Does anyone here own a Subaru WRX?
Jan 14, 2005 at 6:53 PM Post #16 of 29
How about the 4WD G35? That would be a sweet ride

A friend of mine runs, it has a forum for Nissan afficionados where I'm sure you could find some more info about it.
Jan 14, 2005 at 8:05 PM Post #17 of 29
Get a beat up CJ7 and drive it in the snow snce you don't need cornering or speed in snow - you need clearance and 4WD.

Unless you have a minimum of 6" - 8" you're not going anywhere in a blizzard. I had a Subaru GLF and I couldn't even get out of my driveway. Driving a Neo in Navajo country with their fine dust - I knew that if I stopped I was stuck because it was 8" deep.

But if all you want is FWD and fuel economy, then get a Honda Civic, or any other Japanese FWD car. Instead of the CJ7's 20mpg you'll get closer to 30mpg.

Besides, you'll only be driving your snow plower between December and March. After that the Mustang can come out and play.

I say get a hybrid car that can get you 50mpg and a 'hootie' (bang around car or truck) for the snow.

Seeing as there has been so much snow this year in the west, expect quite a few days of snow in WV. Which should also mean more floods in the spring.
Jan 14, 2005 at 9:06 PM Post #20 of 29
i <3 that car my brother has one (2002, world rally blue pearl, and its a wagon!) it may be a wagon but it still hauls ass. awd is very nice, here in newengland its always snowy or wet so awd is uber nice
Jan 14, 2005 at 11:31 PM Post #22 of 29 is the UK's largest resource for Subaru Impreza's (it has a stupid amount of members!)...

It might be worthwhile joining up and posting your questions there.
Jan 14, 2005 at 11:33 PM Post #23 of 29
I think rallying changed the rules a few years ago but I think rally cars had to be production cars hence the wrx which was/is almost identical to the rally version. I was shocked watching Top Gear and they had the new Evo on and they said that it gets something daft like 400bhp like out of a 2 litre engine, apparently suffers from turbo lag though.
On the subject of Cosworths my friend who's a mechanic informed me that there is a Merc Cosworth never seen one though, I wonder how good they were (If they do exist).
Jan 15, 2005 at 12:22 AM Post #24 of 29

Originally Posted by Wookie
I think rallying changed the rules a few years ago but I think rally cars had to be production cars hence the wrx which was/is almost identical to the rally version. I was shocked watching Top Gear and they had the new Evo on and they said that it gets something daft like 400bhp like out of a 2 litre engine, apparently suffers from turbo lag though.
On the subject of Cosworths my friend who's a mechanic informed me that there is a Merc Cosworth never seen one though, I wonder how good they were (If they do exist).

Indeed they do exist - Merc 190 Cosworth
Jan 15, 2005 at 3:10 AM Post #27 of 29
Hey guys, I really appreciate all of the opinions/advice. wallijonn, sensible as ever of course! What you said does make sense and I've thought about just buying a cheap 4WD truck just to get me through the winter months...I think I could stand to drive a truck to work & school and back.

I realize that by going with an AWD car I'd be giving up some ground clearance, but I won't be taking it off road and it usually doesn't snow enough here to make a Subaru unusable.

My desire to get a new car is conflicting with my desire to be free of a car payment, though. If I kept the Mustang it would be paid off and I'd have a lot of extra money each month. Not having a car payment is a great feeling.
Jan 15, 2005 at 6:57 AM Post #28 of 29
I don't have much to add to the discussion but this:

Ricers are people, not cars.

The WRX is (in my opinion) the best bang for the buck there is out there, in terms of new production vehicles. It goes like a bat out of hell, it's got top notch handling, and most of all, it's fun. There are other vehicles that go faster for less (*cough*srt4*cough*) but they don't handle as well and they aren't as much fun.
Jan 15, 2005 at 8:38 AM Post #29 of 29

Originally Posted by Imyourzero
Not having a car payment is a great feeling.

Yes it is
I had a large sum of money inherited to me when my grandpa passed away and writing a rather large check for the remaining amount on my car payment was an awesome feeling
Espically because the payments didnt allow me much free funds ($400 a month, it was a shorter term loan).

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