Do you use amp in public?
Jun 12, 2009 at 4:36 AM Post #31 of 138
yes, people do have to make LODs with RA connectors; hehe, been doing that for ages.
Jun 12, 2009 at 5:17 AM Post #32 of 138
Not anymore, I only use iPod + Senn IE8 for my portable setup.
Jun 12, 2009 at 9:17 AM Post #33 of 138
why not?...afterall t4 on the back of touch isnt noticble at all... before i acquired touch+t4 combo, i always bring ipod+boa with hands..yes, with bare hands
Jun 12, 2009 at 9:37 AM Post #34 of 138
Used to, but then my E5's HP jack started shorting so I stopped using it (also noticed it muddied up the low end a bit, even with bass boost off, at least in my rig). Then my E250's HP jack screwed up too (left channel doesn't work) so I've been without any portable tunes for about a week. Considering the condition of my Vibes I fully expected them to be the first component of my portable rig to give out but they're still goin; krazy glue, heatshrink and hockey tape and all!
Next I'm gonna get a 5.5g 80gb iPod, Rockbox it, get an LOD (probably a SendStation, especially if I end up buying a 2nd hand iPod with no accessories) and an iBasso T4. Then I'll be happy again! Then all I'll have to do is decide what headphones to replace my Vibes with...thinking ER4Ps or Turbines or something if I can find ER4Ps for cheap and can get them (missed an opportunity today because of buying my TV

But yes, I always use a portable amp (if I have one!) I even gave my friend my old E3 and am slowly converting him, soon I'll have to start apologizing for his wallet
Jun 12, 2009 at 5:07 PM Post #37 of 138

Originally Posted by Kpalsm /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Then my E250's HP jack screwed up too (left channel doesn't work) so I've been without any portable tunes for about a week.

Sorry for OT, but that's a common problem with E2xx players. One of the wires comes off the HP jack on the inside. It's a 15 min fix if you've got a soldering iron.
Jun 12, 2009 at 7:45 PM Post #39 of 138

Originally Posted by phangtonpower /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have my Fuze in a Silicon case that has slots for an armband strap, but instead of an armband strap, I have velcro wire organizers going through and have it around my Hornet, which is in a cheap 100 yen camera case. I usually have it in my hand or in my pocket.


nice silicone case
. is it from ebay ?
Jun 12, 2009 at 9:49 PM Post #40 of 138

Originally Posted by ljokerl /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Sorry for OT, but that's a common problem with E2xx players. One of the wires comes off the HP jack on the inside. It's a 15 min fix if you've got a soldering iron.

Sorry for OT as well, but I knew it was fixable somehow...I don't have a soldering iron nor do I have any soldering skill. I've got a replacement E250 on the way anyways (bought from a fellow Head-Fier
) but I may get a soldering iron and see if I can fix it anyway.
Jun 12, 2009 at 11:21 PM Post #41 of 138

Originally Posted by Kpalsm /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Sorry for OT as well, but I knew it was fixable somehow...I don't have a soldering iron nor do I have any soldering skill. I've got a replacement E250 on the way anyways (bought from a fellow Head-Fier
) but I may get a soldering iron and see if I can fix it anyway.

Yeah a $20 sansa is as good a place as any to start
regular_smile .gif
There are pictorial tutorials on abiforums on how to do it. Good luck!
Jun 12, 2009 at 11:57 PM Post #43 of 138
used to, ipod/hornet combo with sr125 but it was just a bit impractical and now with ESW10 it actually sounds just as good without amp, it's mostly in the city / public transport anyway.

portably, the K271 had the best benefit from an amp, and the HD650 liked one too
but I sold the Hornet and K271 and only use the ESW10 now.
Jun 13, 2009 at 12:10 AM Post #44 of 138

Originally Posted by namiSWAN /img/forum/go_quote.gif
nice silicone case
. is it from ebay ?

Why yes it is. Cost less than 10 bucks. Dropped it the other day too pretty good, and not one scratch

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