do WOMEN like HEAD-FI??
Apr 18, 2011 at 6:56 AM Post #136 of 170
This thread deserves a bump, not because this is some sort of social plight on Head-Fi, but because of remarks such as McProgger's skullcandy comments. It's funny that there are men out there who appreciate a good looking piece of gear (specs wise) as opposed to something made 25 years ago. To me it's no surprise that the kids dropped out of this discussion when it became far too "socially" technical and rather than rebut what's been said, they stopped posting.
A few weeks ago I asked my female friends why they prefer going to workout at places like Curves. They said it's because they're tired of the attention brought onto them at a gym. My first reaction? It's because they don't want to be seen as "jacked" when lifting weights or they want to come in "scrubby." That's my male-dominated ego speaking. I'm not a female so I can't comment on what the reasons may be, but my response would be: this community should drop the sexist puns, and leave out the skullcandy remarks. Maybe females just DON'T want the attention that they're female. My female friends told me it's easier for men to goto the gym because it's more of a man thing to come in scrubby or lift weights, not so. If we left those stereotypes at the door and just decided to enjoy each other's company through relevant and mature discussion, then females wouldn't have to feel isolated. At least on a forum, males and females don't wear their gender on their sleeve. But bringing up veiled stereotypes only reminds them that they are what they can't change. boomana gave a list of the gear she listens to, and McProgger came up with
Quote: JamesMcProgger
and when  do you use your skull candy's?

When you said "more female audio geeks would be a good thing", well sure I agree, but instead of focusing attention on more female audio geeks, how about just audio geeks in general? The next post pretty much sums up what MuppetFace and others have to deal with
lets get some hot audio geeks!

The picture painted here is that men are also stereotypically superficial, and interested in female company because they're females and they're "hot." These have no relevance to the quality of someone's ear and auditory perception, or their technical understanding of audio gear in general or in specific. So next time, save yourself the additional steps of writing these replies and clicking submit, and just take it for what it is. I commend those Head-Fiers who have gone beyond such petty ways of thinking and respected their space as they have respected ours.</rant and anymore replies on this>
OT: posting for the sake of upping your posting count only adds more unnecessary noise to a discussion.
Apr 18, 2011 at 12:35 PM Post #137 of 170

This thread deserves a bump, not because this is some sort of social plight on Head-Fi, but because of remarks such as McProgger's skullcandy comments. It's funny that there are men out there who appreciate a good looking piece of gear (specs wise) as opposed to something made 25 years ago. To me it's no surprise that the kids dropped out of this discussion when it became far too "socially" technical and rather than rebut what's been said, they stopped posting.
A few weeks ago I asked my female friends why they prefer going to workout at places like Curves. They said it's because they're tired of the attention brought onto them at a gym. My first reaction? It's because they don't want to be seen as "jacked" when lifting weights or they want to come in "scrubby." That's my male-dominated ego speaking. I'm not a female so I can't comment on what the reasons may be, but my response would be: this community should drop the sexist puns, and leave out the skullcandy remarks. Maybe females just DON'T want the attention that they're female. My female friends told me it's easier for men to goto the gym because it's more of a man thing to come in scrubby or lift weights, not so. If we left those stereotypes at the door and just decided to enjoy each other's company through relevant and mature discussion, then females wouldn't have to feel isolated. At least on a forum, males and females don't wear their gender on their sleeve. But bringing up veiled stereotypes only reminds them that they are what they can't change. boomana gave a list of the gear she listens to, and McProgger came up with
When you said "more female audio geeks would be a good thing", well sure I agree, but instead of focusing attention on more female audio geeks, how about just audio geeks in general? The next post pretty much sums up what MuppetFace and others have to deal with

The picture painted here is that men are also stereotypically superficial, and interested in female company because they're females and they're "hot." These have no relevance to the quality of someone's ear and auditory perception, or their technical understanding of audio gear in general or in specific. So next time, save yourself the additional steps of writing these replies and clicking submit, and just take it for what it is. I commend those Head-Fiers who have gone beyond such petty ways of thinking and respected their space as they have respected ours.</rant and anymore replies on this>
OT: posting for the sake of upping your posting count only adds more unnecessary noise to a discussion.

must be that time of the month.
Apr 18, 2011 at 3:22 PM Post #140 of 170
I think it's great that more women are becoming headphone geeks, but in general the stereotype(s) still apply on both sides. There are certainly exceptions to the rule but men and women are not called the opposite sex without a reason.

Apr 19, 2011 at 9:50 PM Post #141 of 170
I'm into nice audio quality because I love music, and I'm a geek that tends to do obsessive research before making a large investment on anything (which is what got me here). I'm not in a position to spend too much money since I'm still in school and don't have a real job yet, but when I do this hobby will probably tear large holes into my budget. Because of my interest in video games, technology, and just about everything else I like I'm often told that I'm a girl with a guy's brain
. I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or an insult...
Apr 19, 2011 at 10:07 PM Post #142 of 170
I saw a girl walking around the other day with some K701's, I asked her about them and she was like yeah...they don't sound as good as I thought they would for $300.  I noticed she had no headphone amp...(facepalm) so I handed her my RSA P-51, sure it's not ideal for the K701's but better than the iPod she was using.  Suddenly her face lit up, she asked me how to get one of them and I told her ideally she'd need a bigger amp that can swing more voltage to fully drive the K701's to their max potential.  About that time her eyes glazed over and she walked away. close, and yet, so far...
Apr 20, 2011 at 1:57 PM Post #143 of 170
At least the white K701 matched her white iPod?
May 24, 2011 at 12:38 AM Post #144 of 170

I saw a girl walking around the other day with some K701's, I asked her about them and she was like yeah...they don't sound as good as I thought they would for $300.  I noticed she had no headphone amp...(facepalm) so I handed her my RSA P-51, sure it's not ideal for the K701's but better than the iPod she was using.  Suddenly her face lit up, she asked me how to get one of them and I told her ideally she'd need a bigger amp that can swing more voltage to fully drive the K701's to their max potential.  About that time her eyes glazed over and she walked away. close, and yet, so far...

Better luck next time.  
My wife has no interest in my audio gears, period.  With all the nice gears that I have, it would be nice for her to listen to them from time to time.  Funny thing though, she has much better ears than I do...oh well, with all my heavy listening since the teenage isn't surprising.   
May 25, 2011 at 4:02 AM Post #145 of 170
My female friends are extremely intrigued by my audio gears... whenever I get something new, they'll always take turns sampling it and making pretty accurate remarks of my setup.
Maybe I am just lucky?
On the other hand, they will never BUY audio gears because obviously there are more pressing concerns for them... like clothes, bags, shoes, etc.

Oct 5, 2014 at 12:26 PM Post #147 of 170
Want to understand how women feel in a male dominated society?

Easy. Commit a crime and land in prison...some of you would make fine bitches. :wink:
Oct 5, 2014 at 5:59 PM Post #148 of 170
IT'S ALIVE!!! I mean the thread :p
Since I saw it and I'm a woman I must say that I really enjoy listening to music and the head fi helps me do the research I need so that I can buy the best vfm for me!
Btw none of my friends male or female are into listening to music apart from the bar/club but I think that men are more into gadgets .. There is an explanation for this but it's a long talk :p

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