Do you fall asleep to music?
Jun 29, 2003 at 7:55 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 32


Headphoneus Supremus
Oct 14, 2002
My girlfriend generally falls asleep to music. But I just can't do it! And I don't entirely understand how she can.

For me music while I'm trying to sleep = noise... and what's worse, interesting noise... the kind of noise that I would stay up listening to...

So do you fall asleep to music? Furthermore, can you explain how you can?
Jun 29, 2003 at 8:35 AM Post #2 of 32
Well, I vote yes, but not deep sleep though.
Lie down comfortably, music on, relax, ...zzz...
Jun 29, 2003 at 8:41 AM Post #4 of 32
Yes, I fall asleep to music pretty much every night. The exception being when I'm too tired to even put my music on and just collapse on my bed.

I have no problem with it. I just lie down, put the CD on, and I'm usually asleep by the third track. Then I wake up with my headphones lying off to the side of me.

I cannot stay asleep with music on though of course. Don't leave your player on repeat. Whenever that has happened I've waken up in the middle of night and slept like crap.
Jun 29, 2003 at 8:43 AM Post #5 of 32
i used to sleep with a girl that would nap to music. i'd usually just lay there holding her and thinking random thoughts pretending to sleep. so i can't really nap to music. sleepy time for real, it doesn't matter as much. rather have quiet, but either or works.

edit: as for explaining how it's done. when i go to sleep i close my eyes and then i imagine doing something i'd rather be doing if i was out and about. so i do it in my mind and somewhere along the line i crossover into sleep. if there's music playing then i just imagine it as part of what's going on in my mind.

but that's if i'm sleeping alone, something i hate to no end by the way. if i'm sleeping with somebody i just hold on tight and drift away. doesn't matter what's going on around me. sleeping alone sucks.
Jun 29, 2003 at 10:22 AM Post #6 of 32
Sometimes... never when using headphones, though.
Jun 29, 2003 at 10:55 AM Post #7 of 32
I hear ya on how much it sucks to sleep alone USC... Those first few nights after coming home from college were pretty miserable for that reason.

Anyway, it looks like I'm in the minority on this. To me, the music is just too interesting to let me fall asleep. Oh well... luckily she turns it off when I'm with her or else I might be looking at some serious insomnia. (Sort of like I have right now... go Team Night Poster!)
Jun 29, 2003 at 12:44 PM Post #8 of 32
HI. Many a late night I go downstairs to my lounge chair and put on easy listening music MD and my headphones and fall asleep to the music.
Jun 29, 2003 at 12:54 PM Post #9 of 32
Friday night I KO'd while listening to music. Before I was married I would always listen to music. Now, since my wife has a hard time with it (at least the type of music I want to listen to) I do not, which usually means I am up for a few more hours at least.

When I bought the Ety's to help with this situation, I was and still am able to listen just up until the point that I am teetering on sleep. At that point I just unplug and within a minute am fast asleep.

I long for the days when I can fall asleep to music nightly.
Jun 29, 2003 at 2:42 PM Post #11 of 32
Some music I have a hard time staying awake listening to. I can fall asleep with just about any kind of music through the headphones. If I am listening to some black metal with headphones and moderate volume, I quickly go to sleep. It doesn't matter what time of day or where I am. The only problem I have is that I wake up when the music stops.
Jun 29, 2003 at 2:44 PM Post #12 of 32
In the last few weeks (since getting an iPod, coming across Headroom and this site and buying a TAH and Etys to go with the HD580s I had), I've slowly drifted off to sleep whilst listening to music. It's so relaxing and enjoyable after a long stressful day - lying there in the dark with no disturbances - and I eventually get to the point where I take off the cans and fall asleep straightaway.

I've only done this with the HD580s - I dread to think what would happen if I did fall asleep with the Etys and turned my head to the side!

At other times of the day, I have to be alert and can't (or shouldn't) let yourself sink beneath the music, e.g. I overshot my stop by a few stations on the train the other day because I was so absorbed...
Jun 29, 2003 at 3:04 PM Post #13 of 32
I can very easily - and I can with D66s on!! I will go to sleep on my back and wake up like too, I know I have been lucky not to crush me darling Eggos, yet.

Sometimes though, I will wake up and see my D66s hanging nicely next to my bed with my MD remote next to them, having NO recollection of ever doing that. One morning after listening to my MX500s I found them nicely wound up in their little plastic case!
Jun 29, 2003 at 3:53 PM Post #14 of 32
No, I can't, unless I am like REALLY, really tired. Otherwise if there is music, even if it is music I don't like, I actively listen to it and it keeps me up. What I need to get to sleep is a constand drone noise, such as my computer, ceiling fan, other fan, AC. With a drone noise all the ambient sounds around the house are drowned out and I fall right asleep.


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