E500/Hornet Volume Poll
Oct 24, 2006 at 6:13 PM Post #16 of 44

Originally Posted by trose49
I was assuming LINE OUT but if not let's say 75% on the IPOD volume.

Im using cryo but if not use 75% on you ipod volume should be about equal.
Oct 24, 2006 at 7:09 PM Post #17 of 44
Years ago I stoped enjoying loud music (though I still listen to lots of rock, r&b and blues). I thought I was little unusual in this respect, probably because I was always around high school age students who like to listen loud. This poll shows clearly that reason seems to prevail here with most people listening even lower than me (I am usually around 9:00).
Oct 24, 2006 at 7:16 PM Post #18 of 44
With my ACS T2 XS I am between the first and second notch. Any higher than the second is way too loud.

Oct 24, 2006 at 7:22 PM Post #20 of 44
Below the first hash mark with both the UM2 and the E500. I just got my amp back from getting the M mod, and Ray checked the gain at that time, so my amp is working as it should.
Oct 24, 2006 at 7:36 PM Post #21 of 44

Originally Posted by boschtb
Below the first hash mark with both the UM2 and the E500. I just got my amp back from getting the M mod, and Ray checked the gain at that time, so my amp is working as it should.

And you have a full loud signal below the first hash? I dont get it!
Oct 24, 2006 at 8:22 PM Post #23 of 44

Originally Posted by trose49
Maybe my knob is mounted diffrently. OK How about this. with the volume turned all the way down what time is it? I might be on to something.

Oct 24, 2006 at 10:06 PM Post #25 of 44

Originally Posted by trose49
well that's explains some of it mine is at 7:00 what about max mine is almost 5:00

5:00???? that still seems way too high. it has to be a very low source. what are you listening too again? i only rip cd's, and download nothing. maybe that's the issue?
Oct 24, 2006 at 10:18 PM Post #26 of 44

Originally Posted by sberger
5:00???? that still seems way too high. it has to be a very low source. what are you listening too again? i only rip cd's, and download nothing. maybe that's the issue?

NO your missing the point everyone was saying that at 11:00 thats too loud so I was asking where does your Hornet Volume knob start and stop. Mine starts at 7:00 and ends at almost 5:00.

someone posted theirs starts at 6:00. So i wanted to ask others where does your volume knob start and stop on "Clock" ???

My 11:00 is another persons 10:00 get it!
Oct 24, 2006 at 10:52 PM Post #27 of 44

Originally Posted by trose49
NO your missing the point everyone was saying that at 11:00 thats too loud so I was asking where does your Hornet Volume knob start and stop. Mine starts at 7:00 and ends at almost 5:00.

someone posted theirs starts at 6:00. So i wanted to ask others where does your volume knob start and stop on "Clock" ???

My 11:00 is another persons 10:00 get it!

oh, sorry. i thought you were talking about listening levels. yes, mine stops at 5:00 as well.
Oct 24, 2006 at 10:58 PM Post #29 of 44

Originally Posted by trose49
Where does your start?


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