DS Lite, worth it??
Apr 18, 2006 at 8:53 PM Post #47 of 77

Originally Posted by mr_baseball_08
People keep bringing up the fact that the PSP is great for all types of media, but for 25 bucks, the DS can do the same thing, correct?

Here is what I'm referring to.

I've always wondered my Nintendo put the dual screens on as it does seem pretty worthless.

Which reminds me, is there any reason why you HAVE to shut down the system when you finish playing a game or using an application? Why didn't they make it to where you can just go back to the main menu?

The Play Yan device does make the GBA / DS a movie music player, but It's all moot to me. I just want a gaming device, I already have a good-sounding iPod.

The DS doesn't need to be shut down after playing, you just close it and it goes into "sleep mode." It actually pauses your game wherever you are, and can last days in standby before you open it up and resume. It's a good feature, the PSP has it too.
Apr 18, 2006 at 9:05 PM Post #48 of 77
I've owned and used the Play-Yan device for the GBA, and it's noticably inferior to the PSP's media capabilities. Resolution/compression/size of videos is poor and sound quality is low. It's neat if it's all you have, but iPod Video and PSP performance are easily superior compared to the Play-Yan + GBA/DS.

Unfortunately, the PSP and iPod Video don't have Advanced Wars DS, so I'll probably pick up a DS Lite once it gets a stateside release.
Apr 18, 2006 at 9:10 PM Post #49 of 77

Originally Posted by Mercuttio
The Play Yan device does make the GBA / DS a movie music player, but It's all moot to me. I just want a gaming device, I already have a good-sounding iPod.

The DS doesn't need to be shut down after playing, you just close it and it goes into "sleep mode." It actually pauses your game wherever you are, and can last days in standby before you open it up and resume. It's a good feature, the PSP has it too.

I know, I will only use my DS as a gaming source as well, but that was just for the naysayers..

I know, I can close it to put it in sleep mode, but there's no way to go back to the main menu after I play a game without shutting the system down. I agree, it is a good feature, but I can't get to the main menu without shutting the system down and turning it back on.
Apr 18, 2006 at 9:11 PM Post #50 of 77
More I read more I think I'll be getting a DS lite. One thing I have noticed about nintendo handhelds over the years have been the fun odd, small niche, games that make it onto them, b/c they require less funding to make. Old style sprite RPG's, tactical turn based games, etc. That's the type of stuff I enjoy playing for a little bit of time, which is what the DS is.

If I want "adult" "cool" "graphic" games, I will play the 360 or PC. The game selection on a PSP has been what kept me away from buying one. I played through most of Advanced Wars DS on my DS before selling it, loved the little game.

PSP seems to have mostly rehashes of "popular" games. I want portable specific fun odd games, and that's where the DS shines. Games just seem to be getting better and better.

Now if I can just hold off ordering one from japan.
Apr 18, 2006 at 9:44 PM Post #51 of 77

Originally Posted by mr_baseball_08
I know, I will only use my DS as a gaming source as well, but that was just for the naysayers.

Nay... just playin...
Apr 18, 2006 at 11:02 PM Post #52 of 77

Originally Posted by mr_baseball_08
it is a good feature, but I can't get to the main menu without shutting the system down and turning it back on.

Yea, but it only takes a few seconds to boot up anyways. Do a time trial with a psp, I bet it's not more than a couple seconds difference. My DS Lite is on the way from Japan, and I can't wait to take my library of games for a second run. I'm a huge game both console and pc and just recently sold my entire collection of 15+ consoles (except for my gc I play occasionally) Why? Because gaming was getting boring for me, I had pretty much played it all. This is why I love the DS, and why I'm getting a lite as soon as I can. It's a great experience, and from the sounds of things its that much nicer to use. I'll give a full report once I get it!
Apr 19, 2006 at 12:30 AM Post #53 of 77
I have a question. Could you please explain how the new DS lite is more ergonomic to your hands? I was thinking small=bad for hand held gaming. The gameboy micro is pretty poor on ergonomics. I was worried about this when I heard the DS is smaller and thinner. Was the original DS really that uncomfortable?? I find my PSP a little bit too thin for comfortable gaming as I believe gamepad controllers for PS2 are always the bechmark in this area.

For somereason, unlike the ipod I think slimness isn't exactly a good thing since we have to hold these things for longer period of time than say an ipod or a razr phone. :p
Apr 19, 2006 at 1:51 AM Post #54 of 77

Originally Posted by DRSpeed85
I have a question. Could you please explain how the new DS lite is more ergonomic to your hands? I was thinking small=bad for hand held gaming. The gameboy micro is pretty poor on ergonomics. I was worried about this when I heard the DS is smaller and thinner. Was the original DS really that uncomfortable?? I find my PSP a little bit too thin for comfortable gaming as I believe gamepad controllers for PS2 are always the bechmark in this area.

For somereason, unlike the ipod I think slimness isn't exactly a good thing since we have to hold these things for longer period of time than say an ipod or a razr phone. :p

I can't speak on the lite, but the regular DS is a pain for holding for more than an hour. Especially in intense games like Mario Kart. The awkwardness of the button placement makes your hand hurt pretty bad, IMO. Accoring to Mercuttio this has been fixed on the new model.
Apr 19, 2006 at 2:24 PM Post #55 of 77

Originally Posted by mr_baseball_08
I can't speak on the lite, but the regular DS is a pain for holding for more than an hour. Especially in intense games like Mario Kart. The awkwardness of the button placement makes your hand hurt pretty bad, IMO. Accoring to Mercuttio this has been fixed on the new model.

It may not look like it, but the new DS is a very ergonomic system for my hands. The A button in Mario Kart is still a little cramping after a few hours, but not after the 20 minutes that it was before. Actually, the most comfortable system I've ever had is the Gameboy Micro. I love that little thing.
Apr 20, 2006 at 6:54 PM Post #56 of 77
That new DS looks awesome. I always thought that the original DS was atrocious (build quality, horrible color, gimmicky) but the Lite looks sexy as hell. Plus, I've finally found a game on the horizon that actually utilizes the touch screen in an interesting way: LostMagic, where to cast spells, you actually have to draw runes in combination and such. I really hope that game lives up to its potential.
Apr 20, 2006 at 11:35 PM Post #57 of 77
I was super-skeptical about a touch screen, but its awesome! Meteos, Metroid Prime, Kirby Canvas Curse, and the list goes on!
Apr 20, 2006 at 11:49 PM Post #58 of 77

Originally Posted by RedLeader
I was super-skeptical about a touch screen, but its awesome! Meteos, Metroid Prime, Kirby Canvas Curse, and the list goes on!

Fun for about an hour, then gets very annoying, IMO.
Apr 21, 2006 at 1:33 AM Post #59 of 77
I'll definitely be getting a DS Lite once it comes out in the US. I bought a regular DS and a few games and thought it was awesome, but I returned it (still in the 30 day window from Best Buy) once I found out the DS Lite would be coming out in a couple of months.

I've tried my brother's PSP playing GTA, and I found it nearly unplayable. Can you say "blurring?" The screen on the PSP may be large, but IMO it totally sucks. The blurring effect totally ruins that screen.
Apr 21, 2006 at 1:34 AM Post #60 of 77

Originally Posted by tennisets
I'll definitely be getting a DS Lite once it comes out in the US. I bought a regular DS and a few games and thought it was awesome, but I returned it (still in the 30 day window from Best Buy) once I found out the DS Lite would be coming out in a couple of months.

I've tried my brother's PSP playing GTA, and I found it nearly unplayable. Can you say "blurring?" The screen on the PSP may be large, but IMO it totally sucks. The blurring effect totally ruins that screen.

Dittoed. It looks cool, but the blurry-ness ruins it. I don't think any portable is ready for that kind of graphics yet, especially snce it's using a 333 mhz processor...

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