Doge 6210 - another great headphone amp
Feb 15, 2007 at 7:13 AM Post #31 of 416

Originally Posted by Veniogenesis /img/forum/go_quote.gif
drarthurwells, you work for Catty Link. I don't understand how you can shamelessly push your products like this.

I do not work for Cattylink. I have never received any money or other compensation from them.

I say the K701 is the best headphone you can get. See my link below to others who agree. It is no accident that Head Room downgraded the HD650 after they heard the K701. I have bought four from USA dealers, paying the same price as anyone else, and bought one of the four for a head-fier who has 3 months to pay me for it (it was shipped from the dealer and due to arrive this Friday). On several occasions I have sent head-fiers stuff I sell and let them pay me later.

I say the Rega Saturn is as good as any CDP at any price. I bought my Rega Apollos and Saturn from a USA Rega dealer who has the lowest prices in the world. I have recommended this dealer to other head-fiers who paid the same low price as I did. I have never gotten anything from this dealer in return. I do it to enable others to get the top sound available for low cost.

I say my headphone amps, power conditioner, power cables, and IC match or beat any at any price.

I buy most of my amp stuff from Cattylink because they offer great prices and service and are totally reliable. You pay $2800 for an award winning KT88 amp under a famous brand, made in China, and the exact same amp can be bought at Cattylink for $600. My three headphone amps would sell for three or four times the price if made in the USA, and many here would consider them as good as any at any price in that case. There are - at around $375 to $525 from Cattylink. Again, I recommend my amps not because you can get them from Catylink, but because they offer the best sound, and are low cost, to enable others to save money while having the best sound.

The Doge is a great amp for a low cost - many USA buyers will prefer to buy it from Pacific Valve instead of Cattylink, because of the domestically available warranty. I pointed this out early in the thread here.

I do free repair work on E5 CDPs and did one free Bada 12 mosfet repair, where Cattylink supplies me parts on an exchange basis. I do this because it is fun, quick and easy, and very infrequent, out of my deep appreciation for the great products I have bought from Cattylink. I usually buy in large quantity from Cattylink to save shipping, and share with my sons or sell at times (not for profit). I just sold two Doge amps on a trial basis after ordering a few before prices might rise. I actually sold them for slightly less than my cost, which was slightly below $375, but they both may come back (and go to my sons who have Bada 12s).

Do you often make false accusations with no proof?

I will send you, via Fed Ex, a new Doge, with tubes, and you keep it for two weeks. You then return it via Fed Ex, in the same condition as received, and include $14 cash for my original shipping costs. Hear for yourself - even with your sources that you own you might be able to hear how good it is. The K701 will help here.
Feb 15, 2007 at 4:11 PM Post #32 of 416
My apologies to post after such a damning accusation, IMHO DrArt has always shown impeccable honesty and appears a righteous character.

2 things.

1. does the dodge bear any resemblance to Broskie's layout on tubecad? . I have always loved the sound of the 6BQ5 and had been toying with building one of these. If the Dodge 6210 is anything to go by, it sounds like it might be a worthwhile venture.

2. I just wanted to second the recommendation of the Russian mil 6BQ5's with the EH12AX7, I don't own a Dodge 6210 but I have an old Leak Stereo 20 power amp and I have rolled siemens/mullard/GE amongst others and found I kept going back to the above combination - it really is a pleasure to listen to..dB
Feb 15, 2007 at 6:59 PM Post #33 of 416

Originally Posted by Veniogenesis /img/forum/go_quote.gif
drarthurwells, you work for Catty Link. I don't understand how you can shamelessly push your products like this.

This is WAY OUT of line if you don't have absolute proof.
Feb 15, 2007 at 7:10 PM Post #34 of 416

Originally Posted by Solitary1 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
This is WAY OUT of line if you don't have absolute proof.

Agreed. drarthurwells also recommends Pacific Valve as a purchasing option for these amps. Cattylink offers the same amp at a significantly lower cost, so I don't see why he wouldn't recommend Cattylink to anyone who wants to save a few extra dollars. He's just trying to help people get what he believes is the best value for their money.

Regarding the crossfeed switch, I've noticed also that sometimes it's difficult to tell what setting it is on. Differences can be quite subtle. I tend to leave it on General (figuring that's the position for no crossfeed) and I haven't really taken the time to compare vs Odeum. I'll try and give a closer listen this weekend.
Feb 15, 2007 at 9:17 PM Post #35 of 416
i thought General was the one with the crossfeed and Odeum is the one without it?

and what's with all these false accusations? i've been accused of working for a speaker company just because i recommended their product to someone. and now i've been accused of working for AKG! although i would be happy to work for AKG...
Feb 15, 2007 at 9:33 PM Post #36 of 416
Well, I kept it on General assuming that it was the non-crossfeed option just based on the name. According to drarthurwells' observations, they're labeled backwards, with General sounding like it's crossfeed instead. I haven't compared the two, so I can't really confirm that.
Feb 16, 2007 at 12:22 AM Post #37 of 416
I have bought and traded amps and tubes with
drarthurwells for quite some time. He has always
showed the highest level of integrity and genuine
enthusiasm for our hobby. I saw him relentlessly
attacked for speaking highly of the Bada PH12 when it
first came out, and now that amp has been proven to be
competitive with the best. He has strong opinions on
products which may offend many of the politically
correct. My guess is he is no more an employee of any
vendor than I am.

He has always guided me towards the best product,
service or vendor regardless. I have had many email
exchanges with him and I can tell you he advocates
many products and vendors that conflict with Cattylink
such as the new Rega CD player that competes with the
Esound E5 Cattylink promotes.

I will not speak for him, but like myself, he seems to
have a fondness for high performing, low cost products
built in China that are little known in the US. Look
at all the people in this forum who endlessly advocate
Ray Samuel’s or SinglePower. Are they employees of
those respected companies as well? It is absurd to
disparage the reputation of such a helpful member of
this community without a shred of proof.

If someone has had a good (or bad) experience with any
product, vendor or service, they should be allowed to
share that information without fear of being called a
Feb 16, 2007 at 1:09 AM Post #38 of 416

Originally Posted by cotdt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i thought General was the one with the crossfeed and Odeum is the one without it?

and what's with all these false accusations? i've been accused of working for a speaker company just because i recommended their product to someone. and now i've been accused of working for AKG! although i would be happy to work for AKG...

I thought so to since 'Odeum' means "Hall" in Greek.

Odeum should be the "crossfeed on" setting since crossfeed expands the tone body and the lateral soundstage to duplicate a hall effect.

Then I checked later, after advising others to use "no Crossfeed" setting of General, in order to get better 3-D imaging, and noticed mine was on the Odeum setting. I had put it there after listening tests and left it there as giving better sound.

I tested again and sure enough, the General setting uses the crossfeed and the Odeum setting does not. I edited my previous posts to reflect this.

I acknowledge that the General setting, with fat tones and expanded soundstage (and more volume at a given volume setting) does sound pleasing, but I prefer the sharper imaging and greater instrument separation (and greater inner detail) of the Odeum setting without any crossfeed. I turn the volume up some on the Odeum setting to equal that of the General setting.

On some music the difference is neglible - very hard to detect.
Feb 16, 2007 at 1:35 AM Post #39 of 416

Originally Posted by dBel84 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
1. does the dodge bear any resemblance to Broskie's layout on tubecad? . I have always loved the sound of the 6BQ5 and had been toying with building one of these. If the Dodge 6210 is anything to go by, it sounds like it might be a worthwhile venture.

I suspect there may be some similarities in circuitry. I believe the Doge is an OTL amp with one transformer for power supply. I have not opened it up but, looking through the cooling vents, the front compartment does not seem to contain a transformer, like the rear does for power supply.


Originally Posted by dBel84 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
2. I just wanted to second the recommendation of the Russian mil 6BQ5's with the EH12AX7, I don't own a Dodge 6210 but I have an old Leak Stereo 20 power amp and I have rolled siemens/mullard/GE amongst others and found I kept going back to the above combination - it really is a pleasure to listen to..dB

Yes the Russian 6P14P EB is a great tube when combined with the proper input tubes - the combo is the thing. The 6P14P EP may be better but has a slightly higher voltage draw. I don't think this is high enough to hurt the power transformer of the Doge, however. But I certainly do not know for sure.

I just ordered 200 6P14P EB tubes from Russia (true) - my goal is world wide domination of the supply of this tube (lol)! The price has risen in recent months and I see them as a good investment.

Even the Chinese 6P14 sounds quite good with the Ken Rad 12AX7 or even with the GE 12AX7 (14 mm plates type).

The Philips Heerlen EL84 with two Electro Harmonix 12AX7 gives a smooth, soft, and very pleasing sound, angelic timbre to choral voices, but is somewhat laid back (great for some works).

The 6BQ5 is a powerful tube that gives a lovely timbre and sharp imaging, with great tone separation and inner detail, and great resolution of timbral nuances.
Feb 16, 2007 at 1:37 AM Post #40 of 416
I have a few headphones, but the two I use almost always are the Senn HD650 and AKG 701. I am looking to get an amp and am currently trying to decide which would might sound better with the phones mentioned. I would prefer to make the 650's and 701's a little more aggressive. Could you guys give your thoughts on the Doge 6210 vs Heed CanAmp vs Bada PH12? I have been running my Dac through my receiver and listening through the headphone out.
edit: forgot to throw in the Doge.
Feb 16, 2007 at 2:37 AM Post #42 of 416

Originally Posted by cotdt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
actually, I asked and the Doge is not an OTL amp but a transformer-output amp.

Who did you ask?

It would have to have three transformers - power and two output? The power transformer would be in the rear - which is where it is. The output transformers would be in the front and all I see looking through the cooling vents is circuity wires.


OTL avoids coloration from output transformers but has problems of its own. Transformer output requires really good transformers to reduce/eliminate coloration.

The timbre of the Doge is very natural so if it uses output transformers then it uses really good ones. I don't think it does though.
Feb 16, 2007 at 3:29 PM Post #43 of 416
QUOTE OTL avoids coloration from output transformers but has problems of its own.

Such as the lack of dynamics.
Feb 16, 2007 at 5:33 PM Post #44 of 416

Originally Posted by tbonner1 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
QUOTE OTL avoids coloration from output transformers but has problems of its own.

Such as the lack of dynamics.

Such as the lack of dynamics.

I dont think this statement is true at all. My OTL headamps .... any of them .... are noticeably more dynamic than my high powered transformer coupled headamp.

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