Does igrado sound like an ms1?
Oct 9, 2006 at 12:47 AM Post #16 of 21
I am compelled to defend PortaPro......specially after being modded they do not suck at all, the only thing lacking was finesse in highs which is still slightly subdued by bass. Not flabby either. I liked Portapro so much that I could not find a reason to part with it even after owning MS-1.
Oct 9, 2006 at 2:57 AM Post #18 of 21

Originally Posted by AtheisticFreedom
From my personal experience with a quartered 75, within half an hour or less, tiny crystals of salt were on my driver. They still play fine, but it just bugs me...

Hmmm... I didnt think about that. I'm not to worried about it though. The iGrado has a protective mesh around its drivers, not just holes like the ksc75s.

Out of a iPod 5G headphone jack: A/b comparisons with two
iGrados quartered/ ksc75 normal

iGrado compared to the ksc75...
Instruments on the kscs seems more mashed together...
The iGrado has a much more controlled sound...
There is a upper mid drop in the ksc's, making some vocals sound a bit weak and lacking emotion, Also giving them a U-shaped (hollow imo) soundstage...
The iGrado has a more organic sound (sounds more realistic)...
Treable is a bit weaker on the iGrado, pushing mids upfront...
W/ the iGrado you are able to pick up backup vocals that you didn't notice with the ksc75s...
The bass on the ksc's is clearly less dynamic and deep...

iGrados are definately more refined and allow the unser to get much more into the music. I personally would like a bit tighter bass but i think its the best it gets for this $ range unamped. The ksc sound hollow and cramped in comparison. As far as the iGrado treable goes it seems weaker in more complex songs, while stronger in simple songs. Though compared to the unrefined 'sparkle' of the ksc75 it could sound weak to some.
Oct 9, 2006 at 4:11 AM Post #19 of 21
While I agree that with the unmoded stock pads iGrados sound average at best, by moding the pads or using some thinner ones (I use PX100 pads, for example) it is possible to make them sound better, much better, than any other portable headphone I've owned or heard. Moded iGrados don't sound as good as my SR225s, they are darker and significantly less refined, but they are fun in their own way and definitely have the Grado magic in abundance. They are not the most comfortable headphones in the world - of course, they are Grados after all - but their sound is just too appealing for me to worry about some minor comfort issues.
Oct 9, 2006 at 7:32 AM Post #20 of 21
i whole heartedly agree with the comment that they sound quite muddy stock. the lack of highs and mids in addition to a boomy bass quickly turned me off to them. i also forgot to mention the congested sound and absolute lack of soundstage. but it's quite surprising how much they change with a simple quarter mod. mids and high are no longer hidden by the muddy bloomy bass, which tightens up. the congested feeling also goes away. i don't really understand why grado chose the pads for the igrado but the only reason i can think of is for comfort. they are quite cushy and provide the best comfort compared to any other pads. imo, for $49 they're a good value can and with the quarter mod, they show their grado heritage.
Oct 9, 2006 at 8:24 AM Post #21 of 21

Originally Posted by skudmunky
more like the opposite. the iGrado is the darkes, muddiest Grado I've ever heard. I'd choose the portaPro over it anyday. the iGrado reminds me of the old PX100, but darker and less comfortable.

Holy hell! I have the old PX100, and it is a helluva dark can. Darker than that I would not like...

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