E-MU Wooden Series Headphones
Feb 13, 2016 at 2:18 PM Post #16 of 1,971
The smaller / less expensive ones on MassDrop now have an original retail close to the Creative Live! Aurvana 2. Same size driver and material with identical frequency specs. I suspect they've put that driver into a set with separate wires, wood cups, a sturdier head band, and potentially longer cups with thicker ear pads. I do own the Aurvana 2. My large head demanded I replace the pads with www.nvx.com/xre100s-comfortmax-standard-cushions (very slightly thinner, more comfortable versions of the Brainwavz HM5 headphones, that preserve more bass) and I upgraded the wire to one without a volume control, made for Sennheiser Momentum.

The longer pads let them reach my ears. The thickness gave it a wider sound, with a bit less sub bass unfortunately. They're now the best closed cans I have besides the Sony MDR-Z7, that are a bit smoother in the high end, with a bit more sub bass. The fact that the price is almost the same as the Creative - and the pads seem more like the NVX, with dual cable, less cross-talk, and no volume control (hopefully) in line to reduce sound quality these are a really good deal. Also, if the ear pads are thicker than stock Aurvana 2, but not as thick as the NVX, it will likely have better sub bass. The overall shape seems more like the Aurvana 1 cups.
Feb 14, 2016 at 11:06 AM Post #18 of 1,971
I got in on the drop.  I own the old Denon D1001, and it's getting up there in years and the pads are starting to flake a bit, and they have some scratches.  They've served me well for like 8-9 years now.  These for $99, with wood cups and leather earpads were just what I was looking for.  Supposedly better isolation than the D1001.  One of my all time fav "straight out of an iphone" cans with leather and wood?  yes, please.
Feb 14, 2016 at 11:27 AM Post #19 of 1,971
The E-MU headphones look exactly like a Creative Aurvana Live! with handsome wooden cups. In fact, I would doubt there is any functional difference between the E-MU and CAL! headphones other than the cups. The CAL! has terrific sound and are very comfortable, especially if the stock pads are replaced with Brainwavz pads. On the other hand, the wires are thin, the headband is flimsy, and the bails and other structural parts are made of cheap plastic. The overall impression I have regarding the build quality is that they are not the headphones to throw into a briefcase or book bag without reducing their lifespan significantly. Replacing the plastic cups with wooden cups definitely improves the looks and may have a small effect on the sound but in the end the headphones are still CAL! cans, which isn't a bad thing at all. By the way, Amazon is currently selling the regular - not wooden - CAL! headphones for $49.99 and yesterday the same cans were available on Amazon for only $39.99. Are the wooden cups worth an extra $50.00 or $60.00? It's up to the buyer, really, but either way these are very nice sounding, albeit rather fragile, headphones.
Feb 14, 2016 at 12:07 PM Post #20 of 1,971
The E-MU headphones look exactly like a Creative Aurvana Live! with handsome wooden cups. In fact, I would doubt there is any functional difference between the E-MU and CAL! headphones other than the cups. The CAL! has terrific sound and are very comfortable, especially if the stock pads are replaced with Brainwavz pads. On the other hand, the wires are thin, the headband is flimsy, and the bails and other structural parts are made of cheap plastic. The overall impression I have regarding the build quality is that they are not the headphones to throw into a briefcase or book bag without reducing their lifespan significantly. Replacing the plastic cups with wooden cups definitely improves the looks and may have a small effect on the sound but in the end the headphones are still CAL! cans, which isn't a bad thing at all. By the way, Amazon is currently selling the regular - not wooden - CAL! headphones for $49.99 and yesterday the same cans were available on Amazon for only $39.99. Are the wooden cups worth an extra $50.00 or $60.00? It's up to the buyer, really, but either way these are very nice sounding, albeit rather fragile, headphones.

I've thrown my Denon D1001 in my bag for like 9 years. There are a few scratches (dropped them on pavement twice) but I've never had a problem with them. The pleather is starting to flake a bit, but the EMU have leather pads (according to the Massdrop description any way). The D1001/CAL have always looked a bit flimsy, but mine have definitely stood the test of time, despite me using them as portables and never having a case for them.
Feb 14, 2016 at 12:26 PM Post #21 of 1,971
I've thrown my Denon D1001 in my bag for like 9 years. There are a few scratches (dropped them on pavement twice) but I've never had a problem with them. The pleather is starting to flake a bit, but the EMU have leather pads (according to the Massdrop description any way). The D1001/CAL have always looked a bit flimsy, but mine have definitely stood the test of time, despite me using them as portables and never having a case for them.

After several months owning a CAL! I have come to respect its sound but its rather cheap construction doesn't inspire my confidence, however. Hopefully, my experience with my original pair will be like yours with your Denons but just in case I ordered a backup pair yesterday at the $39.99 price because I like them so much. 
Feb 14, 2016 at 12:52 PM Post #22 of 1,971
Definitely CAL 1 and not CAL 2 in design. CAL 2 has rounder cups, the CAL 1 has the oblong like these. In fact so does the Denon D1001. Now that you mention it FJRABON. I just had an epiphany. Those Denon are probably revoiced CAL 1 cans. I would not be surprised if this newer set, the CAL 1 and 2 and the Denon D1001 have identical drivers. Even the new Fostex TH-X00 might have that driver. Inner cup construction, damping, reflection and resonance control, or improvement in circuitry leading to the voice coil may alter each enough to sound "different" as would pads. It explains why the D1001 and the CAL 1 and 2 to a lesser degree had complaints about the construction that were similar. They probably made these a bit more sturdy, and they are probably closer in sound to the slightly higher quality of the CAL 2, than the CAL 1 (where only the housing and likely internal acoustic environment changed). Jeez I'm practically talking myself into getting these. Somebody stop me. Where is my wife? I need her help right now.
Feb 14, 2016 at 1:03 PM Post #23 of 1,971
  Definitely CAL 1 and not CAL 2 in design. CAL 2 has rounder cups, the CAL 1 has the oblong like these. In fact so does the Denon D1001. Now that you mention it FJRABON. I just had an epiphany. Those Denon are probably revoiced CAL 1 cans. I would not be surprised if this newer set, the CAL 1 and 2 and the Denon D1001 have identical drivers. Even the new Fostex TH-X00 might have that driver. Inner cup construction, damping, reflection and resonance control, or improvement in circuitry leading to the voice coil may alter each enough to sound "different" as would pads. It explains why the D1001 and the CAL 1 and 2 to a lesser degree had complaints about the construction that were similar. They probably made these a little more sturdy and they are probably closer in sound to the higher quality of the CAL 2 than the CAL 1 (where only the housing and likely internal acoustic environment changed). Jeez. I'm practically talking myself into getting these. Somebody stop me. Where is my wife. I need her help.

Foster/Fostex has always been the OEM for all of them.  I believe the Denon D1000/D1001 actually pre-dated the CAL!.  It is a different driver than the THX00 though, which is 50mm (though also Foster bio-cellulose). 
Feb 14, 2016 at 3:08 PM Post #24 of 1,971
Correct. 50 mm. Even similar headband (two metal bars going to each cup) as we see on the larger EM-U pair that has 50 mm. What is retail on the larger EMU? Is it also $399?
Oh wait, a website said over $900. Meaning $699 - $899 street probably. Way too much, especially if the Fostex are very similar and for half the price. That doesn't make sense.
Feb 14, 2016 at 3:36 PM Post #25 of 1,971
Correct. 50 mm. Even similar headband (two metal bars going to each cup) as we see on the larger EM-U pair that has 50 mm. What is retail on the larger EMU? Is it also $399?

Oh wait, a website said over $900. Meaning $699 - $899 street probably. Way too much, especially if the Fostex are very similar and for half the price. That doesn't make sense.

Has more to say about the deal the THX00 is than the EMU Teak being over priced. Also not really fair to compare something that can be bought at any time (EMU Teak) to a product that can only be bought twice a year (THX00)
Feb 14, 2016 at 6:35 PM Post #28 of 1,971
So would the pair on massdrop be a good portable can? Is it fully closed or semi open like other Fostex models?

My guess is it has some amount of venting. But the Massdrop guy who commented said it had decent isolation. The problem with the D1001/CAL seemed to be more that the plastic was resonant than the lack of sealing.
Feb 16, 2016 at 2:12 PM Post #29 of 1,971
I'm really glad to see the Fostex/Denon D1001 design live on in the CAL and E-Mu Walnut. My 1001 is still in good shape so I don't need a replacement anytime soon myself. But at under $50, the CAL has been a great entrypoint to hi-end headphones for friends who never had tried any before.
So I'm curious about the Teak. Where is it for sale? Does it really use the same specs as the D7000? 
Feb 16, 2016 at 2:28 PM Post #30 of 1,971
  I'm really glad to see the Fostex/Denon D1001 design live on in the CAL and E-Mu Walnut. My 1001 is still in good shape so I don't need a replacement anytime soon myself. But at under $50, the CAL has been a great entrypoint to hi-end headphones for friends who never had tried any before.
So I'm curious about the Teak. Where is it for sale? Does it really use the same specs as the D7000? 

The Teak uses the same driver specs as the TH600/THX00.  Slightly different, but very close to the D7000.

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