM Post #246 of 5,894
Iliad arrived yesterday and it was the day from hell with work, so I finally got to it today. I don't know why, but I decided to make a quick unboxing video that is highly lacking in substance, but alas if anyone is interested:

While I don't think I have a long career in screenplay, I'm really impressed with the build quality, packaging and just overall attention to detail. I've gotten some time with it and it has found a home on my Noble Khan. I'll post more sound impressions tomorrow after I have more time, but I already know it's an incredible cable. I cannot get over how light and comfortable it is, the hardware is very premium feeling yet very light. Probably plenty of titanium in there. Thanks @Eric Chong for everything.

Yes, I know I called the 2.5mm plug a "two pin." It's amazing I could even get the damn cable correctly on the left and right sides.


Congrats on the new cable. I would really like to know how the Iliad pairs with the Legend X. I think you have that IEM?
Jan 24, 2020 at 5:29 AM Post #247 of 5,894
Iliad arrived yesterday and it was the day from hell with work, so I finally got to it today. I don't know why, but I decided to make a quick unboxing video that is highly lacking in substance, but alas if anyone is interested:

While I don't think I have a long career in screenplay, I'm really impressed with the build quality, packaging and just overall attention to detail. I've gotten some time with it and it has found a home on my Noble Khan. I'll post more sound impressions tomorrow after I have more time, but I already know it's an incredible cable. I cannot get over how light and comfortable it is, the hardware is very premium feeling yet very light. Probably plenty of titanium in there. Thanks @Eric Chong for everything.

Yes, I know I called the 2.5mm plug a "two pin." It's amazing I could even get the damn cable correctly on the left and right sides.

I think you do have a future as youtube reviewer. You have such a unique style :wink:
Jan 24, 2020 at 7:22 AM Post #248 of 5,894
So got the Prudence this morning, and had a brief listening paired with ItsFit Fusion and U12T. So there's good and bad news. I am no reviewer so I'll do my best.

Bad news - I had bought this for Fusion primarily. With this pairing, Prudence truly gives a very good sense of air and clarity to the already very airy presentation Fusion. The bass hits are tighter and quite fast, the treble gets a tab bit more sparkle but no harshness to my ears. The problem to me is that the midrange to me has become a bit more at the back, a bit more recessed. The midrange on the Fusion are already a bit recessed, and this pairing pushes it more back, and to me i lose emotion with vocal based songs. Leonidas II instead injects a very good sense of midrange back and the pairing with Fusion to me is extremely well.

Good News - The pairing with U12T goes really well! I was using Leonidas II so far, which bought with it more body to the iem. But Fusion doesn't add body, but instead adds more clarity and air to the overall presentation. The bass here too is hits hard, but for me the midrange has become sweeter, and the major problem I had with U12t was it was a bit boring, needed a bit treble energy and fortunately Prudence adds that to this. I was using the M15 module with Leo II all this while, but now using the M20 to add more body to the low end, and now i feel U12T gets more life in all the areas that I felt was missing before, bass has more body while there is enough sparkle at the top end!

Luckily I didnt have to pay any customs on this, since someone put cable sample on the bill !! Nice one :D
Jan 24, 2020 at 8:56 AM Post #249 of 5,894
Thanks to @Eric Chong I have opportunity to learn more about Fortitude and Prudence. Without further ado those two are really nice cables, despite being lower end offering. Build quality is exellent:
- matte black 2pin connectors looks simple and elegant, those are well made and seems to be sturdy;
- proprietary Y splitter and plug's shell are incredible well designed at that price point - very eye catching
- Y splitters are on bigger side, but cables are easy to wear and handle - good job Eletech;
- rhodium plated plugs are nice addition at this price range
- braid isn't too tight, insulation is flexible with no memory effect to it.

Package is simple and not as impressive as for higher models, but there is simple material case, leather strap and card with informations about each model. Simple and elegant, hard to complain.


I gave each 5hrs of listen time with few IEMs and must say that Fortitude and Prudence doesn't "sound" as typical - respectively - copper and SPC cables, Quick impressions for now:
- Fortitude - low end is nicely extended with main accent in midbass area and better control to subbass than most stock cables, lower mids has some body to it, but stage is quite clear as vocals are a bit forward placed. The is good extension in upper treble, but not so much air from last octave. Sound is quite smooth and quite natural with all IEMs tested. One thing that stood out to me is very good dynimics for copper cable at this price range. Sound with Fortitude is musical, very engaging, and at the same time more focused and a bit intimate. Soundstage has good width, nice depth, but is place a bit forward, so it isn't the most spacious presentation. For now I like Fortitude with something like Custom Art FIBAE Black, Jomo Audio Haka, Empire Ears EVR or iBasso AM05. It sound for me surprising nice with Itsfit Lab Fusion and Rhapsodio Eden.
- Prudence - comapring to Fortitude this one change sound to be more clear, clean and spacious. Lows are also nicely extended and are tigher and less weighty, but still posses good power. Mids are clean, airy and at the same time quite smooth sounding. Instruments sounds natural with no lack in body. Vocals are't placed too forward - are more relaxed and laid-back, but still sound nicely natural (especially delicate female's ones). Highs seems to be mostly neutral with balanced amount of body, sparkles and air. Extension is better than with Fortitude, stage is also bigger and there is more airy and holographic presentation. Detail level is bit better, as well as resolution, but there is nothing analytical to Prudence. Charming cable. Nice pair with Legend X, Nemesis and Valkyrie from Empire Ears. Itsfit Lab Fusion for my taste is also nice pairing (even more out of head experience), as well as Oriolus Finschi HiFi, Oriolus MK2 and Soranik iON-4 (love that one synergy).

Fortitude and Prudence as lower model from young comapny as Eletech seems very impressive - from build quality to changes providing in SQ. Those aren't the cheapest "entry level" cable, but I'm thinking those are for sure worth their prices and there is really nothing "entry level" to them.

Here's few photos:






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Jan 24, 2020 at 11:39 AM Post #250 of 5,894
I clearly underestimated the holographic presentation Prudence provides! I think it pairs really well with IEMs that have a good low end grunt and body, like Legend X. With U12t+M20, it pairs really well too.
Jan 24, 2020 at 11:40 AM Post #251 of 5,894
Thanks to @Eric Chong I have opportunity to learn more about Fortitude and Prudence. Without further ado those two are really nice cables, despite being lower end offering. Build quality is exellent:
- matte black 2pin connectors looks simple and elegant, those are well made and seems to be sturdy;
- proprietary Y splitter and plug's shell are incredible well designed at that price point - very eye catching
- Y splitter are on bigger side, but cables are easy to wear and handle - good job Eletech;
- rhodium plated plugs are nice addition at this price range
- braid isn't too tight, insulation is flexible with no memory effect to it.

Package is simple and not as impressive as for higher models, but there is simple material case, leather strap and card with informations about each model. Simple and elegant, hard to complain.


I gave each 5hrs of listen time with few IEMs and must say that Fortitude and Prudence doesn't "sound" as typical - respectively - copper and SPC cables, Quick impressions for now:
- Fortitude - low end is nicely extended with main accent in midbass area and better control to subbass than most stock cables, lower mids has some body to it, but stage is quite clear as vocals are a bit forward placed. The is good extension in upper treble, but not so much air from last octave. Sound is quite smooth and quite natural with all IEMs tested. One thing that stood out to me is very good dynimics for copper cable at this price range. Sound with Fortitude is musical, very engaging, and at the same time more focused and a bit ntimate. Soundstage has good width, nice depth, but is place a bit forward, so it isn't the most spacoius presentation. For now I like Fortitude with something like Custom Art FIBAE Black, Jomo Audio Haka, Empire Ears EVR or iBasso AM05. It sound for me surprising nice with Itsfit Lab Fusion and Rhapsodio Eden.
- Prudence - comapring to Fortitude this one change sound to be more clear, clean and speacious. Lows are also nicely extended and are tigher and less weighty, but still posses good power. Mids are clean, airy and at the same time quite smooth sounding. Instruments sounds natural with no lack in body. Vocals are't placed too forward - are more relaxed and laid-back, but still sound nicely natural (especially delicate female's ones). Highs seems to be mostly neutral with balanced amount of body, sparkles and air. Extension is better than with Fortitude, stage is also bigger and there is more airy and holographic presentation. Detail level is bit better, as well as resolution, but there is nothing analytical to Prudence. Charming cable. Nice pair with Legend X, and (maybe even better) with Nemesis and Valkyrie from Empire Ears. Itsfit Lab Fusion for my taste is also nice pairing (even more out of head experience), as well as Oriolus Finschi HiFi, Oriolus MK2 and Soranik iON-4 (love that one synergy).

Fortitude and Prudence as lower model from young comapny as Eletech seems very impressive - from build quality to changes providing in SQ. Those aren't the cheapest "entry level" cable, but for now I'm thinking those are for sure worth their prices and there is really nothing "entry level" to them.

Here's few photos:






WOW!!! Those are some killer pics, that really show off how beautiful that wire is. Both cables look very high end, and these pics make me want them even more.
Jan 24, 2020 at 11:44 AM Post #252 of 5,894
I clearly underestimated the holographic presentation Prudence provides! I think it pairs really well with IEMs that have a good low end grunt and body, like Legend X. With U12t+M20, it pairs really well too.

You should get a % of the sales revenue. :beerchug: I'm looking to pair the Legend X with a cost effective decent cable and you are selling the idea of this one to me :)
Jan 24, 2020 at 11:50 AM Post #253 of 5,894
You should get a % of the sales revenue. :beerchug: I'm looking to pair the Legend X with a cost effective decent cable and you are selling the idea of this one to me :)
Hey im just quoting what others are saying here :p But i can only vouch for U12T, because with M20 its a bass monster too considering for balanced amature!! Hits really hard, and the soundstage with Prudence is a bit more wider than Leonidas II.:beerchug:
Jan 24, 2020 at 12:50 PM Post #254 of 5,894
Any folks receive a Plato? Super curious about that one now. Noble Katana needs a cable now that I've swapped some things around.

@Deferenz I hadn't planned on pairing it with Legend X after a conversation with Eric that he preferred the Plato (and I prefer "normal" silver cables with Legend X as well), but will see if I find time tonight with more testing/listening.

@MrLocoLuciano lol thank you very much, but don't confuse my "unique style" with not knowing what the screw I am doing! :)

Jan 24, 2020 at 1:22 PM Post #255 of 5,894
Any folks receive a Plato? Super curious about that one now. Noble Katana needs a cable now that I've swapped some things around.

@Deferenz I hadn't planned on pairing it with Legend X after a conversation with Eric that he preferred the Plato (and I prefer "normal" silver cables with Legend X as well), but will see if I find time tonight with more testing/listening.

@MrLocoLuciano lol thank you very much, but don't confuse my "unique style" with not knowing what the screw I am doing! :)

I’ve had the Plato and I’d say it works extremely well with the custom ItsFit Katana which has really forward and present. My universal was more of an inverse V and the Plato doesn’t work that well with that kind of monitors, if you’re aiming to push out more lows/highs out of them

The Plato is however my favorite cable for any kind of V shaped IEM, or any case where I need to tame the treble and enhance the midrange

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