Do you prefer your headphones burnt-in?
Mar 13, 2009 at 7:45 PM Post #31 of 34
From my experience, both my DT770s and HD650 improved immensely after being burned in. I was going to send the HD650s back until I burned them in for 150+ hours.

I'm not sure if my K701s got better after burn in, once the DT770 were burned in, I stopped listening to them as much. Now that my HD650 are burned in, I listen to them mostly.

Edit: I was and still partly am skeptical of burn in, but they do sound better. The only way I can explain it it that diaphragm loosens up.
Mar 20, 2009 at 7:21 PM Post #34 of 34
I don't know a specific audio equivalent, but there is a famous experiment where a guy wore prism glasses that inverted the image on his retina. In a week, eveything looked normal to him. Just goes to show that the brain adapts to even extreme distortions with sufficient time and exposure.
My bet would be that any headphones will come to sound good in time, once we learn to hear "through" them (provided that there is no obscuring noise and that no information is actually missing from the signal, that is.)
As an example, my HD280s do not sound nearly as good as my DT150s in an A/B comparison, but in as little as half an hour I can get used to them and enjoy the sound just as much. In a couple of days, I will forget that I ever heard a difference.

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