Do your friends understand your obsession with audio?
Jan 5, 2010 at 10:06 PM Post #16 of 74
I'm addicted to both audio gear and camera... well Nikon, both of which take most of my extra income. Though my audio gear is still on the lower end where I'm surprisingly happy.
Jan 5, 2010 at 10:12 PM Post #17 of 74
There's a reason why we've all gathered here on Head-Fi right? While some of us are trying to justify $200 cans, there are those with $2000 ones. Imagine the latter group's struggle!
Jan 5, 2010 at 11:15 PM Post #18 of 74
Most of my friends think I've gone overboard with my Hd650's and compass (if they only knew
) but do agree that they sound spectacular.
I am usually the centre of a joke about my obsession with audio products.
Jan 5, 2010 at 11:26 PM Post #19 of 74
I had a buddy over at my place the other night, and he noticed my black KICAS amp sitting on my listening table. When he asked me what it was, I casually replied, "An amp,".

When he pressed for details and I explained that it was for listening to headphones, he gave me a What look and asked if I could at least plug my guitar into it too. I tried to explain things a bit more, but the conversation predictably ended with both of us thinking the other one was a complete idiot.

This is generally how it goes with friends/family who wonder what my "deal" is with headphones. Thankfully, none of them know how much I've spent, and I'm just a lightweight compared to some of the people on this site.

My dad, who's an old-school high-fi'er (he subscribed to Audio magazine, anyone remember that?), is the only one who gets it. I gave him a new pair of TF10s I got from the Amazon sale and blew his mind. Everyone else in the room on Christmas morning? They thought that the new phones looked "nice". Sigh...
Jan 5, 2010 at 11:27 PM Post #20 of 74
Nope, no one i know understands even though my dad owns a full Denon hifi which must have cost a small fortune when he got it.
In general i think few people really know what quality is these days, people just seem to think the more or bigger the better.
Jan 5, 2010 at 11:33 PM Post #21 of 74
Nope. My wife looks at me and says, " Don't you already have headphones? "
I'll have to upgrade other components w/o her knowing. She just wouldn't understand!
Jan 5, 2010 at 11:39 PM Post #22 of 74
First it was books for knowledge. Later came the camera. I still cherish the memories of taking pictures with my old Nikon F100. One day I'll pick it up again and all day long I'll be shooting frames. From 16 or 17 years old on CDs became part of my hobbies. From CD's to my Sony MDR V6. Soon I'll have 'San' by Kagrra, a Pioneer Monitor 10 and probably a Fiio E5.

Few of my friends understand, especially my attitude against downloading music. Still there are those moments when everything happens to be perfect and your gained skills are just what is nessecary to save the moment, or even the day. If only they could listen to 'Map of Problematique', 'T plays it cool' or 'Funky Drummer' through my headphones. There is so much music not being listened to properly. 'Satsuki' by Kagrra sounds better every time through the V6-es. I should stop now...
Jan 5, 2010 at 11:45 PM Post #23 of 74
I do understand your fury, so when my friends ask me about my audio gear or for recommendations,I usually give them few key points that is about it.

I never try and convince them on sound or argue as to what their thoughts are.

They have the right to their opinion,informing them of how much my gear cost will only get them to look at me stupid, which we clearly are not
Jan 5, 2010 at 11:47 PM Post #24 of 74
Not at first. But then they listen to my rig, and understand. Well, most of them do.

I never tell them how much any of it costs, anyway. If they're genuinely curious they can look it up online. And some have, and others have gone on to get good rigs of their own, with a bit of advice and maybe a well-planned gift here and there.

And I'm also fortunate enough to have friends that aren't petty enough to ridicule me over what I do with my money.
Jan 5, 2010 at 11:52 PM Post #25 of 74
My dad understands my passion and he said he is willing to supporte me financially as long as I learn new things and gain experiances.but my sisters...the other day my sister told me she wanna listen to the k701,I gave it to here and she was blown away,she told me you just feel as if the music is 3D and in open space with alot of air.I was impressed and told her if she wanna get something similar but lower on budget or an iem like sennheiser ie8(which she liked too) and she said"are you crazy?I will never buy or waste my money on a headphone like you,you waste your money.if I ever consider upgrading from my zune bud,I will get something for 20-30$!!!!" after I was impressed,I got depressed dad listened toy ie8 and thought they were fantastic and told me to get him something similar but cheaper.I bought him jvc victor fx500 and he was as impressed,but he still have his eyes on my precious ie8 which I will never give him
I can't wait till he hear the k701 after he returns from business trip.
Jan 6, 2010 at 12:03 AM Post #26 of 74
It's good to see I'm not the only one with others wondering what the hell I am blowing my money on. We all have our vices. I'm anxiously waiting my next 'upgrade', even if no one knows why I did it.
Jan 6, 2010 at 2:41 AM Post #28 of 74
All my CLOSE friends are "Audiophiles" so they understand...My wife understands and enjoys my systems, but the biggest explaining and battle I was ever in over Gear, was when the guys at work found out that my Clearaudio Ref.table, Graham arm and Helicon cart., "Record Player" as they call it, cost more then my new 08' Dodge truck...Some people don't get it, DO THEY!!!
Jan 6, 2010 at 2:50 AM Post #29 of 74

Do your friends understand your obsession with audio?

NO. but i dont care. im happy with it and im not borrowing money from them.

but i do more find their obsession of having 2-3 girlfriends at the same time
is more annoying than my audio hobby
Jan 6, 2010 at 2:52 AM Post #30 of 74
You're better off not telling friends and family about the audio gear. Be evasive about prices. Say that "it wasn't too bad" or claim to have traded for it.

If you have a pressing need to discuss audio gear, there's always this place and the friends you make here.

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