DS Lite or PSP?
Jun 21, 2006 at 2:40 AM Post #121 of 143

Originally Posted by highgrovemanor
So how do GBA games play on the DS Lite?

Anyone? Thanks!

Quite fine. You can even choose which screen to play it on (the other will just turn off). The only thing is that the game won't fill up the whole screen, more like 80-90%. (guesstimate)
Jun 23, 2006 at 6:58 AM Post #122 of 143

Is that what official japanese Hori DS Lite screen protectors look like? I received them today after I bought it off ebay from a chinese seller. The two screen protectors look different than what is in the diagram behind (diagram shows that the filter should have a rectangular sticker in the centre of the applicator). I just want to be sure I didn't get some bootleg crud from some chinese scam.
Jun 23, 2006 at 2:46 PM Post #123 of 143

Originally Posted by jlo mein

Is that what official japanese Hori DS Lite screen protectors look like? I received them today after I bought it off ebay from a chinese seller. The two screen protectors look different than what is in the diagram behind (diagram shows that the filter should have a rectangular sticker in the centre of the applicator). I just want to be sure I didn't get some bootleg crud from some chinese scam.

The packaging is the same from the one that I got from playasia, but my screen protectors had a colored tab on one side and a white tab on the other. I think the difference in tabs was to tell which side was up. In addition, I did not have any English text or any text on the screen protectors. Still don't know if you have the real McCoy or not, but I will say that the Hori's are virtually undetectable with the nice bright screen of the DS Lite.
Jun 23, 2006 at 6:19 PM Post #124 of 143
I've been gaming since the first Nintendo, and have bought all the systems since then from Sega, Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo (except the PSP and X360). The DS is right up there with my Super Nintendo (which I still play) and it's definately something special. If you enjoy weird, quirky games and classics redefined, it's definately something special. I absolutely love mine (especially since my brother and me constantly play mario kart DS) and have never regretted buying it. All they need is an online smash brothers for DS and they're set (but I can settle for mario kart and animal crossing

Try one out if nothing else.

Jun 23, 2006 at 9:30 PM Post #125 of 143
If there was an online Smash Bros, I would be a homeless vagrant wandering the streets looking for an unlocked Wifi signal to play on.
Jun 24, 2006 at 12:14 AM Post #126 of 143
I bought a PSP just over a year ago, and think it's a great little machine. The biggest advantage I've found is that I can play games without having to interrupt usage of the TV (that makes the PSP wife-friendly)... The DS Lite was released here in australia on the 1st of June, and while my interest in the DS wasn't great, the DS lite really caught my eye. In part, I can blame Cabel's three great little DS Lite reviews at http://cabel.name/ (he is also responsible for some great Mac software too, btw).

Anyway, as far as which to go for - well, if I had to choose one, I couldn't decide.

The PSP is great for the PS2-style games; Burnout Legends is amazing, Wipeout, Ridge Racers, etc all very good too. Lumines is an incredible puzzle game, which could be on any platform. It also has a reasonable number of sports titles (my favourite being NHL 06). Plus, if you get one that doesn't have the newer firmware(s), you can play a whole range of homebrew stuff, like (s)nes emulators, mame, scummvm, etc.

The DS Lite has an incredibly bright screens compared to the DS - they're pretty comparable to the PSP screen, possibly a bit brighter even. It's a smaller unit, it's really easy to stop and start your gaming by closing/opening the lid, the games all load/save incredibly quickly, since it's a cartridge based system instead of a disc one like the PSP. I've only had the DS Lite for about three weeks now, but the games are *FUN*. It seems to me that the fun factor has tended to disappear from a lot of gaming in recent years - all of them seem to be a re-hash of the same games that came out last year, just with better graphics, better sound, and sometimes better gameplay, but certainly not always. I've played Metroid Prime Hunterrs on the DS Lite, which hands down is the best FPS that I've ever played on a console (though I still prefer the mouse controlled PC versions). I also bought New Super Mario Bros, and it's just amazing. It's fun, bright, addictive and keeps you going and going. A great difficulty curve too - it's pretty easy at first but gets increasingly difficult as you go, but not frustratingly so. Super Mario Kart is a must for any old-time SNES owner. If you liked it then, you'll like it now. I've not checked out the homebrew status much with the DS, but from first glance it does appear that the PSP is a little ahead of the game there (no pun intended). However, you can get Linux of the DS, if you want to install linux on yet another electronic device :).

All in all, I think that they're both great little machines, and it probably comes down to your preferences in gaming. If you like fun quirky games that rely on good gaming design over super-flashy gfx/snd then the DS lite is probably the one. If you like 'darker' gaming, and you reckon that the world revolves around sports and car racing (after car racing after car racing) games, then perhaps the PSP...
Jun 24, 2006 at 10:41 AM Post #127 of 143

Originally Posted by Born2bwire
The packaging is the same from the one that I got from playasia, but my screen protectors had a colored tab on one side and a white tab on the other. I think the difference in tabs was to tell which side was up. In addition, I did not have any English text or any text on the screen protectors. Still don't know if you have the real McCoy or not, but I will say that the Hori's are virtually undetectable with the nice bright screen of the DS Lite.

hmmm...are your Hori protectors rigid pieces of thin plastic? Mine are, but I was expecting it to be a flexible film material. I also notice mine scratch very easily, as it has been a day and they have a few scratches on them.

The packaging also did not come in a shrink wrapped film. Instead it came in one of those celephane bags that has tape/glue that can be resealed many times.
Jun 25, 2006 at 6:26 PM Post #128 of 143

Originally Posted by jlo mein
hmmm...are your Hori protectors rigid pieces of thin plastic? Mine are, but I was expecting it to be a flexible film material. I also notice mine scratch very easily, as it has been a day and they have a few scratches on them.

The packaging also did not come in a shrink wrapped film. Instead it came in one of those celephane bags that has tape/glue that can be resealed many times.

I don't really recall, I didn't really pay attention to the product when I put them on to that kind of a degree. I would say it was more along the lines of being filmlike. Why don't you just order a set off of play-asia? It'll cost you something like $8 shipped. The only thing I can tell you is that I am impressed with the quality of what I got and after a week or two of use I do not see any scratches and the only way I know that they are there are because I can see the outline of the lower screen's protector since it is slightly smaller than the viewing screen (the top one is larger since some of the screen area is unused). If there are any smudges or scratches on top of the protectors, I really don't notice them because of the brightness of the DS lite. I find that I do not have to keep them ultra super clean since the bright image overpowers the insignificant visual impairments.
Jun 25, 2006 at 10:14 PM Post #129 of 143

Originally Posted by Born2bwire
Why don't you just order a set off of play-asia? It'll cost you something like $8 shipped.

I actually just did that a few days ago for my gf's DS Lite. I will see if they are different. I bought mine off eBay thinking it would arrive faster from that seller.

I now get a weird distortion effect on the top screen in the centre. The protector presses down on the centre of that screen and creates a look as if theres a spot of water between the two layers. It looks like the protector has "domed" over the screen, and in the centre has caved in only touches the screen there. Annoys the hell out of me. I really do think these things are fake.
Jun 25, 2006 at 10:30 PM Post #130 of 143
ive been looking into the DS lites alot more these past few weeks... i might pick one up after i ditch all the weight im sitting on and have some extra cash... if only they had Smash Brothers rdy to go
Jun 26, 2006 at 5:52 PM Post #131 of 143
I've read through the 7 pages finally, and I've found that the PSP has been a bit misrepresented. The PSP isn't solely a gaming machine, it's also a music, photo and video player, along with other applications such as internet when used with 2.0+. I can buy a PSP for about 220$ CND (~195 USD) with taxes, sealed for a core package which I can keep returning for one with no dead pixels, although that problem has reportedly been fixed. The DS is about 173$ with taxes. Not that big of a difference, considering the widespread ability of the PSP. I already owned 2 psps, one was a refurb that got returned because it had too many dead pixels, and the other I returned becasue I needed the cash. I loved its firmware. The scrolling works perfectly, and is the best firmware I've ever seen. It's smooth from pictures to music. I wish the music could be organised by artist automatically, but that's it. Picture viewing rocks too. I'm considering a portable again, but I'm not sure if I want to go with the PSP or DS Lite. The PSP is being heavily favored for me though because I like the idea of internet, and being able to watch movies on it. I would probably buy a 2gb mspd to store movies on it. I like the racing games on it from what I've seen. I would use the internet commonly, and i can't wait for them to release a skype version for PSP. The psp is a bit fragile, and UMD blows, but I can overlook most of those things. I saw GTA play on my friend's and it's impressive, but not great with the blurring. I like what someone said here that they'd rather have 2D done well than 3D done poorly.

My main gripes with the Lite (I haven't actually seen it in person) is not it's formfactor or screen which is incredibly bright, but the game titles. I feel that maybe it's a bit too kid-ish and that I won't catch on to any titles. I love FPS for PCs, and I dream of the 16 multiplayer socom games. My grips with FPS on the psp is that it's auto-lock, which defeats some skill from the game. I like Mario Kart, but is it fun enough to play again on the DS?

THis is how I price my PSP:

> PSP console = 220$
> 2GB Memory Stick (sandisk, gaming) = 115$
> Case = 30$ (logitech)

So that's 365$ right there 325$ US. Is it even worth it? I could get a AV500 video player for another 100$ or so with 30gb HDD, but no gaming or wireless internet. What do you think?
Jun 26, 2006 at 6:25 PM Post #132 of 143

Originally Posted by The_Duke_Of_Eli
My main gripes with the Lite (I haven't actually seen it in person) is not it's formfactor or screen which is incredibly bright, but the game titles. I feel that maybe it's a bit too kid-ish and that I won't catch on to any titles. I love FPS for PCs, and I dream of the 16 multiplayer socom games. My grips with FPS on the psp is that it's auto-lock, which defeats some skill from the game. I like Mario Kart, but is it fun enough to play again on the DS?

Certainly no offense to you intended, but the "kid-ish" argument often leveled against Nintendo usually comes from younger players.

Frankly at this point given the time it has been on the market, the PSP's library is laughable. That many ports of console games means that nobody is putting enough time into the system. I'd like to play Daxter, but that's it. Seeing the GTA PSP game released on PS2 as well is a very clear bad sign: Rockstar wasn't making what they thought on the PSP version and had to make their cash back somehow.
Jun 26, 2006 at 8:04 PM Post #133 of 143

Originally Posted by The_Duke_Of_Eli
> Case = 30$ (logitech)

just FYI, you can get the Logitech PSP hard case off www.amazon.ca for $17.99CDN, and get free shipping if your order is over $39CDN.

As far as the Nitendo having games directed at kids, I would have to agree. The PSP has less of those games. However, I own both portables, and like using each. People always comment that the PSP just has ported console games. I ask, is that a bad thing? I personally love to take certain games and play them portably.

I have no plans to stop using either my DS Lite or PSP.
Jun 26, 2006 at 9:11 PM Post #134 of 143

Originally Posted by jlo mein
People always comment that the PSP just has ported console games. I ask, is that a bad thing? I personally love to take certain games and play them portably.

It's a very bad sign for the PSP. It means that the developers have not invested significant resources or time into the portable, and are still testing the waters by releasing console ports.

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