Driving the TakeT H2
Sep 11, 2007 at 5:04 AM Post #31 of 181

Originally Posted by catscratch /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The K340 would do this too, but its treble is out of control, on my pair in any case, which basically kills any long-term enjoyment I get out of it.

If you are referring to the lower-treble energy, I believe it can be reduced with different pads. Using the stock pads, the lower-treble energy was really killing the groove, but with the pads that KT88 bought, I haven't noticed it anymore.
Sep 22, 2007 at 2:04 AM Post #32 of 181

Originally Posted by Pixel Pusher /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm very interested and I was wondering, would a K1000 capable amplifier be sufficient in driving the H2? Since I'm already a K1K owner, I like the idea of reterminating a H2 with a 4 pin XLR and using my existing tail-end adapter off the speaker taps of my integrated SET. Would this be a possible solution to bypass/ eliminate the need of the TR2 transformer?

My apologies if this has already been discuss before.

Bingo! We have a winner. IMHO, of course, but I think Pixel Pusher is on to something here, and I have backed it up by getting in on the H2/TR2 Group Buy. As I type, my lovely new headphones are winging their way over the Pacific, and should arrive in sunny FL mid next week. At that time I will extract the beloved K1000 from its perch on the output terminals of my Accuphase A-20 power amp, which is sourced from an Accuphase DP-77 SACD player, and see what happens. I expect great things, but stay tuned for actual results.
Sep 22, 2007 at 2:38 AM Post #33 of 181
I fear you may be disappointed. Driving the H2 is like driving an electrostatic headphone except without the bias voltage, its inherently a capacitor, and a big one. The K1000 and the H2 are exceptionally difficult amplification loads, but in very different ways.

I hope that there is a power amp out there that'll swing the ohms, I really do, and its ultimately only the brave experimentation of head-fiers that will discover the truth. I look forward eagerly to hearing your comments!
Sep 22, 2007 at 3:02 AM Post #34 of 181

Originally Posted by Duggeh /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I fear you may be disappointed. Driving the H2 is like driving an electrostatic headphone except without the bias voltage, its inherently a capacitor, and a big one. The K1000 and the H2 are exceptionally difficult amplification loads, but in very different ways.

I hope that there is a power amp out there that'll swing the ohms, I really do, and its ultimately only the brave experimentation of head-fiers that will discover the truth. I look forward eagerly to hearing your comments!

Ah, an honest and concerned doubter. Thanks for the warning, Duggeh, but I've done the math, and feel pretty confident in this particular case. The A-20 puts out Class A all the way down to 0 Ohms. 20 Watts at 8 Ω, 40 at 4Ω, 80 at 2 Ω. I am a believer, but stay tuned for actual results.
Sep 22, 2007 at 3:17 AM Post #35 of 181
Its not any speaker amplifiers capacity to drive down to a 0.1ohm load with a full watt without blowing up that concerns me, there are many fine amps which have such capabilities (Even the ancient Quad 303 will swing very low ohm loads and reactive loads [designed partly in mind for the ESL 57 as it was]) its the capability of the amp to swing whatever the high end rating of the H2s load might be. And as we don't yet have enough data, it could be, to pick a random number from the air for the purposes of drama, 16,000ohms at the peak.

As I say, I greatly look forward to all experiments and trials from all head-fiers. The more that is tried, the greater our knowledge base, and that is only a good thing for everyone. Rome wasn't built in a day as they say, and it wasnt overnight that the Pass Labs was deemed better than the Nad for the K1000, and the 300B better than the Pass Labs.
Sep 22, 2007 at 4:53 AM Post #36 of 181
Brother, Duggeh ... your concerns are noted amd appreciated, but further speculation and guesswork is pointless, as I will have the H2 and TR2 in my grubby paws by middle of next week, and we can put the speculation to rest. At that time I will rip the K1000 from its honored place, and see what the TR2/H2 does in its stead.

My money is on a superb result, but I am open to wagers to the contrary.

In addition to these possibly biased ears, there will be the entire Florida crew giving a listen at our October Meet. Grab a plane and come over! We'd love to have you.
Sep 22, 2007 at 6:57 AM Post #37 of 181
I hope it works Agile one.

Just briefly, listening to some great classical recently and it's obvious that the RPX-33 has no where near enough power for the TR2 and H2 to deliver convincing sound. I keep going to turn it up and find I'm already maxed out. The Sig. 30.2 can't get here soon enough.

The RPX-33 is fine for most modern rock and pop though. Not that I listen to pop of course...

In other news, even when underpowered, the H2 are still grin inducing with Classical, Jazz, and pretty much all the live, concert and unplugged recordings I've tried. Awesome to the max.
Sep 22, 2007 at 8:41 AM Post #38 of 181
I would highly advice against trying the H2 alone out of normal speaker amps. They are a high impedance voltage driven design and speaker amps are made to deliver current and low voltage. You could very well destroy the phones or some internal connection by feeding them too much current, something that is too much for the internal wiring. There is no guess work here since the specs say it all and you should rather plug them into an electrostatic amp. They can take about 200v so any of the amp bundled with the Stax basic systems would be fine or the SRD-4 adapter.
Sep 22, 2007 at 9:07 AM Post #40 of 181
If you manage to melt the insulation then the elements are probably dead as well. If I remember correctly then they can't handle much more then 50mA's and probably less. Another issue is how will the amplifier handle the excessive impedance. The phones start at about 1kΩ and it continues to rise. This dam ands mostly voltage from the amp and current when there is no more voltage to give.
Sep 22, 2007 at 3:18 PM Post #42 of 181

Originally Posted by agile_one /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Brother, Duggeh ...

In addition to these possibly biased ears, there will be the entire Florida crew giving a listen at our October Meet. Grab a plane and come over! We'd love to have you.

Ah if only the UK meet were not being held on exactly the same day. Yes, that is truly the only thing stopping me.
Sep 26, 2007 at 2:34 PM Post #43 of 181
Like many here, I don't have a good speaker amp, so I ordered a used Sonic Impact Super T for use with my XLR H2. Group-buyers, what amps will you be using?
Sep 26, 2007 at 3:07 PM Post #44 of 181
possibly useful information:

Originally Posted by Take T /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Dear group-by mennbers,

The TRS model's sales and production were ended.
Moreover, the first production lot of the XLR model was sold all.
Thank you to head-fi members who interested in our productions.
The group-buy continues though the next run of production will be shipped in after 20 or 30 days.
I think the panel of this group-buy to be closed on the number in the back day, so E-mail the report directly to the following mail address, please.

And I must reply jcx san.
1. sencitivilty of H2 ; 96dB/100Vp-p
2. H2 circuit; vibration board is composition of three ways.
The electric capacity of every composition are (50nF+8.6kohms+
thermal protector) +(5nF+4.3kohms)+(2nF+20kohms), which are
connected in parallel. Resistance and the thermal protector are the series
3. The electric strength of the vibration piezo film is 1kV.
4. The electric circuit of TR2 is appended with the explanation.
However, I don't understand whether to attach it well.
Please inquire directly if you do not open it.
5. And about amplifier; My acquaintance's another company is scheduling
sales to a preamplifier in October . It is the preamp for speakers and H2
exclusive use terminal attached to the preamp. Sales to foreign countries
seem to be considerably difficult because a Japanese specification.
Please inquire of the following mail address when you want to know the
preamp in detail. He,Mr.BaBa understands English.
You can here how he is thinking about sales to foreign countries.

Thanks and Best Regards,

The combination of 96 dB @ 100 Vpp with 1KV limit gives 116 dB peak SPL (unless 1KV means +/- 1KV?)

or just 2 dB more than my SA5000 driven by my iPod Nano

I'd really like to see another 6 dB of spl to cover realistic concert peak spl - not that I'd expect most source to often reach that peak level but I would want the dynamic headroom to be avaiable

I can't find the specs for the xfmr - has anyone recieved the TR2 specs from Take?, he seems to imply permission to post them here

of course this or DIY solutions could easily be a Safety Hazard, depending on wiring, amplifier, and H2 internal construction - you must be aware of Electrical Safety Requirements

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