Earplugs: Indispensable Tool for the Musician
Mar 28, 2008 at 8:21 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 4


Headphoneus Supremus
Jan 21, 2007
As some of you may already know, I heavily practice the viola, and the risk of hearing damage is high. Every session I get a very prominent tinnitus about the mid-range, fluctuating between 2 ~ 4 kHz, which is probably a foreshadow to hearing loss in that particular frequency.

Of course, after years of the same habit, I had ignored it, telling myself it was inevitable anyway.

I had bought earplugs (Ety ER-20 Baby Blue attenuators) for a different purpose, and casually tried them on for my daily practice, just to try it out.

The results were amazing - I no longer have the annoying tinnitus, I can concentrate better without having the string harmonic/overtones hammering at my left ear, and there was very little timbre destruction, almost that I felt that I didn't make a complete seal with the earplugs (which I later confirmed that they were in fact sealed properly).

In rehearsals however, I only make a partial seal in my left ear, mainly because I need to hear the other instruments, and pitch concentration is harder to do in a louder environment. The effect is still there, just not as great with both plugs used in both ears.

The reason I am giving this advice to wear earplugs, is that I rarely see any stringed musicians use it. I play in two orchestras, and I have failed to see a single earplug being used, especially with the violinists whom instruments make an even louder screech.

I strongly encourage this safe practice, especially if you appreciate music as you do!
Mar 28, 2008 at 11:30 AM Post #2 of 4
Second the ER20 to those who are concern about their hearing.

After I got my ER20 two years ago, it very much follows me to everywhere I travel, even use it on my flight when I am not using my IEM. I am actually think of getting a second pair for backup. Definitely one of the best gift to give yourself!
Mar 28, 2008 at 11:30 AM Post #3 of 4
Yeah -- AFTER much damage was already done to my ears, I started wearing shooter's earplugs when playing for more than just a few minutes at a time -- didn't hurt my playing, any, either -- still could hear all I needed to furnish my parts properly.
I used the ones with the highest-available sound protection (made for shooting magnum handguns) because of the insane (but necessary in big venues) volume levels of rock music.
Mar 28, 2008 at 2:41 PM Post #4 of 4
There are several companies making custom plugs as well, with replaceable filters for different levels of dampening. I have tried the ER's, but they are VERY uncomfortable to me (same issue with most iem's) I have long-narrow canals. I can not even get them in to the 3rd flange.

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