DX320 ROHM dac chips, Android 11, AMP11MK2s. *******NEW FW: 2.07*******
Jun 13, 2022 at 4:00 PM Post #2,506 of 10,359
Suppose that's each vision on our toys
As you see 5% of a difference for some and a huge leap forward for others
Side grade for one
Upgrade for others
Even I've seen not on par with ... posted
Also AK is not your favorite sound but many happy owners out there
But as long as we have fun exploring audio ... 🤷
I agree, but i actually love ak sound. I had opportunities of getting used sp1k, sp1kM for less than 1,5k and i didnt. I had an offer of getting the sp2kT for 1,7k e but all of these daps just did better in timbre than my sold dx300.
Dx320 not only fixed the timbre issue, but it exceeded any of my expectations in this regard. Its just a life like experience when it comes to the timbre and no ak gave me that.
Sure im judging with my ears, so this is subjective, but every opinion here is subjective.
Jun 13, 2022 at 4:06 PM Post #2,507 of 10,359
I agree, but i actually love ak sound. I had opportunities of getting used sp1k, sp1kM for less than 1,5k and i didnt. I had an offer of getting the sp2kT for 1,7k e but all of these daps just did better in timbre than my sold dx300.
Dx320 not only fixed the timbre issue, but it exceeded any of my expectations in this regard. Its just a life like experience when it comes to the timbre and no ak gave me that.
Sure im judging with my ears, so this is subjective, but every opinion here is subjective.
For sure and it's all personal this hobby
Going from the audio files, eartips, cables and IEM
Suppose not many among us will hear exactly the same as what we talk about
Now just go through any thread here on Head-Fi being it Hiby, AK, Fiio ... all own the best sounding toys
Jun 13, 2022 at 4:08 PM Post #2,508 of 10,359
Makes total sense. The tactility of the DX320 helps with e-stat timbre.

DX300 is very much ethereal and a bit textureless, like many Stax, so you need to bring out some dynamics and grit to your chain.

I’d describe the DX300 like an SR-007mk2.9 and the DX320 like an Audeze CRBN

My hugest praise to dx320 it its new film capacitors and the new made in house ibasso foil cap. This is the biggest takes on the sound improvements. Plus dx320 has strong and very clean amp thanks to its new fpga way and 2 split batteries.

To my ears dx320 is alive with those new capacitors its a real gem and a game changer for me. I think I even love dx320 more then my first 1z M1 I owned before and loved so much. I am still in a shock and trying to retrieve my senses as how could Ibasso be so darn good WOW
Nor mentioning all the options and versatility that this dap accompanies

Your writte up impressions are so right on the spot, I should copy past them my post hehe I feel the exact same for both daps. And yep will chose dx320 over dx300 any time !
Jun 13, 2022 at 4:21 PM Post #2,509 of 10,359
Hi all, had a mini meet with Tiger Ears @Vitaly2017 over the weekend after a lot of demoing the good stuff, speakers and then flagship headphones - we finished off with a 45 mins dedicated to porta-fi DX300 vs DX320.

First off, I don't want to rain on anyone’s parade here but both sources albeit being phenomenal values for the money are not on the level of my past owned SP2000CU and even less so the Hugo2. That being said, Hugo2 is outstanding in sound but annoying in usability, and SP2000CU has sharp edges and poor user interface/ slow processing.

Another thing to note, unlike the above, DX320 is more of a side-grade than an upgrade, objectively speaking here. I do agree the 320 is generally better sounding than 300, but they trade blows more so than anything. Where a Hugo2 is perhaps 20% better than DX320, SP2000cu is perhaps 10-12% & then DX320 being about 5% better than DX300.

Iem’s tested on both DAP’s are:
VE Phonix, VE EXT, IE900, IER-M9

Also use my KSE1200, IER-Z1R, MEST Indigo, MEST, EX1000 & ER2XR commonly with DX300

- This DAP is quite nuanced in dynamic contrast, has sharp enough leading edges and transients, but also not too much.
- Technicals are great but not top flight, but the voicing has a bit of forgiveness thanks to this.
- Bass thumps and has fast decay and snappy speed.
- Imaging is fantastic and precise in positioning well developed & rendered instruments cohesively
- Staging is quite intimate and focalized in center stage and not so much in width. This also allows for more engagement factor and sense of dynamic. It’s quite intimate, to my surprise.
- This is my first experience with a device using ROHM dac’s and I can say it’s neat. I would call this a neutral/ fun source with above average dynamics and great detail/ overall fidelity.

- Detail is more “apparent” though this is mostly due to the more expansive presentation
- Staging from left to right and up to down (x & y) is much further reaching compared to the DX320, though it struggles to push out depth in the Z axis
- It’s a more holographic, large and surrounding experience, but at the same time there is less layering/ relief/ texture magic vs the DX320, which does a better job of portraying music more realistically
- DX300 has a hard time with transient speed and attack. It has a sense of deadness and bloom to it, and tends to add a sense of decay. This works absolutely fantastic with BA drivers and bringing them into realism, but the fact is, this player has a bit of a dead/ plastic timbre
- DX300 has more lingering midbass/ fullness which is very nice with some iem’s, but a bit bloomed relative to DX320. It’s a technical drawback, but in my case a musical plus side to my ears
- DX300 also has more sense of air, whereas as the DX320’s smoothed off top end brings music more into focus/ sharpness, at the expense of etherealness
- The DX300 sound is very blown out and extended. Things linger a little longer, there's a certain looseness, silkiness to the sound, kind of like tube amps.

While comparing, I found myself slightly preferring the DX320 overall in my critical analysis, yet every time I was switching songs to compare, felt more immersed with the DX300. This was maintained with all iem’s except perhaps IE900 which I liked on DX320 slightly more.

Both units were running stock amps.
Both units running filter D1 (though usually I run D3 on DX300, but DX320 only has 2 options)
Both units were on High gain
Both units running Tidal
Both units using stock amp cards
Both units being less than 30 hours burnt in

I encourage @Vitaly2017 to chime in as well, as I think he also found it surprising how both units traded blows rather than one being a direct upgrade. I believe he enjoyed the more detail of the DX300 a lot, but overall still preferred the DX320 factoring all components of sound.

For me, I’m not sure I want to sell my DX300 just yet now, but will keep it listed on Head-Fi as I am hoping to get a Hugo2 again. If anyone is interested in a trade please say hello :) 9915EA5D-63CA-429A-8BDC-EAEA9A43A64C.jpegE7630D2F-A258-4527-8B74-1D578632DD7B.jpeg
Great comparison, but I wouldn’t call dx320 is 5% better than Dx300. It is a noticeable step up, at least 30% but we all have different opinions and preferences. Hence this hobby is interesting
Jun 13, 2022 at 4:22 PM Post #2,510 of 10,359
The dx320 is not a side grade. Its a noticeable level up in everything, even when paired with the stock 11.2s vs dx300 paired with the amp12EXN.
When the dx320 is pared with the amp12EXN, there is nothing left to compare.
The dx320 smashes the ak sp1000, is better than the ak sp2kT, so i dont think the sp2k is even 3% better, considering that there wasnt any groundbreaking upgrade over its predecessor.
Cant comment on the Hugo2 as i havent heard it.
I remember that even dx300 with amp11.2 had better staging, dynamics and detail than the sp1k. It lost in staging depth, a bit in layering and mainly in timbre, which was more natural on the sp1k.
The dx320 is more realistic in timbre than anything ive heard from dap world (sp1k, sp1kM, sp2kT, Shanling M9, all the Fiios).
Firstly, you need to have amp11.2s burned in, secondly you need to go level up in amps- 12EX/EXN or 13.
Amp 11.2s is just stock, raw output showing the abilities of the ROHM dacs but it lacks refinement.
I honestly have never experienced such realistic timbre in any dap, otherwise i could send it back, still have 1,5 weeks to do that. Its a keeper which will only get better with new amps releases.

I guess alot of these findings by different people are also influenced by sound preference and earphones/headphones used etc etc.

The AK SP2000T is a very very good DAP that I think sounds in a similar league to the DX320. In hybrid mode it is really quite special however it does have some practical issues such as slow OS.

I've been off work the last week or so and been able to get more listening time than I normally would, I've been using this time to burn the DX320 in more and listen alongside my N8ii.
After a week or so my ongoing thoughts are similar to my initial thoughts last week.
The DX320 is a truly excellent DAP and for its base price in the UK easily competes with DAPs both in its price range and above. However as I initially thought last week it doesn't for me and to my old ears quite match the N8ii in terms of musicality and overall depth. Detail retrieval due to the DACs is very similar but for me the N8ii has more body and finesse in its presentation.

Now I'm aware having used the ibasso modular system in the past that I could change/improve the sound signature but I can also do this with the N8ii with its different modes (although ibasso will have more options longer term I'm sure). And I think that's where I prefer the n8ii, I don't mind using amp modules but I always found in the last that i didn't swap back and forth whereas I can change easier with the n8ii, that's in no way a slight on the dx320 just me personal preference.

What it does do though is potentially increase the outlay for the dx320 to bring it closer to the n8ii...£250 for the amp13 to get the nutube and around £400 for the modded amp12. Although I know it still makes the dx320 cheaper, in the UK even with extra amps it would still be £700 less.
What I would say is that the N8ii is not twice the price better however in this hobby there is not many DAPs or earphones etc that give a big jump in sound differences at these kind of prices.
My IE900 at £1100 compared to retail price of my 64 Audio u18t (£3000) are not that far away from the the u18s in overall sound quality but certainly not 3 x the price difference.

I'm going to keep the DX320 and hopefully either borrow a modded amp 12 or buy a used one to compare to the n8ii but guessing this probably won't happen. Also curious to see how the single nutube on the amp13 compares to the dual version on the n8ii.
Jun 13, 2022 at 4:25 PM Post #2,511 of 10,359
I guess alot of these findings by different people are also influenced by sound preference and earphones/headphones used etc etc.

The AK SP2000T is a very very good DAP that I think sounds in a similar league to the DX320. In hybrid mode it is really quite special however it does have some practical issues such as slow OS.

I've been off work the last week or so and been able to get more listening time than I normally would, I've been using this time to burn the DX320 in more and listen alongside my N8ii.
After a week or so my ongoing thoughts are similar to my initial thoughts last week.
The DX320 is a truly excellent DAP and for its base price in the UK easily competes with DAPs both in its price range and above. However as I initially thought last week it doesn't for me and to my old ears quite match the N8ii in terms of musicality and overall depth. Detail retrieval due to the DACs is very similar but for me the N8ii has more body and finesse in its presentation.

Now I'm aware having used the ibasso modular system in the past that I could change/improve the sound signature but I can also do this with the N8ii with its different modes (although ibasso will have more options longer term I'm sure). And I think that's where I prefer the n8ii, I don't mind using amp modules but I always found in the last that i didn't swap back and forth whereas I can change easier with the n8ii, that's in no way a slight on the dx320 just me personal preference.

What it does do though is potentially increase the outlay for the dx320 to bring it closer to the n8ii...£250 for the amp13 to get the nutube and around £400 for the modded amp12. Although I know it still makes the dx320 cheaper, in the UK even with extra amps it would still be £700 less.
What I would say is that the N8ii is not twice the price better however in this hobby there is not many DAPs or earphones etc that give a big jump in sound differences at these kind of prices.
My IE900 at £1100 compared to retail price of my 64 Audio u18t (£3000) are not that far away from the the u18s in overall sound quality but certainly not 3 x the price difference.

I'm going to keep the DX320 and hopefully either borrow a modded amp 12 or buy a used one to compare to the n8ii but guessing this probably won't happen. Also curious to see how the single nutube on the amp13 compares to the dual version on the n8ii.
Nice post btw !
Rests SE vs Balanced ...
Jun 13, 2022 at 4:34 PM Post #2,512 of 10,359
Thinking about the DX320, is there anyone who tested using a 5.1dsd wavepacked audio file in mango OS? I usually use neutron for that, but i'd love to find a DAP that can handle it right out of the box
Jun 13, 2022 at 4:43 PM Post #2,515 of 10,359
No new purchases just keeping what I have for now. N8ii and WM1Z-M2. Will probably sell the Sony soon though when this new iem is for sale.
I agree! The N8ii has amazing tonal balances just right out of the box. It is hard to beat
Jun 13, 2022 at 4:45 PM Post #2,516 of 10,359
Whattt!!! Which dap are you getting now 😱
I wish there weren't variables on the FWs but there is, and that is the way it is. I have using the 1st one, as mentioned the other day, having used the latest and just find the magic for now, for me is with the original. It is what shocks many as to the quality of sound. Listening to Closing of Hinterland, the Grateful Dead. Wonderful acoustical spacial retrieval. The cues and transparency and solid bass performance really brings the performances home. And the sound is never congested.
Jun 13, 2022 at 4:54 PM Post #2,517 of 10,359
No new purchases just keeping what I have for now. N8ii and WM1Z-M2. Will probably sell the Sony soon though when this new iem is for sale.

I though you’d go for luxury precision titanium with diamonds like coated jacks 😛
Jun 13, 2022 at 5:03 PM Post #2,518 of 10,359
I wish there weren't variables on the FWs but there is, and that is the way it is. I have using the 1st one, as mentioned the other day, having used the latest and just find the magic for now, for me is with the original. It is what shocks many as to the quality of sound. Listening to Closing of Hinterland, the Grateful Dead. Wonderful acoustical spacial retrieval. The cues and transparency and solid bass performance really brings the performances home. And the sound is never congested.
Agreed , I also enjoy the original firmware more than the newer one
Jun 13, 2022 at 5:13 PM Post #2,519 of 10,359
Agreed , I also enjoy the original firmware more than the newer one

I don’t know if you are listening in mango linux or android but in linux mode its very tolerable in comparison to very bright android version

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