*EDIT* Starting to spend some serious cash! IEMs ($300 budget)

Mar 10, 2011 at 7:18 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 17


New Head-Fier
May 29, 2010

Need of some new IEM's

   So basically I need some new IEM's and although I have gone down both the headphone and iem route before I am going to stick with iems as they do fit my needs better.
However... this time I am going to be going rather expensive and am raising my budget quite a bit.  The details on what I listen to, my source and more are listed below.
I need advice on hi-fi audio equipment well from the best people on the planet to ask! Head-fi'ers =)
$300 ~ + about 30 bucks at most if its really worth paying it
Also keep in mind I will be purchasing off of Amazon, B&H Photography, Buy.com
So, unless you have any better suggestions as to where I can purchase them please use these sites as price references.
HTC HD7 Mobile Smartphone running Windows Phone 7 (keep in mind no graphic eq of any sorts only get preset eq settings)
I will only be using a Fiio E5 so nothing crazy here.  And I will not be using any other amp (unless you can find me something that comes in close to the Fiio in terms of PORTABILITY)
[size=small]Music Genre's & Sound:[/size]
My top 3 genres are: - Christian Rock
                               - Acoustic Guitar
                               - Classical (Orchestral in general, not just from the Classical era)
However, I do listen to a bit of trance, ballad type songs (emphasis on vocals for ballad), and occasionally jazz
Yes, I realize I am asking for a lot well I am dishing out 300 dollars (USD) I may as well get something that covers a wide variety of music for that kind of money, no?!?
*EDIT*  Sound Signature:
I decided to add a section on the type of sound signature I would like from the IEM's well because it would better the choices that I will have.
The best way I think to describe the sound I would like is "fun."  I am NOT using the IEM's as referencing monitors or for studio work.  Thus I do not need them to be neutral or very true to the original music.
The sound should be the kind that gets your foot tapping and really lets you enjoy the music not scrutinize it for every little detail.
This does not mean that detail should be non existing and veiled but just not so revealing. (Is that a contradiction?)
[size=small]Type of IEM:[/size]
Definitely NO custom fitted IEMs, I'm looking purely for universal fit.
Can be worn over ear or just straight down, I have no preference either is fine.
Sound from the cord moving (I think its microphonics don't remember) aren't too much of an issue I can ignore them.
Durability is a big plus.
Comfort, or rather fit is very important.  I believe I have fairly normal ears so I just need something that fits well and isolates.
Accessories as in tips and case can influence my decision.
Feel free to ask questions I will be regularly checking on the thread!
AND ONE LAST THING... I am going to use this thread to widen my choices so please feel free to post as many IEM's as you wish *EDIT* just please say Why you are recommending the earphones.  It may be selfish of me to ask but why recommend something without even giving a single reason why?  The more options the better as I will be doing my "research" thoroughly and have some time.
One las thanks to the community here at Head-Fi.  You guys know hi-fi like the back of your hand! (did I use that saying correctly?!)
Mar 11, 2011 at 1:58 AM Post #3 of 17
Westone 3?
- Simply excellent overall sound, with oomph in the bass for when you listen to trance (I mainly listen to soft>hard rock, trance, electro, house, etc.)
- 0 microphonics when I wear them over the ear
- Fit EXCELLENTLY and extraordinarily comfortable (I have medium sized ears, ie using medium sized olive tips)
- Cord is very durable and the nozzle (or whatever the technical term is) is not too long so you won't have to worry about it breaking
- Comes with a case w/ handy clip, ear wax tool + brush, 4 pairs of foam tips, 1 pair of tri flange tips, 3 pairs white silicon tips, 3 pairs of olive tips, plus a guitar amp style jack and an inline attenuator.
Sennheiser IE8
- Big booming bass that can be adjusted with the knob on the housing
- Great sound, but I would rate the W3s above them in terms of clarity and quality of the higher frequencies
- Can be worn down or up (i wear them down as this is most comfortable)
- Removable cord
- Extremely durable (bashed them around and washing machine-d them a few times, still work after two years)
- Haven't had any issues with microphonics
- Comes with a bunch of tips, and a carry case (but the case isnt as practical as I would like), however you may have trouble getting a good fit. I had to mod a pair of large Shure foam tips for them to fit well, but after that the isolation, fit and comfort were excellent. Check out some of the threads on here for suggestions.
Both of these should be around your price range! Hope this helps a little bit.
EDIT: Oh and I use an iPhone 3GS as my PMP most of the time
Mar 11, 2011 at 2:33 AM Post #4 of 17
I think UM3x would fit the bill.
Mar 11, 2011 at 3:13 AM Post #6 of 17
Just a heads up, but you can save quite a bit of money buying off the For Sale listings on this forum. 
Mar 11, 2011 at 5:04 AM Post #8 of 17
You can buy 2-3 $100 IEM's and enjoy 3 different sound signatures.
Radius DDM for bass, RE-ZERO for treble and another midfocused IEM.
Or get the Phonak PFE with the extra green filter.
Mar 11, 2011 at 5:57 AM Post #9 of 17
New Radius W21 which is coming out next week could be worthwhile to consider..
Ortofons e-Q5 are fantastic IEMs ; latest review here:  http://anythingbutipod.com/2011/01/ortofon-e-q5-review/
DBA-02 or CK10
Mar 11, 2011 at 8:03 AM Post #10 of 17
SM3, MD Tributes, FX700, Otrofon EQ5/7, Pro Copper, IE8 and also be on the lookout for new IEM's.
Mar 11, 2011 at 9:57 AM Post #12 of 17
So far this is just about the list of every iem I will be looking at.  I'm always welcome to more suggestions so please keep em' coming!
Also, other than the Earsonic SM3 from Soundearphones.com I don't believe I can find any of these other phones for less than 300 dollars o.o
Is there another site I can use?
Also on the comment about the for use forums, I am quite uh skeptical maybe paranoid about trusting people purely through the forums.  Any advice on how to safely purchase the items from that section (Who to look out for, what to keep in mind about deals, etc etc) so that I don't get scammed? (it happened too many times to the point of me being extremely cautious)
Westone 3
Westone UM3X
Sennheiser IE8
Earsonic SM3
Monster Pro Copper
*There is an edit in the OP*
Mar 11, 2011 at 10:08 AM Post #13 of 17
Established trusty sellers/traders will have feedback in their profile, which is visible in each listing. You can see feedback that was left over from other buyers/sellers from previous transactions. Use your own judgement, but IMO, those who have a long history of good transactions (both buying and selling) involving high value items are more likely to continue being trustworthy.
Mar 11, 2011 at 11:54 AM Post #15 of 17
The Triple.Fi 10 is the most mindlessly fun IEMs I've used, not EQed for reference yet coloration is likable and is still top level audio quality.  They can technically be worn down or over the ear.  Durability may be an issue is it's just glued plastic (but so are many others).  Fitment for some can be troublesome since the earphone body is large.  It's not a deep insertion type earphone.  Many don't feel the security of shallower insertion and prefer a deeper, more snug fit.  Getting the right orientation and fit is important and can take time to figure out, more so than many like to take, and there are a number of bad reviews because of it.  It tends to get more guff than it deserves in terms of fitment but only because people are impatient or are unwilling to invest in more tip options.

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